Tag, you are it!

Chris in an effort to give me something to blog about for my NaBloPoMo effort has tagged me for share with you the answers to 38 questions that you did not know you were dying to learn about me.  So, without further ado – the answers to my questions.  Oh… and you should stop by and leave a comment for Chris – she is Jonesing for a new washer and dryer.  You could leave a comment for her Hubster – you know – we all can wear him down by all of us asking.  Hey, it works for kids, just saying!


1. Name one person who made you laugh last night? Ann and Heidi.  Heidi cracks me up daily – she has a “flavor of the week” thing going on.  Trust me – 17 year old girls can be very funny!

2. What were you doing at 0800? Watching the Today Show.  I have to have my Matt Lauer fix.

3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Taking the puppies for a walk and making a second pot of coffee.

4. What happened to you in 2006? Chris said it best – Life.

5. What was the last thing you said out loud? Copper go potty.  Well… it is the last thing I said out loud!

6. How many beverages did you have today? Fourth cup of coffee in progress.

7. What color is your hairbrush? Navy blue

8. What was the last thing you paid for? Chili fixings for dinner. 

9. Where were you last night? At what time? At Kyle’s house – watching Grey’s and ER – all evening.

10. What color is your front door? Beige – original, huh?

11. Where do you keep your change? Some in my wallet – more in an antique “bean pot” – although the kids frequently reduce the amount of change in there.

12. What’s the weather like today? Partly cloudy and about 45 degrees outside.

13. What’s the best ice-cream flavor? Coffee anything – and Ben and Jerry’s Crème Brulee

14. What excites you? Life.  Also, yarn – fiber – and crazy teenagers!

15. Do you want to cut your hair? No – but I could use a color touch up.

16. Are you over the age of 25? Heavens, yes!

17. Do you talk a lot? Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

18. Do you watch the O.C.? What is the O.C.?  Obviously, I do not watch whatever it is. 19. Do you know anyone named Steven?  Yes, more than one.

20. Do you make up your own words? Sometimes – doesn’t everyone?

21. Are you a jealous person?  It depends.

22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘A’. Ann, see #1.

23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘K’. Kyle.

24. Who’s the first person on your received call list? Heidi.

25. What does the last text message you received say? No texting here – that is something I leave to my teenagers!. 26. Do you chew on your straw? Nope.

27. Do you have curly hair? Unfortunately, not – pin straight here!

28. Where’s the next place you’re going to? I have no clue.  The shower would be a good start!

29. Who’s the rudest person in your life? I try hard not to have rude people in my life.

30. What was the last thing you ate? A bowl of oatmeal.

31. Will you get married in the future? I have no clue – I don’t have any plans to right now.

32. What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks? Hotel Rwanda.

33. Is there anyone you like right now? There are lots of people I like, but I’ll really like the person who gives me a job!!

34. When was the last time you did the dishes? Last night. 35. Are you currently depressed? No.

36. Did you cry today? Not yet, I haven’t!

37. Why did you answer and post this? Because Chris tagged me and I had nothing better to do.  Plus, I am hoping Chris gets a new washer and dryer!!  (Hint, hint Chris’ Hubster, in case you are reading this!) 

38. Tag 5 people who would do this survey. Boy, this is going to take some thought – Ann, because I know she will!  Laurie, so she will blog something!!  Lynne – because we all love reading her blog!  Susan, because she will have something profound to say.  And, last but not least, Judy – my knitting idol! 


With that, I shall leave you gentle reader to digest what you have learned about me – and if you are so inclined, answer these 38 questions yourself.  Let me know if you do – I probably need to learn more about you as well!


Have a great weekend all!

Actual Knitting Content!

Actual Knitting Content!

I know – don’t fall off your chairs!  I have been knitting! 

The lovely Anne has an awesome pattern for fingerless mittens – Snow on Cedars.  I truly enjoy knitting Anne’s patterns.  She is a talented knitter and a gifted designer!  So, I cast on mitt #1 last night and I just cast off mitt #1!  Mitt #2 is calling – I will be casting on shortly – as I watch Grey’s and ER. 


The yarn is just lovely as well.  It is Jojoland Melody Superwash.  I think these will be a lovely pair of mitts!  I particularly like the subtle color change in the yarn.  Sorry the photo is not the best – but it gets dark so early now – I will try for a better photo tomorrow in the daylight.

Specs of Snow on the Cedars – pattern by Anne at Knitspot – knit on US 1 dpns.  I used Lantern Moon’s Sox Stix – mmmmmmmm, are these lovely!

Mitt #2 is cast on and I am into the lace pattern at the bottom of the cuff. 

Alright – I am heading off to knit and watch the end of ER. 

Have a good evening all!

Hump Day?

Hump Day?

 Can you have a hump day if you are not working?  Wednesday’s are the “down hill from here” day in the work-a-day world.  So, do you get a Hump Day if you are in the ranks of the unemployed?

How about a Hump Month?

Can it be all down hill from here?

If it is all down hill from here, I had best get on my bike and start coasting!

Well… if nothing else – there is humor!

 Okay, so – what have I really been doing since I lost my job. 

Tears?  Okay – I will admit, I have shed a few.

Moping?  No – not so much of that.


Well – I am having a bit of a love affair with Alice.

Who is Alice? 

Alice is my Ashford Traveler – and she is the apple of my eye.  I cannot tell you how much I adore her!  She is becoming a fast friend!  She is going to get me through the crisis of loosing my job!  And, she is going to do so with style!

I had spun up all the Wensleydale I purchased at the Allegan Fiber Festival – but – my dear friend Blogless Mary – bequeathed me with the Wensleydale she purchased at the same time. 

Voila’!  Below you will find 1600 more yards of this amazing stuff! 

I am amazed to tell you that I was able to replicate what I had spun earlier!  I am telling you people – Alice is creating a monster here!  You can blame it all on her! 

My  spinning buddy – Copper – seems to be loving Alice as much as I do.  He is so content to sit next to me as I sit and spin.  I think he loves Alice as much as I do!  Here he is – all ready for me to sit back down and while away a day or two spinning and plying. 

How can I refuse this face????  I mean seriously people.  I  am working on priorities – trust me!

 So,  then there was this enabler – Rose.  She is moving, right?  Well, she had some fiber to get rid of….

Can you see where this is going???? 

Yep, I bought it.  It came home with me.  One large bag of gold, burgundy, orange, pink goodness.  One very large bag – people – I have over 1800 yards of this amazing goodness.  It is spun, plied, washed, and dried.  I present to you – Autumn Glory. 

Isn’t she lovely?  How does she look on the polished table in the sunlight?  Are your fingers itching to touch her?  Knit with her?  Can you hear her speaking to you? 

Trust me – she has a siren’s call – and I have all kinds of things rattling around my  head.  Who knew that spinning would spark such creative genius in me! 

Here is a close up – just some Yarn Pr0n for your viewing pleasure! 

So… do you think there are any spinning jobs I might find? 

Have Alice -will travel!

Have a blessed evening everyone! 





Hello everyone. 

You have all humbled me with your kind and supportive responses. 

This blog was started when I lost a long time job and when I started it I had no clue where life would take me.  I am amazed at how much calmer I am today, in the light of uncertainty, than I was two and a half years ago. 

Sometimes life is all about preparing you for the next step.  My eyes are open to so much more today than they were. 

I had been looking at other employment opportunites for some time now – I knew in my heart that I needed to find other work.  The housing industry in Michigan is shaky, at best.  I had been looking in West Michigan – and was a bit depressed at how depressed the economy truly is around here.  But, not being much of a “glass half empty” person, I could not linger in that state long. 

Then came the shake up of job loss and with a renewed sense of direction – I began to look outside my comfort zone. 

I need to apply to my life what I have been telling my children for years – change is inevitable.  Change happens daily because each day is different than the last.  Learn to embrace and accept change – life will be so much easier. 

Sometimes the hardest thing is to do what you tell others to do.

So, I am heading on a new journey.  One that I do not know where it is leading to.  But, I know that I am not traveling on this journey alone.

This could actually be a very good thing – think of how many knitting minutes I will now have between now and Christmas! 

Life is in fact very, very good.

Stay tuned tomorrow for some knitting and spinning content!

Thanks for your prayers and support – they are truly a balm to my soul!

And the name is….

Hello everyone.  Well, we have narrowed the choices down and are trying a few out on “Little Kitty” – I hope we have a decision soon.  Of course, we all like a different name.  I will keep you posted and announce the winning name later on.  I will also email the name suggester as well. 

I am convinced that life does not get easier as you get older.  Last week I lost my job.  Yep, how awesome is that?  In this economy I am a bit concerned about finding a replacement job.  I have interviewed, but I have not heard anything.  I am determined to not “read” anything into not hearing anything from them.  I obviously need to work on patience.  I have gotten a couple of phone calls from other lenders – but I am not certain that I want to continue lending in this marketplace. 

I have been reading other friends blogs – and loosing ones job seems inconsequential compared to what  is happening in other bloggers lives.  I also need to work on seeing benefits instead of problems!

So, what did I do all weekend? 

Well – I did some spinning, some knitting, some reading, and a lot of meditation.  I am thankful that my craft allows me to clear my mind of what is stressing me out and focus on where I need to be. 

I am blessed to have supportive friends, a loving family, and faith that this will all be alright. 

I am also extremely blessed to find solace in a most unexpected place, from a most unexpected person. 

My ex-husband.

So, stay tuned to see where this leads….

Stay safe and warm – we have cold weather heading in and SNOW in the forecast!

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