Useless information, IF only you knew…

I saw this on one of the many blogs I read, I am sorry – I do not remember which one.  I think it might have been on Perpstu’s weblog… but if it was not, I apologize for plagerizing!

Can you tell that I am getting more than a bit bored with the recovery process?  Just wait, by Friday you may have bruise photo’s to color your weekend!

Without further adieu, more useless information you did not know you needed to know!

If I were a liquid, I would be – effervescent water

If I were a metal, I would be – sterling silver

If I were a tree, I would be – the poem about Trees by Joyce Kilmer

If I were a fruit, I would be – a pomegranate

If I were a flower, I would be – the Lily of the Valley

If I were weather, I would be – the rainbow that shines in a rainstorm

If I were a musical instrument, I would be – a cello

If I were an element, I would be – Periodic Table #11, Na.  For without sodium life is most bland…

If I were a color, I would be – a very verdant and earthy green

If I were a feeling, I would be – excitement

If I were a food, I would be – a feast for the senses

If I were a sentence, I would be – compound – complex

There you go, feel free to take this and make it yours for your blog!  Let me know you did Gentle Reader, because you know I am dying to know all that is useless about you!

Happy Wednesday all!

A List For All Seasons…

There has been much discussion of lists lately in the halls of my favorite Social Network and one of the lists that has recently been discussed and requested was my List for Men.  Yes, gentle reader, I have a list which I am sharing with you today.  How did this list come about you ask, well read on and you will understand.  I am a girl who needs a road map to get through life, it seems.  I share with you mine…

In the strange world of dating and relationships, classify me, hands down, Slowest Learner in all of History!  One would think that if I can get “it” easily in most every other aspect of life, one would assume that I would be a quick learn in the Romance Game.

Not so, gentle reader, if I had a coach,  maybe I would not have made so many mistakes.  That being said, I did not, and so after much trial and as many errors.  I determined that I would write my own list.  Nothing concrete of inflexible, okay – maybe more than a little concrete and somewhat inflexible, but at the ripe old age of 47, it is obvious that I need a map to get where I need to go.

Thus, The List was born.

I have always been drawn to the direct opposite of me.  I would say black – they white.  Really quite interesting and effective if you are looking for someone to debate, however not a good choice for someone you want to live with for any length of time – at least if you want to have anything that resembles harmony, that is.  Now, if I had even a modicum of intelligence that I actually used, you would think that I would have figured this out, oh say, 10 years ago!! Think again, I must subscribe to the “I will keep trying until I get it right if it kills me” plan.  After the last relationship ended so poorly, I knew I did not want to hurt another person, purposely or not, by advancing through life willy-nilly.

One evening, while I was listening to some music that I liked the Epiphany occurred.  Here I was listening to something I liked, and there was no ridicule, no great debate about it…and it just clicked.

Therefore, the list begins with music.  There should be some mutual appreciation for each others musical tastes.  I am not looking for a moratorium banning anything but what I like, just equal time.  A simple start, I think.

That fed quickly to political leanings.  I was so over debating politics with anyone,  much less The Someone who might live with me.  I quickly added this to The List.  Of course, I just excluded almost the entire populous of West Michigan, but I was forging on.  So, unless you are of a liberal mindset there will not be any consideration.

That led to NPR, whom ever I would ever be involved with again needed to at least know what NPR is.  Preferably, listen – but the knowledge of intelligent radio is a start.  One think they could not do is listen to any of the Shock Jock Radio regurgitation that is being spewed out over the airwaves.

This spurred the no NASCAR rule.  Enough said.

I went along beautifully with this rudimentary list and was most satisfied with it.  However, there were things that I thought were obvious to everyone, that were not to some. So, add to the list good hygiene and teeth!  I know, who’d a thunk it??  Nevertheless, there it is!

I love to cook, so those that despise mealtime or think food should be rote need not apply either.

I would also like them to be positive, cheerful, and upbeat.  Okay, nice dream…but in reality it would be nice just to have someone who is not a complainer or negative about everything.  Attitude is not everything, but on some levels, it is.  Everything in life is a choice, ones attitude is, in my not so humble opinion, the simplest of those choices.  Quick wit and the ability to skillfully participate in verbal repartee is an added plus.

They must be unfailingly honest.  Being deceitful will earn you a one way ticket to the door, quickly.

Money and the desire for it and Things are not important to me.  I have reworked this in my own life and found it to be a marvelously freeing experience.  I have been fortunate to discover that I can live richly on little.

Therefore, basically, I have changed my course, redirecting myself towards people who have more in common with me than not.  The List, like me, is open to change.  I welcome, gentle reader, your comments and suggestions to help me as I go forward, perfecting my map for what I am looking for.

The Colors of My World…

The Colors of My World…

My creation by you.

Autumn has most certainly arrived here in West Michigan and it brings with it changing leaves, changing skies, and Home Coming!

Yes, I know.. maybe I need to get Heidi fitted with sackcloth and ashes.  I wish I had the foresight to have snapped a photo of the look on her dad’s face when he saw Heidi’s date get out of the car, priceless I am telling you!!  So, later that evening when she and Jordan were over laughing and carrying on and Holly Hop came up (Holly Hop is when the girls and the boys – aka Sadie Hawkins) and the girls say they are going to ask “gangster boys”.  Give me strength.  That is all I am saying!!

I lost the heat wars last week as well.  With the temperature inside registering in the 40’s I caved and turned on the heat!!  It was on and off just as quickly – we have warmed up this week nicely!  But, we have had several hard frosts overnight that have covered the ground with an icing of white!

For the enquiring mind, I did have surgery on Monday.  And, I am on the road to recovery.  It is a slow and somewhat rocky road.  A big bump occured yesterday when I had to remove my pain pump.  As long as I don’t move my arm, I am not in too much pain.  And the medication is most certainly befuddling my brain.  I did give it the college try and went sans pain meds until about 2PM today when I had to throw in the towel before I threw up!  Yeah, there is a lovely picture, eh?  Anyways, I am back to my medicated haze.

I have attempted a bit of knitting.. and can manage a row or two before utter exhaustion sets in.  Spinning is not even on the horizon yet.

I am off to seek out sleep in the middle of the day.  Color my world quiet!

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