Sometimes Monday… | 7.9.18

Sometimes Monday… | 7.9.18

…looks ambitious!

The weekend reprieve from the crazy heat was most welcome, and while the heat is returning later today, this morning is cool and lovely outside. Perfect to sit outside under the pergola and knit and that is just what I am going to do! That’s right…my Day Two of the Beekeeper KAL is today!

My goal is to get past the sleeve divide and a good bit of the body done… ambitious, I know!

How does your Monday look?

Tuesday Things | 7.3.18

Tuesday Things | 7.3.18

The heat is almost unbearable, which means early morning watering and weeding (and walking!) How is it that despite the heat, the weeds flourish?

My thoughts have turned to Michigan this week, we booked our vacation and I really can’t wait to go. And, it’s days (weeks?) like this when I long to be back in Michigan and even Derek Walcott’s To Norline reminds me of this picture from a misty morning at Oval Beach.

This beach will remain empty
for more slate-colored dawns
of lines the surf continually
erases with its sponge,
and someone else will come
from the still-sleeping house,
a coffee mug warming his palm
as my body once cupped yours,

to memorize this passage
of a salt-sipping tern,
like when some line on a page
is loved, and it’s hard to turn.

I love those misty, “slate-colored” dawns and the sound of the water and the birds and the winds. Good things to think of on a quiet, but hot Tuesday morning.

Happy Tuesday everyone! Stay cool!

Tiny Moment Tuesday | 6.26.18

Tiny Moment Tuesday | 6.26.18

One of the best things about summer are the days when you just let go and enjoy the moment and today is one of those days for me! The weather is perfect for sitting under the pergola with a very good book , some knitting, and a cuppa or two.

Today might be the nicest day this week and I mean to enjoy every bit of it. I hope your weather is equally nice and that you are enjoying your Tuesday!

Summer Weekending | 6.25.18

Summer Weekending | 6.25.18

Is there anything better than a long summer weekend? I don’t think so and we certainly made the most of it this weekend.

There was a visit to our local farmers markets where we picked up some cucumbers for pickling and more strawberries to make more jam. And, yes – pickles and jam were made!

There were good foods eaten, a cocktail or two sipped, and some time spent just enjoying the warm weather!

The weekend was even rounded out with some knitting and reading!

All that makes Monday easier to face and I am more than ready to tackle what will be a very busy week!

How about you? Did you have a good weekend?

Tiny Moment Tuesday | 6.19.18

Tiny Moment Tuesday | 6.19.18

I don’t care what anybody says: Nothing is better than a tomato you grow. There’s something about it that’s different than a tomato you can buy. It’s a great thing. ~ Tom Vilsack

Mr. Vilsack is so right. There is not one thing on this earth that tastes better than a homegrown tomato and my mouth is watering in anticipation.

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