Rhinebeck Envy…

Hello Everyone! 

We are truly in the midst of Autumn here.  It seems that every other day we have overcast skies, damp, chilly weather, and intermittent rain.  This is the time of year that the color of the trees makes up for the lack of sunshine.  Against the gray background the reds of the maples seem redder – and the yellows and oranges are vibrant!  Not that I am loving days and days and days of rain – but it is a bright spot.

I wanted to thank you all for your kind and encouraging words – they meant more than you know.  Each day I think of the thoughts of all of you and I am reminded that I need to keep those thoughts going towards my friends families.  I called my girlfriend yesterday – I had checked in with her last week.  She was still surrounded by friends and family in the aftermath of the funeral.  And, when I called her yesterday – they had all gone back to their lives.  Good reminder, gentle reader – don’t fall off.  Yet, there were surprising acts of kindness that made us both cry.  Her husband’s employer is providing medical insurance through the end of the year for my pregnant girlfriend and her son.  Then, her husband’s co-worker’s are all chipping in some money from their pay to have the insurance continue for 2008.  I will be taking her out to lunch one day next week.  Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Okay –  now for a lighter note –

After reading all the blog posts about Rhinebeck and the chatter on Ravelry – I am really envious of all you east coast people!  I have to work on Saturday, but, the urge to drive there is buzzing around my head.

I will be watching for all your stash enhancement that happens over the weekend – with great envy!  I really need to plan a road trip next year to participate! 

I had better get off to work – have a great day everyone!!

Kids and kittens

Kids and kittens

Hello everyone!

 It seems fall has arrived – kicking summer to the curb in it’s excitement to arrive.  So, today dawned gray, rainy, and cold – with no trace of summer who was lolling around on the sofa yesterday. 

 Words of warning – be careful of what you wish for – it may just happen!

So, I arrive home to find a new kitten at my home. Yes…you all read that right – a new kitten.

Now, no “awws” people.  One cat was wonderful – two I am not so sure about.  So now the dogs, Noel, and I have this “spitting” kitten to deal with.  Oh – it spits – at me, at the dogs, at the cat, – heavens – even at it’s image in a mirror.  Okay – I admit that is funny, but the dogs are definately not amused. 

So, I am still debating with my children about this kitten … stay posted for the news updates.

 Some of you asked for an “action” photo of my wine flip flop in action – and without further adieu… the flip flop in action!

Now – a more somber note…

 You have all been forewarned – so enter at your own risk for the remainder of this post…..

It has been a heck of a week or two (although it seems like the days have stood still at times)…. a good friend of mine committed suicide recently.  I have not blogged about it because of how painful it has been.  Then, as I was struggling to understand that – a very, very dear friend lost her husband very unexpectedly.  They had just found out they were expecting their second child.  This also knocked the wind out of my sails.  Some days life does not make sense… at all… it just hurts – so terribly much.  And there are no words to say….

This post is dedicated to two Steve’s  – may they live forever in the thoughts and hearts of those who loved them. 

Too hot to….

Hello Everyone – here it is a week into October and it was 90 plus degrees out today. 

That’s right, 90 plus – on October 7th.


Hello, Autumn? 

Are you there????

I can honestly say it was almost too hot to knit today.  Yep, the wool had to go… Banished back to the knitting bag.  With dreams of sitting on a beach somewhere –  sipping a nice cold beverage, I pulled out the Handmaiden Sea Silk I recently got – and began knitting the  Montego Bay Scarf.  Wow, this stuff is delicious!  Amazingly delicious.  It is cool and incredibly  silky – with the faint aroma of saltiness. 

The colors are definitely “fall” but this is truly a “hot weather” yarn. 

So, until Autumn decides to grace us with his presence this summery yarn will be sliding over my fingers. 

If you find yourself experiencing the “hot weather knitting blues” get yourself some of this stuff – it will cure what ails you!

Hope you had a great weekend!

October skies

Hello Everyone – have you all noticed how it seems like “overnight” that Autumn is in the air?  The trees are beginning to have a riot of color on those roads that hug the Lake Michigan coast – and in the rain this morning the smell of fall was in the air.  It was definately NOT a warm summer rain – but there was a dampness and chill in the air that belonged to fall.

 This means that it is almost time to get out the tights, socks, and cold weather things.  Almost – I am still being stubborn and wearing sandals!  Cold feet or not! 

Life continues to offer up surprises each day – and some of those surprises are quite pleasant.  Maybe it has to do with closed doors and open windows. 

There have been some sad occurances here in West Michigan – things that make one stop and review ones life.  And, much of this review has been good – very good indeed.  The everything old is new again kind of good.  In the past month I have spent much time thinking about where I am going – is this really the direction I want to be moving?  If I did nothing and moved along with status quo, would I be happy with that decision?  Well, the long and the short answer is no – I would so not be happy with where I am heading.  And, in the words of James Taylor from “Walking Man” …the leaves have come to turning and the goose has gone to fly.  And bridges are for burning, so don’t you let that yearning pass you by…

I have some changes coming – some very amazing, wonderful changes. 

 And, I have some knitting – stay posted for some pictures!

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