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Unraveled Wednesday | 7.21.21

Unraveled Wednesday | 7.21.21

Summer making is just so good! I have two "Moon Rise" coasters completed... and they are perfect! A combination of hand stitching and machine stitching... I appliqued the moons on, then I sat at the machine for less than 15 minutes to sew them together. Then I spent...

Sometimes Monday | 7.19.21

Sometimes Monday | 7.19.21

Brings new things! A rainy weekend meant that I spent more time indoors (and got a jump on the week's tasks!) But that is okay because have a bit of a pattern puzzle to put together and some tools to find! (Hello, grommet setter!) So thanks to that weekend rain, my...

Good Things | 7.16.21

Good Things | 7.16.21

Hullo, Friday! Like clockwork, you arrive bringing with you the weekend, which might be the best constant ever. Last night my "new" book club finished Good Talk. It seemed most fitting that we met in the Lincoln Gallery for our final discussion. The conversations...

Unraveled Wednesday | 7.14.21

Unraveled Wednesday | 7.14.21

Greetings Unravelers! Happy (almost) mid-July! (a statement that does not even seem remotely possible!) Despite that fact...my world of the Great Summer Slow Down is full of so many good things! I have a finish that I, sadly, cannot yet share. But I wanted to talk a...

Sometimes Monday… | 7.12.21

Sometimes Monday… | 7.12.21

Arrives and I have nothing for a blog post. So when all else fails, poetry saves the day! I hope that this poetry will bolster your day and start your week off in the best way! See you all back here on Wednesday! In Summer Twilight Joshua Henry Jones, Jr. Just a dash...

TGIF | 7.9.21

TGIF | 7.9.21

Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air and you. — Langston Hughes The hot, muggy weather returned which meant I was spending extra time watering the vegetable gardens so when some summer storms rolled in, it was so...

Unraveled Wednesday | 7.7.21

Unraveled Wednesday | 7.7.21

It has been a slow making week here at Casa del KatKnits... but the three tubes have been joined which seems like a good thing...and it is! It means I am closer to a finished sweater, but it also means I have monstrously long rounds to knit... monstrously long! But I...

Very Good Things | 7.2.21

Very Good Things | 7.2.21

Summer Slow Down continues  despite the cooler temps and some really good "soaking" rains we've had over the last day. Truthfully, it was a welcome change from 90+ degree days. I understand that our heatwave was nothing compared to what many are experiencing, but...

Unraveled Wednesday | 6.30.21

Unraveled Wednesday | 6.30.21

Gentle Readers... we have arrived at the final day of June...sigh. It gives me a tiny pang in my heart to say that and despite a week of 90+ degree days...life is just so good! On the making side of my life... I am progressing on my Test Knit... this week the three...

Release | 6.28.21

Release | 6.28.21

If you’re always racing to the next moment, what happens to the one you’re in? Slow down and enjoy the moment you’re in and live your life to the fullest. ― Nanette Mathews Carolyn's prompts for June included a Blast List, which I struggled with... I was stymied by...

Very Good Things | 6.25.21

Very Good Things | 6.25.21

“How did it get so late so soon?” ― Dr. Seuss Today I am one with Dr. Seuss. It is the last Friday in June... and all I can do is wonder where the heck the month went? But it is still June for a few more seconds and so let's slow down and savor some things that stood...

Unraveled Wednesday | 6.23.21

Unraveled Wednesday | 6.23.21

Greetings Gentle Readers! Apparently sofa's have a great desire for AirPods...and yes, I found them deep inside in a place I did not know my sofa had. I also found one pen and, curiously, just one stitch marker. The Single Stitch Marker surprises me because I am very...

Sometimes Monday | 6.21.21

Sometimes Monday | 6.21.21

Bring (the official start of) summer and a very full week. I have a list which includes the mundane that I don't need a list to remember to do, but the joy of crossing things off inspires me to always include the mundane. It includes finding a new physician... never,...

Very Good Things | 6.18.21

Very Good Things | 6.18.21

I want to close this week out with a list of Good Things that I thought you might find some of them enrich your days as well. All these things all fit well with my LSD Mantra (Learning to Slow Down) for the summer. Listening things are probably the best part of my...

Unraveled Wednesday | 6.16.21

Unraveled Wednesday | 6.16.21

“LSD stands out for learning to slow down.” ― Santosh Kalwar Yes, this is my mantra for the remainder of the summer. Life in the slow lane... just feels good. In pre-slow times, I would have slammed this tunic out (with a mistake or ten because speed) and moved on to...

Looking Back | May 2021

Looking Back | May 2021

“Most of the dandelions had changed from suns into moons.” ― Vladimir Nabokov For a long month, May seemed over before it began! Likewise... holy cow it seems like all we did was drink! (Perhaps that is why the month flew by? lol) Anyways......

TGIF | 6.11.21

TGIF | 6.11.21

I don't know about you, but the days are racing by... how is it the 11th already? Yikes! I want summer to slow it right down... take your time! What's the rush? Right? And with the idea of things racing on past, this weeks list of things are things that are all about...

Unraveled Wednesday | 6.9.21

Unraveled Wednesday | 6.9.21

Winston provided me with my Hat Review... and I am going to make those brims just a wee bit narrower so he can see, but still be shaded from the sunshine! But... did you ever see anything cuter than Winston in hats? Me either! LOL This second half of the week I will...


Kat’s bookshelf: read

When All Is Said
it was amazing
Seven chapters of sheer bliss. Beautiful writing and an incredible tale. Who would you toast on the last day of your life?
it was amazing
LOVED! Every single word. The thread that tied this story together is wonderful! I could not stop listening – it was that good!
2019 and audio
There Will Be No Miracles Here: A Memoir
it was amazing
A beautiful memoir. The writing is wonderful – the story shared is so poignant. I highly recommend.
2019 and audio-2019



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