Autumn has been teasing us this week with cooler mornings that give way to mild afternoons. I am soaking up each and every moment of these most welcome days!

Has my Knitting Mojo returned? Well… there is a finished Gnorwen (who has been delivered to Steve’s mom already!) But knit a sweater mojo? I am still waiting for that to show up!

In the mean time…there is a thing I simply cannot get out of my head! A variation on this theme (Ravelry link) but a rectangular variation… knit from plötulopi yarn. I need to do some swatching to see how this will all work out but luckily I have some yarn in my stash I can do some swatching with! I need to determine a width and how many flowers might fit. I am thinking about two options:

  1. Option one: Three full flowers on one “row” and two full flowers with a half on each edge of the alternating “row” or
  2. Option two: Knit the “border” pattern… as an all over pattern.

Stay tuned for some swatching to see what I like best!

And I have begun some super secret Advent Calendar sewing… When I think of the whole thing together, it seems a bit overwhelming, so I have broken it down into parts to work on over the next three weeks. I will share photos once the it has been delivered to the recipients!

Now how about a long overdue book update?!

The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper TogetherThe Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together by Heather McGhee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What to read when you think you are a “good ally” but in reading you discover that you still have a long way to go to even get to being a good ally.

This is a hard book to listen to (and I listened to Heather read it to me) it is full of gut-punches. To think about the phrase “cut your nose off to spite your face” is the reality of this book. Rather than do the right thing… the moral thing… we as a nation have chosen to do the wrong thing too many times to count… and have chosen to do it almost always to our own detriment.

Heather lays out a very clear roadmap of the systemic racism that has long been the foundation of this nation (and, sadly, is still its guiding principle today.)

I highly recommend this as must read material!

The Crowded Grave (Bruno, Chief of Police #4)The Crowded Grave by Martin Walker
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I had originally given this book 3-stars, but my disappointment in it is great. I have been scratching my head wondering how this pleasant little novel, set in the loveliest setting, could jump the shark so badly. I have since downgraded it to 2-stars but with a huge caution… the dog dies.

I do not recommend this installment in the Bruno series for that reason.

The English Girl (Gabriel Allon, #13)The English Girl by Daniel Silva
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you ask me which story from the Allon series did Gabriel hit is stride… it will be this book. Gosh, it was just so good seeing the culmination of all the work from the previous novels finally settle into place… and finally for Gabriel to be comfortable with that culmination.

As always, Allon’s wisdom and smarts are the best bits of the writing. And coming closely behind that are the relationships he builds with those around him and how he never, ever holds a grudge.

The Narrowboat SummerThe Narrowboat Summer by Anne Youngson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What an entirely charming and completely unexpected little book. The characters are lovely, the relationships they form are touching, and where they each start is not where they finish.

The power of friendship is an incredible thing!

I highly recommend this book!

What about you? What is calling you this week?

As always, if you wrote a post to share please leave your link below and thank you!

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