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Winter Haiku

Winter Haiku

100_0234, originally uploaded by As Kat Knits. Daylight increasing Slowly melting snow and ice Winter is waning

Two for Tuesday

Two for Tuesday

I know many of you participate in 10 on Tuesday, but today it is just two - and a delicious two it is at that! I have long been in search of the perfect bread recipe and, Gentle Reader; I have finally found it! The recipe comes from The Red Spoon - and it is...

What 10 below looks like…

What 10 below looks like…

100_0153, originally uploaded by As Kat Knits. Winter is wreaking havoc here in my little corner of the world. When I woke up this morning, the air temperature was about 10 below. It has managed to inch its way up to 16 out, not quite a heat wave, but at least it is...

Life in the Cross-hairs

Bigotry [big-uh-tree] - noun - (the) stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own. "When you look at unbalanced people, how they respond to the vitriol that comes out of certain mouths about tearing down the...

In the stillness of the morning…

In the stillness of the morning…

100_0140, originally uploaded by As Kat Knits. This was the scene that greeted me when I woke this morning. We are again blanketed in snow and more is on the way. While it is bitterly cold out, there was something strangely comforting about the hushed stillness of the...


The Party of No is becoming the Party of Can't! That is right, the GOP who gained some great satisfaction in saying "no, no, no" to almost everything is about to become the Party of Can't in a big way. It seems, my fellow American, that unless you are fortunate to...

It's a Blue letter day…

Maize and Blue, that is! It's great to be a Michigan Wolverine! Especially since we are now C-O-A-C-H-L-E-S-S!!!!! Bye, R-Rod.. I wish I could say it has been great.

A year in pictures…

I found this on the blog of a knitter. Pummelvision from AsKatKnits on Vimeo. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery... There were lots of sunsets, even more knitting, and some really good food in 2010. Enjoy!

The beauty around you…

The beauty around you…

100_0125e, originally uploaded by As Kat Knits. This was my first visible sunset of 2011. A nice end to a weekend that found me trying to get over the Mother of all Colds. Sometimes, a little sun is the cure for what ails you!

Off to a good start!

Off to a good start!

100_0117, originally uploaded by As Kat Knits. Happy New Year, Gentle Reader! I hope that 2011 eased in gently and that you are all feeling no ill effects from your festivities! I had a quiet evening and was in bed long before the ball dropped. Such a wild life I lead...

What are you doing New Years…

What are you doing New Years…

100_0107, originally uploaded by As Kat Knits. Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? It hardly seems possible that one year has passed, and what a year it has been. A year that found itself filled with some wonderful highs that were...

A baker's life for me!

A baker's life for me!

I have finished my Christmas knitting, what little there was of it this year. I have found that the desire to knit decreases exponentially to the increase in the number of hours I work in a day. I will have my Christmas shopping done today. I did my Christmas baking...

When you need a little Christmas…

When you need a little Christmas…

I cannot believe that Christmas will be here in less than one week. I have been in desperate need of a little Christmas - or at least one of Santa's elves to make an appearance in my home, and work a bit of Christmas Magic! Alas, no elves have appeared but last...

Roses in winter…

Roses in winter…

DSCF2744, originally uploaded by As Kat Knits. "Like a rose in winter, red on fallen snow; such a flow'r is blooming where no other would grow. When in the chill of wintertime, while all the world was sleeping, love came as a flower..." After a long day of work, this...

Christmas time is here…

Christmas time is here…

Christmas 2010, originally uploaded by As Kat Knits. Happiness and cheer, fun for all that children call their favorite time of the year... Things have been quiet around Casa del KatKnits recently because I have found gainful, and very rewarding, employment. If you...

Who me?

Who me?

My creation, originally uploaded by As Kat Knits. He looks oh so cute and innocent, but do not let looks deceive you. Pillows all off the sofa? Evinrude. Cat food out of the dish and all over the floor? Evinrude. Plants un-earthed? You guessed it, Evinrude. He has...

Start your engines….

Start your engines….

Evinrude, originally uploaded by As Kat Knits. Too bad this picture cannot convey the volume of purring that is emanating from this little kitten. Because, trust me... it is loud! Meet the newest member of Casa del KatKnits... Evinrude. As for Milli Vanilli... the...

Knitting like my life depends on it…

"Knitting is the saving of life." ~ Virginia Woolf I came across this quote in one of the varied knitting "e-newsletters" I get over the course of the week. The quote spoke volumes to me and caused me to look back over my span of "Knitting Days" which now number some...


Kat’s bookshelf: read

When All Is Said
it was amazing
Seven chapters of sheer bliss. Beautiful writing and an incredible tale. Who would you toast on the last day of your life?
it was amazing
LOVED! Every single word. The thread that tied this story together is wonderful! I could not stop listening – it was that good!
2019 and audio
There Will Be No Miracles Here: A Memoir
it was amazing
A beautiful memoir. The writing is wonderful – the story shared is so poignant. I highly recommend.
2019 and audio-2019



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