Sparks of Joy That Burn Brightly

Sparks of Joy That Burn Brightly

While doing some Konmari in my office last week, I found this…

IMG_1099 It is the first thing I ever created. I was about 5 years old and my Nana (who was an amazing seamstress) was sewing and I wanted more than anything to learn. She helped me make this pin cushion. I cut out the pieces under her guidance and sewed them on her sewing machine. I was infinitely proud of this small project and a crafter was born. I used this pin cushion for a long time, and then it got packed away with the sewing machine – both sitting long forgotten for a good number of years. The sewing machine is out and back in use now, but I had entirely forgotten the pin cushion until I found it cleaning out my office.


A First Birthday, Remembered

A First Birthday, Remembered

A rare photo with my dad (complete with the perpetual cigarette he always had) on my sister’s 1st Birthday! I do not remember this at all, and I would have been almost 5 years old. However, I do remember that double weave tablecloth in blue and white – almost Delft-like and most appropriate for where we lived. It is odd the things we remember!
The Little Girls in the Big Woods

The Little Girls in the Big Woods


It is sad but I only have a few photos documenting my childhood. This is the only photo I know of from which an enlargement was made, a rarity outside the annual school photo. My parents were just not photographers.


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