I recently finished reading Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Pérez and I have not stopped thinking about it since.

So why am I thinking about this today you might wonder. Well, with all this thinking about being “an invisible woman,” a poem by my beloved Ada Limón has been on my mind as well… I like how she reimagines what might be a familiar story for many of us. And yet, even in this reframing, (which I think is brilliant, by the way) there is a degree of invisibility that leaves an unsettled feeling I in me as I read it… but a good unsettled feeling… one that makes me think about reimagining all the things!

A Name

by Ada Limón

When Eve walked among
the animals and named them—
nightingale, red-shouldered hawk,
fiddler crab, fallow deer—
I wonder if she ever wanted
them to speak back, looked into
their wide wonderful eyes and
whispered, Name me, name me.

A Name by Ada Limón © The Carrying: Poems. Published 2018 by Milkweed Editions.

Bonny is gathering us all together today… stop by and see what poems are shared!

Have a great remainder of the week and I will see you all back here on Monday with an update on my word!

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