The View from Here

The View from Here

The yuccas are blooming rather beautifully this year. And while I don’t really care for them, I cannot deny their beauty right now. And the ants are sure having a love affair with them!

But the garden is really amazing.

I harvested my first beans.

And the last of the rhubarb, which will shortly become Rhubarb Lavender Shrub. Thanks, Vicki for the great suggestion!

How’s your view today?


The Piquant Tastes of Summer

The Piquant Tastes of Summer

Reveling in the lush greenness that is everywhere I look,

Weeding the garden and marveling at how it is growing,

Sipping iced coffee in the early morning while listening to the birds sing their summer operas,

Savoring the delicate flavors of freshly pickled vegetables,

And, knitting under the pergola,

These are the tastes of my summer.

An Explosion of Color – Internalized

An Explosion of Color – Internalized

I am not sure if it has been the volume of rain we have gotten, or the suddenly warm days, but my roses are on steroids this year! The branches are so full of blooms and buds; they are weighed down with the volume of them! And yet the buds keep coming.

This little bouquet was hastily picked before bad thunderstorms and winds arrived here three nights ago – and they still look amazing.

This got me thinking, or perhaps it was all the curiosity that this post stirred up (really, go read all the linked posts – if you were not curious before, you will be soon!)

How often do I take what comes my way, good or bad, and allow it to bloom an explosion of color in my life? Or, perhaps an explosion of something good/positive/enriching is a better way to think about it.

Honestly, I can tell you that the answer is not very often.

Oh, it is easy to do when what comes your way is good – but the bad? Yeah…

For me, that almost always just makes more bad.

I have been carefully working on my gratitude focus – trying to quietly find one or two things to be grateful for each day. Some days, I am hard-pressed to find anything, and other days the things I am grateful for flow easily into my journal.

One blessing that has come out of journaling is that I can look back and clearly see how the external effects me internally.

Now I need to focus on how to be like those roses – good or bad – create an explosion of color where I am planted!

P.S. I wrote a guest post on the Sheepspot blog with my thoughts on the first year in the Fiber Club! Sign-ups open again soon, just sayin’



It was a quiet weekend at Casa del Katknits, but sometimes downtime is just the thing you need the most.

There was a lovely, but simple, happy hour on the porch Friday, with a simple kick off to Negroni Week. Sometimes, simple is best as we let the week go and welcome in the weekend.

I was saddened to read of the passing of Muhammad Ali. While I was never a fan of boxing, I was of fan of Mr. Ali’s. His passing brought to mind the one and only experience I had with the man. We were both on a flight from Chicago to LA some 30 or so years ago. He was in first class, I was not. However, on the flight a row or two in front of me was a family – mom, dad, and their 8 or 9-year-old son who had Down’s Syndrome. During the flight, Mr. Ali came back to ask the boy for his autograph. I am not sure how he knew the boy was there, but Mr. Ali spent at least 20 minutes talking with the young man – absolutely oblivious to everyone but the boy and his family. His shock when the boy asked him for his autograph was genuine and brought tears to my eyes then, and now. I will never forget this incredible man’s sincere kindness that day. Nor will I forget our brief, but spectacular, conversation while waiting with him for our respective pieces of luggage. He was truly a gentle soul and the void he leaves in this world will be difficult to fill. Rest in Peace, Mr. Ali, rest in peace.

Saturday was filled with reading and knitting as I worked on finishing my Indigo Cones. I was unhappy with how the shoulders joined and spent some time thinking about how to work them better. Sometimes insomnia is the best thing, especially when you have a challenge to solve. At least for me in this instance it helped!

Sunday was equally quiet, a trip to the library and some more knitting.

It was not an off the charts exciting weekend, but it was one of the most revitalizing ones I have spent in a long time. I am ready to face Monday renewed and refreshed for whatever it may bring!

Happy Monday, Gentle Readers – make it a good one!



Listening to A Playful Day and Squam Morning on the Dock podcasts – and I am loving them tremendously.

Moving with new Merrell walking shoes, which are awesome for my energized morning walks. Sometimes even with that character pictured above! Although, he is more a leisurely pace walker!

Planning out the books to read that will fill some squares for Book Bingo – I have penciled in To Kill a Mockingbird, Written in my Heart’s Own Blood, Red Bones, Blue Lightning, The Ocean at the End of the Lane, and one of the Harry Hole mysteries (I have several on hold at the library – we’ll see what comes through first!) I need a bit of your help with a book that you absolutely hated. Really. This will get me my first bingo and well on my way to the second bingo (what??) I will just have to figure out what book from the Harvard Classics 5-foot shelf I want to struggle though!

Cutting out the muslin for the Merchant and Mills dress. And, yes, I am a bit nervous. Yes, I know it is just the muslin, but I am not sure how I will alter it if it does not fit right. Really.Not.Sure. Stay tuned, I promise to share all the details!

Spinning the last ounce of Shetland, seriously, the last ounce (I weighed it!!) This will give me just over 600 yards, which will be a nice cushion for the sweater!

Enjoying the stretch of sunny days that we have been having! Having to water is a happy task! After so many days without the sun, and such a cold spring – the sun and warmth are so welcome!

30 Degrees in February, and laughing and crying and loving it!

Knitting the second sock of Carole’s Picot Edge Socks, Through the Loops Mystery Shawl – clue one is done, and plugging away at my Indigo Cones. I am determined to get through my WIP basket before the Summer Knit-Along is over. However, there may be more socks cast on along the way!

Feeling really fulfilled in my work life right now – on so many levels. I am filled with inspiration and creativity; I am learning new things and stretching my boundaries in very good ways!

That is the snapshot of my life right now, but tell me what is your current favorite?!

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