Unraveled Wednesday | 3.25.20

Unraveled Wednesday | 3.25.20

Greetings Unravelers!!

I have finished my Nightshift and I am so smitten!! My ending was a bit sketchy but, I like how it turned out and I used up so much of my handspun yarn! You can read my pattern notes here where I explain my “recipe” for knitting. My goal was to have this completed before I start any of the “mystery” knits coming up (Yes, I am going to knit both Romi’s Mystery Shawl and the Lunar Phases Mystery! It’s Corona-Mystery-Knitting time because I **also** started a mystery sock on Sunday as well!)

The reading has been a challenge in this topsy turvy world. Focusing has been rather tricky, but at least I had 2 finishes this week!

I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican DaughterI Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter by Erika L. Sánchez
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I do not typically read YA novels but this was the next selection in the Read With Us book club. I grew up in a city that had a very large Hispanic population and growing up I had neighbors/friends that I spent time with. I found Julia’s home to be very typical but her friends…not so much. I found that to be curious and it did not quite ring true (at least to me).

I also did not find it believable that Julia’s parents kept so many secrets about their lives “before they crossed the border.” But, it made me think about how tragic it is to be an undocumented worker, never feeling safe and never being able to travel to see family.

There are some significant gaps in the story line with little explanation of what happened. All in all, I do not recommend this book.

What Never Happens (Vik & Stubø, #2)What Never Happens by Anne Holt
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I started this book thinking there must be a book missing between the first book and this one but I could not find one! So suddenly Johanne and Adam are married and have a new baby. How they got there from book one is an unanswered mystery!

Gruesome murders are taking place and you are nicely drawn into the work to solve the crimes. Overall it is fairly fast-paced, although some parts parts drag a bit. BUT!! the ending is brilliant! No spoilers here, but it was genius and I did not see it coming!

That’s all I have this week! If you wrote a post to share, please leave your link below and thank you!

Haiku Monday | 3.23.20

Haiku Monday | 3.23.20

Grey skies whose raindrops
Gently caress the new leaves
Teasing them to wake

My daily goal is to seek out something beautiful in the tiny world around me and some days I actually succeed. Today was one of those days! The return of tiny green leaves on the bushes in my yard reminds me that despite the uncertainty of life right now, some things are constant and don’t require any human assistance. I am thankful for these small leaves!

I am also thankful for these smiling faces from yesterday! Thank you to Mary for hosting us again!

However, I did learn that slippery needles make for easy dropped stitches! The sock I was working on is up next for a “do over”! (FYI, Vera!! CoopKnits is hosting a FREE Mystery-Sock-Along! Clue ONE is up here!)

Happy Monday (yes, it is Monday even if it doesn’t feel like it!) Have a great day and stay home, wash your hands, flatten the curve!

Spring TGIF | 3.20.20

Spring TGIF | 3.20.20

Time is the longest distance between two places. — Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie

This quote perfectly describes how the passage of time feels right now. Monday seems like it was eons ago and today does not feel like Friday at all. And topping off the already chaotic week…life changed dramatically last night here in PA. All businesses that are not “life-critical” are now closed…for.the.indefinite.future. Which means Steve is suddenly not working anymore… PLUS My son is calling me multiple times a day to have me talk him down from the ledge, and my heart is breaking that there are so many miles between us because all I want to do is gather him up in my arms like I did when he was little and hold him close. Hard times, so.hard.

Tension-reliever –

This lovely gift arrived in my email this morning and I signed up before you could say Settling the Mind! Thank you, Michelle for this! Please join me… we can settle our minds together and be part of the best commUNITY, even though we are miles apart!

Great finds –

This week there were many!

First, NPR now has a very short new podcast: Coronavirus Daily. I love that I can get an update that is straightforward, no hype, no bs… just a simple update.

Want to learn to sew? (because you now have the time to learn, amirite??) Here you go… seven free and very well-done lessons! This will get you from wanting to doing!

I have a friend who recently started her “Magnum Opus” project – a Russian lace shawl with something like 60 pages of charts… Yeah, my thoughts exactly! However, I did come across this beauty, which I think could be classified in that Magnum Opus category!

Remember last week when I told you about Hinterm Stein’s KAL? Well, she released a sweater this week that is DIVINE!! (and it is on sale right now!!)

Added Inspiration –

April 7th a new #100DayProject begins and I have re-assembled my “stitching basket” and will be stitching a bit each day. This time it is a more ‘planned out’ project. I know what I want it to look like…so my inspiration is to take that thought and make it a reality on my fabric!

All.the.FUN –

Last night Mary hosted our first “Long Distance Knitting Group” on Zoom. I was concerned that I would have trouble staying awake…HA! The truth is, I had trouble going to sleep afterwards! Want in on this riotous group? We are planning to meet again this coming Sunday afternoon… watch Mary’s blog for details. We talked, we laughed, we knit… and the joy overflowed! I can tell you that this was the BEST thing I did for my sanity all week… thank you all!

That is all I have for this week… my “forced” forsythias have been a ray of sunshine in this week! (Their outside compatriots are just starting to bloom – so soon, sunshine inside and out!) Have a great weekend, stay well, wash your hands, and keep flattening that curve!

Unraveled Wednesday | 3.18.20

Unraveled Wednesday | 3.18.20

Greetings Unravelers!

A couple of things are filling my mind today: how can it be Wednesday already in a week that feels like it should be Friday and How are you?

No, really… How are you?

I have a project that is darned near impossible to put down that is filling my day…as well as my lap now! I am entirely smitten with Night Shift – I am following the “recipe” and am changing the background yarn and the “dot yarn” in different sequences – and I am happy with how that is working out! The pattern says I have 4 more repeats to do, but I think I might need to do a couple extra repeats to get a “wear-able size.”

Despite the turmoil of life right now, I am falling asleep soundly moments after getting in bed, and I have finished no books this week!

However, I want to take a minute to talk about a bit of “stash enhancement” of a different sort this week! Necessary Stash Enhancement!! All over the Knitiverse events are being cancelled – events that equate to income for many in our fiber community. Pattern designers, teachers, Yarn dyers, etc. are all feeling the pinch of this downturn in our economy (and by our economy – I mean the economy of our Knitting Community) It’s time for all of us to buy something – a couple of patterns, a skein of yarn, perhaps even an online class!

I read this blog post by Jennifer of Burke House Crafts earlier this week and she has put her patterns on sale for free until the 29th. (you could elect to pay for the pattern rather than taking it for free!)

Then I saw these Tweets from Shannon Okey:

I also found some GREAT ideas on Amy Singer’s twitter feed…and a new Knitty dropped last week! Amy has conveniently gathered cancelled/postponed events with vendor lists here!

And, I never, ever knew that Twitch.tv has a Makers & Crafting category!

Finally, Patty Lyon’s How to Support Our Fiber Community has some excellent ideas!

One thing I am fairly certain of is that you are not going to see the news talking about our community…so we need to be focused on it!

That’s all I have for today, as always – if you wrote a post to share, please add your link below and thank you!

Sometimes Monday | 3.16.20

Sometimes Monday | 3.16.20

Is time to get real.

It was a quiet St. Paddy’s Day weekend at my house but sadly, the same could not be said about my town!

Because that was necessary? Stop and think people… really, if you can stay home, stay home!

This article from USAToday was timely….#StayHome should be trending everywhere!

And, late yesterday the CDC finally got their head out of you know where…

This EXCELLENT WaPo article shows us clearly why strict social distancing is important! FYI, our trajectory has now surpassed the course Italy was on…just saying!

Stay well, stay socially distant, and for heaven’s sake, please stay home!

P.S. One thing you should absolutely do today is search “Italian’s singing on balconies” on YouTube. You will find gems like this.It’s a lovely rabbit hole to spend some time in! (Hint…Be like Italy…STAY HOME!)

Photo by Cristian Dina from Pexels


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