It seems surreal to me that we are in the final quarter of the year. It seems just moments ago that it was waning spring and summer lay long before me. Now, I am seeing trees start to turn… my neighbors dogwood has more peach-colored leaves every day.

And yet, here we are… so what am I currently doing, thinking, hoping!

Stitching —

January through September

One thing I have absolutely loved this year are these temperature circles. They have done more for grounding me in this year than anything else. The simplicity of this project is perhaps the best thing. I have an established routine where I sit down once a week and “catch myself up” and in that time I think about the days I am stitching. I have no plans to do another year of temperature circles, but I am absolutely contemplating what I might do next year that will give me the same grounding, the same satisfaction, the same contemplation. I have been doing some Google searches but nothing has sparked my curiosity. If you have ideas, I welcome them!

Anticipating —

The remaining squares to finish

The next phase of my appliqué project. I have roughly 20 more squares to go… I am making a few extra so I have some extra choices for the lay out. I am taking the stack of fabrics to Erie next week with hopes of getting close to getting them done! Then I can stitch the squares together and then I can begin quilting. I am excited for that part… my intention is to do it by hand over the winter. I have not done hand quilting for eons… and I look forward to reacquainting myself with the process.

Restarting —

Painting… I have been thinking about all I have learned and contemplating where to go from here. I want to do more than “just paint a lesson” and so I have been trying to find the path forward. I have been doing some sketches but have yet to pick up a brush. Beginning again is not easy… and because that is the case, I am going to share an update each month with you all here on the blog… something to keep me accountable! I have not picked the day yet, but I am leaning towards one of the Monday’s.

Reading —

I am also thinking about all I have read this year… it has been a very good year of reading. I have read so many amazing books this year! And it has been my best year ever with Netgalley. This year was the first year that a publisher has emailed me with a book they thought I would enjoy. That book was My Friends which I think will be the best book I have read all year. I just got another book from the same publisher… I have not started it yet, but I have high expectations! I would like to expand my Netgalley reading next year… there is something quite delicious about reading a book first and sharing my thoughts about it. But I also have let go of the “I have started this book so I must finish it” guilt. If a book is not working for me, I can move on from it. And that, my friends, is the best thing I have done for my reading time!

One Little Word —

This year, I did something new with my word… I kept a bit of a journal. It is not fancy… or artsy…and it is definitely not something I am going to share, but it has helped me tremendously this year. One thing I am doing is taking a photo of myself every month (I know… the struggle is very real) but doing it is such a good thing! But as I wind down with my word I have a unique situation this year (perhaps because of the journal??) Some months ago a word began showing up and it still is very consistently. I am very excited for next year… it will be a very different sort of word for me and confessions… I am very ready for that! I am going to be continuing the addition of a journal… with pictures of myself! Maybe by this time next year I will be able to report that I have achieved comfort with having my photo taken! Ha!

Letting Go —

Soon (as in this month!) we are canceling Netflix, Hulu, and Starz. We had several years ago “cut the cable” but it was not really cutting the cable, we added in a plethora of streaming services. Perhaps the “dark quarter” is not the time to do that but we will continue our review and cut the cord on a few more services!

And there you have a few of the things that are currently on my mind!

Have a good weekend all and I will see you all back here on Monday!

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