Museum of Me | January 2022

Museum of Me | January 2022

I thought it might be fun to join Kym once a month and invite you all to an exhibit of My Museum... and then I saw January's prompt: Something you were really good at as a child (either something you still do — or something you “grew out of” doing) Hello fun... come...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

It's a white frosted world….

It's a white frosted world….

...and my 100th post! Yesterday morning we woke up to a clean white blanketed world. Roads were not too bad - we got about 4 inches of snow over night. It appears that we have some more on the way this week. Here are some pictures of our snowy white world...Frosted...

You can't keep a good knitter down!

Or a so - so knitter either! I went out to SnB last night - it was the last Thursday of the month and that is the night that we are all working on our "block a month" squares - this is the afgan I am knitting for DD#1 to take with her when she heads off to the...

Graceful, thy name is not Kat

Hey everyone. Lent has begun and who'd of thunk I'd be giving up knitting! Yesterday, on a morning that the sunrise was gorgeous after a beautiful starry night - think no clouds - I headed out to work, on a mission to purchase some "paczki's" for the Tuesday morning...

Virtual Me?

Virtual Me?

Okay, while reading Lynne's blog today - I about died laughing - until I went to My Virtual Model myself. Hmmm, can you say diet?Here I am in all my virtual glory! I put clothes on her to hide the hips and thighs!! Please notice there is no rotating allowed here like...

Sunday Sunset

Sunday Sunset

Hello everyone!I hope you all had a great weekend - it was snowy yesterday, but we had some sunshine today. At least enough to have a sunset this evening.It was a pleasant ending to a lovely Sunday. I went this afternoon to knit squares for "Warm Up America" - this...

Snowy Saturday

Hello everyone! What, you say... snow again??? I am just shocked at how much snow has fallen over the vast majority of the midwest and beyond in the relatively short month of February. The weatherman tells me that we are supposed to warm up next week though - warm up...



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