Friday Finds | 7.10.20

Friday Finds | 7.10.20

It has been a very warm week here in Pittsburgh… I enjoy summer, but 90+ degree weather dripping with humidity…not so much. Hibernating in my house with the AC is not my favorite way to spend summer. But all that warm weather has made my gardens just explode! I am picking an over-flowing handful of beans every night, which means my 8 bean plants are producing way more than we can eat! Which means I will be blanching some beans to freeze! This is an incredible unexpected boon from my little garden!

This week I also made a delicious Clafoutis! (Nothing says summer like Clafoutis does!) I will generally pass up cherry pie, but Clafoutis…never! I love channeling my inner Julia Child while making it as well! Bon Appétit!

I am hesitant to post Ravelry links right now. I hope that fixes happen SOON to make it accessible for everyone. (although I did come across this on Twitter, which might help if you are having issues!) All that aside… I had so much fun looking at all the little boy sweater links that you shared on Wednesday! I will be ordering some yarn and whipping a few of them up! Thank you all!

Speaking of Twitter, this week was full of good things there!

First up, Romi shared this bit of information that I did not know! Again, Pittsburgh!! (and the episode IS very good!)


Next, some Brexit Hilarity thanks to a new account I stumbled across! RS Archer is a must follow!! Hi.lar.i.ous! (also, why aren’t my neighbors that funny??)

That is all I have for this week! Have a good weekend everyone and I will see you all back here next week!

Friday Finds | 7.10.20

Friday Finds | 6.19.20

I can’t believe what you say, because I see what you do. — James Baldwin

Happy Juneteenth, everyone.

Today I will spend the day thinking about how meaningful this day is for Black Americans…and how far White America thinks we have come…but has not. And how I can do better.

Now let’s get on with the finds!

Need some listening suggestions? I got you this week!

Also Into America hosted by Trymaine Lee has some smart conversation!

I discovered The Sierra Club’s Overstory podcast this week! It is perfect for my morning journal time!

My knitting brain has been focused on baby knits and this caught my eye this week.

But so did this… because Ansel. Ummm, yeah. It is lovely and it would be the perfect yarn for a sweater. Seriously… you need this in your knitting life. Now!

I know some of you have been doing a flurry of dishcloth knitting… but what about some potholder love?

Carolyn Bloom continues to amaze with her crocheted circles. 

And that is all I have for this week! Have a great weekend everyone!

TGIF | 6.12.20

TGIF | 6.12.20

Another week in the bag and this one brought our first 90+ degree days. If this is a taste of what is to come…sigh. Honoré commented yesterday on my “summer sweater” and it not being very wearable in 90+ degree weather. And that would be true if it were wool, but it is linen and yes, I can and will wear it all summer long. Sorry I did not get a photo of it yesterday, but it was exactly what I hoped it would be! Light, airy, and so comfortable! I finally added my modifications to the project page if you are interested.

It was a week with lots of reflection and inward looking… and listening. So much listening. And that is where I am going to start this post.

Tune in —

And this is a fantastic 8 minutes and 33 seconds. Thanks, Casey Neistat!

Get Going —

Katie gave me the inspiration to cast on my Mystery Shawl. I did start. I am on Clue One. Clue Three is out. I am not stressing about being “behind” (okay, maybe a little especially when I have this list of things I want to knit and wear yet this summer!) what yarn? I am using Jill Draper’s Ansel in Forget Me Not 1 and 3. And this yarn… oh my. It is scrumptious. I just love woolen spun yarns… and this one is perfectly done.

And then Julia Farwell-Clay had this temptation this week! Oh boy. WANT!! I am planning on this to be the perfect August Knit, you know for those days when the constantly running AC makes the house feel like a deep freeze and a nice lap full of wool is just the thing you want!

Inspiration —

This year I have been spending time reading poetry. Each month I try and find a “new to me” poet and settle in with their words. It has been inspiring in ways that I never imagined. And these days poetry becomes more and more vital to my day. I am in awe of poetry writers and their ability to put their words and feelings on paper. I think it would be so much fun to take a poetry class… and perhaps a socially distanced poetry class!

Finally, open your eyes —

Yesterday’s episode on The Slowdown was brilliant, go listen… it will be the best 5 minutes of your day! (and it was the perfect thing to have listened to before seeing this:

Yes, I see you. Yes, I care.

That’s it for the week, I hope I shared some things that will make you stop and think, some resources to help us all be better, and a little knitting… because sometimes it is the only think keeping me (somewhat) sane.

See you all back here next week!


Friday Update, Photo Edition

Friday Update, Photo Edition

It’s been a quiet couple of weeks around here, at least until we went “Yellow” last Friday.

Yellow for my house looks a lot like Red. Unlike my neighbors, we are not racing out to dine in a restaurant, shop at the mall, or get our hair done. It will be interesting to see in the next few weeks if the cases in the county reflect the colossal stupidity I see happening all around me.

But enough with the rant, how about some distractions!

While I have been gone, I have been doing lots of thinking about this blog and how to make it feel fresh to me. Some ideas are percolating around, but nothing concrete yet. For the time being, I will continue stopping in here at least a couple days a week.

Yesterday, we had a swarm of special visitors (who were welcomed, admired, and applauded). This immense swarm of honey bees is festooning on our trimmed bushes waiting for the Bee Scouts to come back and direct them to the new location of their hive! Somewhere in that swarm is their Queen, who left her previous colony and took about half of her workers and set off to find a new place to live. In a week of absolute shit news, this swarm lifted my spirits. I did not know that swarming is evidence of a healthy bee colony…yep, they don’t swarm if they are sick! I wish you could see the size (and weight!!) of these bees – the size of the swarm is about 15″x10″ in size and they are weighing down the sturdy branches so much that they are resting on my neighbor’s chain link fence!

My iPhone does not quite do justice to the magnificence that these bees are!

As you can see above, sweater knitting is moving right along, I have divided for the sleeves and am now just mindlessly knitting body. I am hopeful to have this done by next Wednesday!

These past couple of weeks I have been mourning the loss of singing – specifically choir singing. The realization that there won’t be any choir, or singing in church (if and when ‘in-person’ worship resumes) makes me very weepy. Who ever thought that singing would spread germs faster…certainly not me. So I spent a good bit of time watching all the “separate but together” choirs on YouTube – and there are lots of them, but this one kind of sums of how I am feeling…

I also have been practicing with “the big camera” this week. However, the weather conditions were either too windy, too sunny, or today – too rainy!

Lamb’s Ear makes me smile

Even in the rain, they don’t let go of each other. There is a lesson here for all of us!

That is all I have for today. I will be back next week to share an update on my word next Tuesday with Honoré! Have a good weekend everyone!


TGIF | 6.12.20

TGIF | 5.8.20

This week, oh boy. It was so hard. So damned hard. And so full of just horrific news… each day seemed to be trying to outdo the day before. I struggled this week to find a single thing for my gratitude list, much less a list of them. But here we are at another Friday and I will try and share some things that were, for me, beacons of hope in a very dark week.

Tiny Treasures:

Sometimes all you need is a letter to brighten you day. This week there were some incredible letters that filled me with hope. First up, Emerson – a letter writing devotee. (it’s a long thread, but a very worthy read!)

Sometimes, just one letter is all it takes to make a difference. Dennis Ruhnke wrote a letter with a huge impact.

This week I am thankful that I live in the world with Emerson and Dennis (okay, and Kansas State as well!!)

Gather near and listen!

Something on my bucket list was to be in the gallery of the Supreme Court. This is one of those “gosh, I wish I could do that” things that my realistic mind knew would never happen. Enter the coronavirus, and with it the LIVE STREAMING of the Supreme Court! In my wildest dreams, I never imagined being able to hear Justice Ginsburg arguing for women’s rights LIVE, from her hospital bed. Yes, that is right – if you had doubts about her superwoman powers, doubt no longer! She might be small, but she is fiercely mighty! (Here is the LIVE STREAM link and here is the archived audio from Wednesday’s argument of Little Sisters of the Pour Saints Peter and Paul Home v. Pennsylvania)

Inspired Singing:

I don’t know about you, but when I am having a blue day – some music (that I can sing along with) helps. One thing I have loved is watching artists perfect together apart. This especially made me smile. And, a new word… CONFINATION.

Friday Birthdays Are The Best:

Finally, today is my Sam’s 28th birthday. He, thankfully, must work today. (that was not a guarantee earlier this week when he learned that his work was laying off 10% of the workforce) A solo birthday at home might not be the best thing ever – I sent off a care package and we will FaceTime later today where we will be together, apart.

That is all I have for this week; I hope your Friday is full of some shining moments that make your weekend glow with happiness! See you all back here next week!

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