Fiddly-ness Factor

Fiddly-ness Factor

The weekend was kind of a chaotic blur. In the perpetual search for storage in a house with no storage, which is the bane of our existence, we again reorganized/reworked some rooms. It did not end well, and Steve is back at work today, sans that weekend feeling. End result, we fiddled with a few rooms with no real solutions found. Sadly, you cannot create storage space where it does not exist.

On a brighter note, if there had been more knitting time, I might have gotten this little bear done! But, even with the scant amount of time I did spend knitting this week, I got a surprising amount done! Several of you have asked about the Fiddly-ness of the kitting of this little bear. It starts out in a very easy and straightforward manner. The instructions are clear and concise – my one pro-tip, thus far: attach the bear head to the body after you have knit a good bit of the hood. Knitting the hood around the bear head has been the fiddliest part of the process thus far. I will let you know how the arms and legs go, but I am not foreseeing any major issues! I really love how she has configured picking up stitches! It is so insanely easy!

With so much chaos all weekend, it was easy to convince Steve that Sunday supper should include Margarita’s and happy hour food and at least for a few moments we did not care at all that Monday was looming large!

Usually my list for Monday includes several loads of laundry, but today I am passing that task on to Tuesday’s list! I am reclaiming some weekend minutes before Steve gets home from work today.

How was your weekend?

Tiny Moment Tuesday | 2.27.18

Tiny Moment Tuesday | 2.27.18

This morning was frigid, but glorious. Sunshine and a cacophony of birdsong greeted me when I took Sherman out.

And snowdrops. A plethora of snowdrops!

I did not plant them, they were here when we moved in, just one solo little cluster of tiny flowers. But, this year, they have spread and there are 7 or 8 clusters!

My favorite harbinger of spring with their tremulous little blossoms – hardy and fragile at the same time.

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Monday Meditations

Monday Meditations

There is much I am pondering this morning…

There are 21 days left of winter, and my stitching is getting nicely “full” and I spent some time this weekend thinking about how to best use these remaining days so that when winter is done, my stitching “feels done” and too.

That extra-ordinary enabler, Vicki, posted something on IG and it lodged itself in my brain. I spent much of yesterday looking through my stash to see what I might have that might work for Larissa’s upcoming MKAL. This gets bonus points as well because I am itching to knit something besides a sweater these days. I would really love to put something together that has a “lovely watercolor effect” so stay tuned!

Finally, I am anxious to get my copy of Making’s UNIFORM and to get myself prepped, I am going to get going on a dress for spring. This weather has me itching for something new! I am a bit nervous and will be making a muslin over the next few weeks, which will hopefully be successful! I am reading up on “how to” and then attempting to trace a pattern this week!

This is what will occupy my Monday… what about you? What is on your mind today?

Tiny Moments | 2.20.18

Tiny Moments | 2.20.18

After my finish of my Olympic-Bang-Out-A-Carbeth sweater, this morning I am indulging myself in Ali Smith’s Winter and a lovely iced coffee (yes, the weather here is divine!)

I have nothing more pressing this morning than finishing up the laundry and blocking my sweater!

What tiny moments are happening in your world today?

Long Weekending

Long Weekending

That’s right, the weekend carries on one more day. Thus far it has been a very good weekend with lots of replenishment time!

And, with no plumbing or equally un-fun tasks!

There was Olympic watching and yes, knitting – lots of knitting! I have to say, I just LOVE how these decreases look. I can’t wait to finish it. I only have about 10 rows to go, so I can see the finish line. I also confess, I have become addicted to watching Curling – especially the Norwegian Men’s Pants, err Team! Haha!

Today, the weather is supposed to be warmer and we are hoping for some dry moments to get in a nice walk!

If you have a long weekend as well, I hope you are enjoying it! See you all back here tomorrow!

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