Sometimes Monday | 4.11.22

Sometimes Monday | 4.11.22

Is for lists of things... good and not so great. I would ask you if you want the good or the not so great first, but since you are not here... I will get the not so great out of the way. If your Monday is Monday enough without any more not so great, please skip ahead...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

Lovely Rita

Lovely Rita

Color Queen!  (Okay, so I took a little license with the Beatles song... ) I had a whirlwind weekend - literally.  I drove to Glen Arbor to get Sam on Friday - 6 hours round trip.  However, I stopped a couple of places along the way.  Just a little fiber distraction!...

Daylight Savings Time

is still kicking my butt. Okay, I don't know about you but I am still struggling with the time change.  I am waking up at a ridiculous hour and, while I love the lengthened daylight hours, by 8 o'clock at night I am just wiped out!  Last night I was going to sit down...

The Great March Meltdown

Hello everyone.  If you are a lover of snow, I am sorry because if you listen outside you will hear the snow calling out like the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz after Dorothy dumped a bucket of water on her... "I'm melting!!!!" Yes, we are loosing more...

Sunday's in Ann Arbor with Amy

Hello everyone!  Well, it has been a whirlwind weekend for me with Lucy, errr - Sandy (who really needs to get a blog!).   And, it ended on a high note with a visit to the Ann Arbor Library to hear Amy Singer speak about No Sheep For You or knitting with something...

No more Marvin!

Yes, that is correct - I can wrap up my tenure with Michigan's Unemployment Voice Activated Services - or "You can call me Marvin". This is no longer The Home for the Unemployed!! Yes, you read that right - last night I got the phone call from MetroHealth and they...

E is for energized!

E is for energized!

and by the end of the day it will stand for EMPLOYED!  Or at least I hope it will - I know I have a job, but I am waiting for HR to get the paperwork together.  Until I have that, I am in a bit of limbo, but that is alright with me.  Yes, that is right - yesterday I...



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