Unraveled Wednesday | 3.30.22

Unraveled Wednesday | 3.30.22

Greetings Unraveler's and Happy Wednesday! I have been very productive since we last talked! I spent some time going through my stash... and I culled quite a few things. So now when I look in my "Yarn Cupboard" I can clearly see what is there, and it has been...

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2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Kat has
read 1 book toward
her goal of
60 books.

Just in time for school to start!

Just in time for school to start!

Yes, I am all ready for school to start, kindergarten here I come! What, you say, you think I am a bit old for kindergarten?? Not so, gentle reader!  I just got my MMR shots and I assure you, I am all set to start school tomorrow! Yes, that is right!  Evidently,...

When days become nights

Good Morning Everyone! I love the early hours of the morning. I walked this morning with the dogs and it was glorious outside. It got quite chilly here last night - there was a layer of moisture on the grass, drops of dew that sparkled like diamonds as the sun rose....

The long and the short of life.

Or, how summers long days seem incredibly short! Hello Everyone! I am sorry I have been absent from blogging - it is not that I have not thought about blogging but, I have been at a distinct loss as to what to blog! Work is going well - I am finding my rhythm each day...

In search of simplicity…

It seems that the statement the faster I go the behinder I get is amazingly true. We had more rain this week, make that torrential rain and thus more water in the pool level.  (Note that I am not calling it the "lower level" any longer.  I just does not qualify as a...

When Saturday is Thursday

Hello Blog Friends! Please don't fall off your chairs, but yes, it seems that I can find the time to post more than once a month!! Will wonders never cease. What I do wish is that on my days off I would not have a gajillion bloglines to catch up on. Oy. I am woefully...

When it rains it pours…

...or, does anyone have the instructions for building an ark??? Yes, we got about 11inches of rain in 24 hours so along with much of the midwest I have a flood again in my "garden level".  I am thinking it needs to become the "pool level" and soon. This time the water...



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