And in this corner…..

Hello everyone – welcome to Kitty Rumble Central!  WWF has nothing on the rumbles going on here!  There was lots of hype surrounding “The Rumble in the Jungle” – well, I give you the Rumble in the Condo!

I’d post a photo, but I cannot get them to hold still long enough to snap one! 

I’d say Miss Noel and Madame Defarge are having lots of fun together!  LOTS of fun! 

I am not sure if the pups can stand much more of this – if they get caught in the “cross fire” one more time…..

They have retreated to my bed and are snuggled under the covers! 

Smart doggies!

No news on the job front yet. 

But, I do have lots of cheap entertainment! 

Have a good weekend everyone!

Warm Golden Days

Warm Golden Days

Hello Everyone! 

I have been working on laundry and knitting for most of the morning and I am proud to tell you that I have turned the heel on the Undulating Rib Socks!  I am to the point where I need to pick up the stitches at the gussets and I am taking a small break.

Alice has been complaining.

She misses me.

So, I am off to cheat on my knitting this afternoon with her!  I am going to finish the lovely Merino I shared with you yesterday.

I have truly found my groove in spinning. 

I am so excited for Saturday!  Blogless Mary and I are heading to Howell to take a class from Spinning Spider Jenny at The Spinning Loft!  Mary and I are taking a class on plying!  So, technically, I have to have several bobbins filled with some fiber.  I am sure Alice won’t complain!

With Thanksgiving fast approaching the Christmas deadlines are racing on. 

Although, it is certainly difficult to think about Christmas with this mild weather we have been having!  It is warm out today – a balmy 55 degrees out right now! 

So, I thought I should share a little warmth with all of you – some lovely golden warmth!  Feast your eyes on these pictures I shot today!  Even though it is grey outside, there is brilliance on the trees!

I give you Autumn sunshine. 

There are some colors to warm your eyes! 

Have a blessed afternoon everyone!



Hello everyone! 

Isn’t it amazing how everyday life seems to prioritize your day. 

What do I mean by that?  Well, when I was working – there were only so many hours in the day and I would find myself moving things to be scheduled later, when I might have a bit more time.  After all, life seemed to prioritize my day.  Work filled a large number of hours – and while I had a fairly flexible schedule, it still filled my time.  Then, once I got home in the evening, there would be a large number of hours spent helping my teenagers with their homework – now I use the term “help” loosely here – maybe it is more accurate to say that I kept my teenagers on task with their homework! 

Meals quite often were of the “easy to prepare, ready quickly” variety.  Which are not always the most inexpensive to prepare.

Laundry was another item I spent a large quantity of time on!  I seriously believe that dirty laundry procreates at night, making more dirty laundry.  There was always laundry in the basket – always!

I can happily share with you one of the benefits of not working is that laundry is no longer the bane of my existance and meal preparation  has greatly improved!

Finding blessings in life has also greatly improved! 

And, Alice and I are still on the ‘honeymoon’ – here is what I worked on last night while watching “Dancing with the Stars”.  I know – Monday nights leave much to be desired on the television.   

This is some truly lovely Merino that I got from Rose – it is spinning up nicely.  I have a full bobbin and about a third of a second done.  I will work on filling that bobbin this afternoon and hopefully be plying this evening.

I also have been catching up on my podcast listening.  I am all caught up with Brenda Dayne’s Cast-On and Guido’s It’s A Purl Man as well.  This even includes Guido’s lastest episode! 

Oh – and I knit some on my traveling rib socks and have almost completed the second Snow on Cedars Mitt.  Photo’s coming soon!

Here is to hoping that you all find a few extra minutes in your day to think about the blessings you have in life!  Have a great day everyone!

Simply Sunday

Hello everyone!  It is a nice quiet Sunday here – a bit of grocery shopping, dinner on the stove, and some knitting time – I am working on some socks and the second Snow on Cedars Mitt – making one complete pair!

Not working has led to some menu planning and more organization in life.  So, out of uncertainty – there is a need to structure and planning.  Some business acquaintances have emailed me with some job opportunities.  That means cover letter to complete to send with my resume.

I am all about simplifying life.  It amazes me how much clutter abounds in my meager existence.  So, as I hone in on what is truly necessary – the clutter needs to be purged.

I see a GROJ (Get Rid Of Junk) Sale in my near future.  This will accomplish a couple of things – de-cluttering the house and an influx of cash.

Also, keep your eyes posted for the birth of my Etsy site.

Good things – Simple things.

Have a great evening.

Go Ask Alice!

Go Ask Alice!

Okay, I am not regressing back to the 60’s – but if you are wondering how much house work I got done – Go Ask Alice. 

If you are wondering how much laundry I got done – Go Ask Alice. 

If you are wondering how much knitting I got done – Go Ask Alice. 

Do you see the theme here?

Yes, Alice lured me into spinning up the undyed Bluefaced Leicester I got at the Allegan Fiber Festival.  She has a siren song – I am helpless to resist.  I am heading out today to find some waxen ear plugs that I can stop my ears with – sort of Odysseus like.  Although, maybe if I can convince my children to do all the housework – I can lash myself to Alice and spin away! 

Well – here is the before – 2 bobbins full of creamy white goodness.  The yarn has a lovely sheen to it that this picture does not do justice to.   

Here is the detail shot of my 1900+ yards of BFL.  The sheen is a bit more apparent here, I think.  I have not set the twist yet, but let me tell you how soft this is. 


Yeah, lovely huh?  I wish you could feel how yummy it is.


I googled BFL last night and I found a farm in Coopersville where I can get fleece from.  Ummm, Coopersville is less than 30 minutes from my home…. This could pose a problem! 

Next on my “need to learn” list is how to clean and prepare a fleece to spin. 

Now, on to more pressing problems – Naming the new “Little Kitty”.  There has been a vigorous debate going on between my children and me as to what to name this little black character. 

My son liked the choice of Salem.  I liked Madame Defarge (Maddy for short), and Heidi – oh Heidi – she has been calling the kitten “Negra” – spanish for black.  Yeah, that was not working for me!  At all!!!!

So, in light of how well democracy works in a family  – I, in the end, used my parental veto and removed Negra from the slate of names.  After a couple more days – one was obviously perfect and  without further ado – I am announcing the newest member of the Christensen Huis – Madame Defarge.

 Ewe-niss is the winner!!  I will be emailing you for your snail mail address to send you a package of yarny goodness!  Thank you all for playing.

 Have a great Saturday everyone!

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