An Intentional Life

An Intentional Life

Live with Intention. Walk to the edge. Listen Hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is. – Mary Anne Radmacher

It turns out that January’s fumbled start was just what I needed to stop and consider what intention can mean for my life. And February brought lots of thoughts and even some ideas and before I knew it, being intentional slowly began to take root in my days.

One thing I wanted to be more intentional about this year was my reading. I really needed to give myself permission to slow down and savor a story versus being a perpetual participant in the Reading Race. And wow, this has been a surprisingly delightful thing. Part of that slowing down and savoring process has included writing brief reviews/thoughts on the books I have finished. I am taking time from when I finish a book to when I write the review – time in which I am processing the story, thinking about what I liked, what stayed with me, and what about this book makes me want to tell someone they need to read it (or not as the case might be).

The other part of my intentional reading includes reading more poetry. I know very little about poetry outside a few poems that my grandpa eagerly shared with me. He loved poetry and had so many poems memorized and it was amazing to hear him talk about them. But my poetry knowledge leaves much to be desired so this year my goal is to read a book of poetry each month. I never realized what I was missing by not reading poetry, but the journey thus far has been both eye and mind-opening!

The other facet of my life is making, and it is clear to me that I need to be be intentional in my making (as well as my reading!) I spent some time going through “in process” projects and a good number of them were unraveled. It felt so good to reclaim those needles and my “yes, I really want to make this” list is now manageable. I realized that making is not a race – I love the process of knitting. But, honestly…how many more sweaters, scarves, hats, etc. do I need?

I have been slowly going through my wardrobe with some intention as well and as a result I have more things that will be leaving which makes it easier to see “holes” that need to be plugged. Once I have completed this “clean out” I will have a list of things that I will work on making as the year progresses. Intentional making is a very good thing!

One thing I have been truly been missing is some kind of daily stitching – but again, I don’t really need or want to do twelve more months of stitching projects. However, a somewhat planned 100 Day Project might be just the thing and I have begun sketching out some ideas of what/where/how I’d like to create this textile. I’d like this to fall somewhere in between “play with abandon” and “continue to learn” or perhaps both!

I am joining Honoré and friends as we explore our words together! Stop by and see how everyone did!

Photo by Nubia Navarro (nubikini) from Pexels

An Intentional Life

An Intentional (?) Beginning | 1.28.20

I am joining Honoré and friends today to share my start with my word for 2020:

If there is no struggle, there is no progress. — Frederick Douglass

I foolishly assumed that my focus of 2019 would just flow seamlessly into my intentional start to January.

Key word there… foolishly.

Because for as brilliant as focus was, my intentional start was, well, rather rocky. Uncomfortable. Awkward. Unsettled.

I even had some moments when I considered picking a different word!

But I persevered and have settled in with my discomfort – sort of. The wisdom from Frederick Douglass has become my mantra:

If there is no struggle, there is no progress.

So, I don’t have much to share this month outside of this messy, unproductive start.

However, I am immersed in the struggle and live in the hope that progress will soon be visible!

Did you pick a word for 2020? How has your start been?

An Intentional Life

An Intentional Life

Intentional living is the art of making our own choices before others’ choices make us. — Richie Norton

As you all know, my word for 2019 – focus – made a huge impact on my life. I do not want to lose that in 2020, so I spent a good bit of time thinking about where I wanted to go.

Words like purpose and intention kept turning up in the most curious ways. I spent some time “trying on” these words and as I began to plan where I wanted to go in 2020, it became clear that intentional was the path I wanted to travel.

Miriam-Webster defines intentional as something “done by intention or design.”

I have spent a year honing my focus and I have some good habits to show for it! This year I plan to be more intentional in all things…making, reading, and yes… living! And I am very excited to embark on this new journey – a journey of my own making!

Finally, I would like to take a moment to thank Juliann for her brilliant hosting this year! Without her initiative, I am not sure that I would have had as much success this year as I did!

What about you? Did you choose a word for 2020? Please join Honoré and share your word!

Photo by Nubia Navarro (nubikini) from Pexels

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