When Konmari Sparks Saudade

When Konmari Sparks Saudade

I had been so filled with joy in emptying out boxes and sorting through things from my move to Pittsburgh.


Overflowing with joy!

There were things that were easy to either move on to a new home or get rid of because if you have not used something in 3 years, you probably don’t need it right?

However, I moved here with LOTS of things from/for my kids. Things they made. Things I made for them. Things I loved dearly and that sparked such amazing joy.

If something sparks joy, Marie says it’s a keeper and this stuff sparks joy and then some! However, would they spark more joy in my children’s homes now?

Heidi Quilt

Two Year Old Hands carefully stitched.

I had to take a step back and reassess my Konmari process. There are things that Marie Kondo had left out of her amazing little book. She forgot about the Saudade items – those things that bring deep, nostalgic, and melancholic longing for a time that will never return.

So, I have begun a box or two that will go with us when we visit my kids at the end of the month. The sorting process has gone rather slowly as I have worked through the challenging task, and it has been filled with bittersweet memories and a wistful longing for days gone by.

I am going to need more Kleenex™ to get through this.


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