Tuesday Things, November 28

Tuesday Things, November 28

I had absolutely no clue what to write about today and then the swissmiss newsletter came!

And, especially this link!

I have:


Perhaps a bit of a riff on this. I am thinking this will be the most festive accompaniment to my Christmas decorations! Who knew I would still have Rosemary growing at the end of November, but somehow I do! I wish you could smell it in here right now!

In a totally unrelated thing: why is it that lights that worked last year when you took them off the tree, magically no longer work this year when you are trying to put them on the tree? I am pretty sure there is a conspiracy in the Christmas light industry to ensure that you must buy new lights every year. GRRRR!

Hope your Tuesday is full of good smells and working lights!

Randomly, Tuesday

Randomly, Tuesday

Even though the weather is all summer-y here again, each day there are more red leaves on my burning bushes. It’s as if they are reminding me that no matter what the thermometer says autumn is THURSDAY! You are welcome for that bit of news…

There was a bit of excitement last week! The Man Booker Prize shortlist was announced and I was happy to see that I had already read one of the books! AND last night my hold for Paul Auster’s 4321 came through! Thank you, Carnegie Library! Reading shall commence shortly!

iOS 11 will be out later today…and I should tell you all, it is quite awesome. I signed up for the public beta and upgraded to it last week and the improvements are nice! Oh, and for all your iPad users…the update there is even better! Oh, and there are some pretty interesting new watch faces for iWatch users!

There are open sign-ups until Thursday at The Balanced Life. Really, it is the hardest, fun thing I do! Don’t you want to join me?

And, finally, Shepherd’s Lamb now has a newsletter! And, they are sharing a discount code for all new subscribers! You can sign up here. (in case you missed my thoughts on their Rambouillet Yarn)

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Every Day Good

Every Day Good

There is so much going on every day and not all of it good. So, every day I try very hard to have something good to focus on, I thought I’d share a bit of that with you!

Watching: The eclipse! Even though in Pittsburgh we only got a partial eclipse – it was spectacular even with some cloud cover. The changes to the light were stunning. You will be happy to know that our household listened to the directions of not looking at the sun to prevent retinal damage. This was not the case for everyone… Perhaps this should be a test for competency? And, as for the digital watching: Game of Thrones (of course!) and Endeavor! I also watched the finale of Broadchurch and honestly, I was a little disappointed. But, I won’t say any more than that for all those who have yet to watch it.

Stitching: Every single day and I am really pleased with how August is unfolding. Really pleased! I also went and got some button craft thread and my hope is that I will soon turn this pile of tee shirts into my first AC garment.

Reading: and listening like a maniac as I chase down my cover all! I am just 2 squares away and have about 18 hours of listening to do. I am eager to get them done because Beach Music by Pat Conroy just came off hold for me at the library! I am also reading the Essays of E.B. White on my Kindle and I have both books by Laurie Colwin (Home Cooking and More Home Cooking). I am almost done with Home Cooking – I should have it completed this week. This has really been the most spectacular summer for reading. Ever.

Picking: Tomatoes…so many tomatoes. That picture above is from this morning! I know, you are all probably sick of hearing about tomatoes, but this year, the volume of large tomatoes has been really quite spectacular. In past years, I have been happy with the dozen we have picked, but this year has had a bumper crop with no signs of production slowing down! Also, raspberries… I picked enough again this morning to make a batch of jam. I know these are such awful problems to have. Spending time in my garden is really the best time, I would not trade it for anything – even with the bunnies decimating our beans! There should be a “not picking” category perhaps, because outside of the handful of zucchini we picked at the beginning of the season, it has not been a good year for them at all. We have picked a sum total of zero since then and it does not look like that will change. I am not sure why they are having such a bad year, but my neighbor is not having any success with his squash plants this year either.

Eating: Tomatoes from my garden! Every.single.day! And, for those things we aren’t growing: sweet corn, peaches, and an incredible variety of peppers! August is the month where I am quite certain I could become a vegetarian.

Looking forward to: Our trip to Michigan! We finalized the dates and have our Airbnb reservation all set. It is the one thing that is really giving me something to look forward to! Why? Because…

Dreading: The end of August. The arrival of Labor Day. The return of dark mornings. Having to turn lights on at night earlier. This summer I have really tried to not “wish ahead” but rather spend more time in the moment enjoying. This has been an eye-opening practice – I am much happier with each day and I am worrying less about tomorrow, or next month, or next year. September, you can just wait your turn – there is lots of August left!

Celebrating: Sherman’s 5th Birthday on Saturday! Every day I am so incredibly thankful for him. He is a bright spot in our day.

That is a slice of what is good in my life right now; how about you? What’s good in your life?

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