Randomly, Tuesday

Randomly, Tuesday

Even though the weather is all summer-y here again, each day there are more red leaves on my burning bushes. It’s as if they are reminding me that no matter what the thermometer says autumn is THURSDAY! You are welcome for that bit of news…

There was a bit of excitement last week! The Man Booker Prize shortlist was announced and I was happy to see that I had already read one of the books! AND last night my hold for Paul Auster’s 4321 came through! Thank you, Carnegie Library! Reading shall commence shortly!

iOS 11 will be out later today…and I should tell you all, it is quite awesome. I signed up for the public beta and upgraded to it last week and the improvements are nice! Oh, and for all your iPad users…the update there is even better! Oh, and there are some pretty interesting new watch faces for iWatch users!

There are open sign-ups until Thursday at The Balanced Life. Really, it is the hardest, fun thing I do! Don’t you want to join me?

And, finally, Shepherd’s Lamb now has a newsletter! And, they are sharing a discount code for all new subscribers! You can sign up here. (in case you missed my thoughts on their Rambouillet Yarn)

Happy Tuesday everyone!



The weekend was full, there was some happy houring, some football watching, and some yard working.

And, yes, there was some knitting. I have about 4 inches to go on Ponchetta…which I think will pair nicely with the Mountain of Laundry that awaits me!

Happy Monday all!

Monday? Already?

Monday? Already?

The weekend seems like a blur of activity, and looking back I am wondering what the heck I got done! Lots of “stuff” not much accomplished.

One thing is for certain, dark and cold Monday mornings are not the best way to start a week and, this morning seemed extra dark and oh so chilly! It would have been so easy to stay in bed.

But, I somehow have an extra-long list today so, sadly, staying in bed was not an option.

I pondered the preservation of diced tomatoes last week, but Bonny’s kind reminder of the uncertainty of canning tomatoes was enough to dispel that idea. So today, I am giving Vicki’s Roasted Tomato Sauce a whirl. I am looking forward to the smell of those tomatoes roasting away and as an added bonus, the oven will heat the house up a bit!

Oh, and those pickled tomatoes? Divine! The list of things I want to put them on has grown exponentially: avocado toast, chicken salad sandwiches, tuna melts, poached eggs…I mean these little jewels are incredible!

Then, I am sitting down to cut out my first AC shirt. I am going to keep it simple for my first try with an A-Line top (no flowers, this time…) Oh, and bonus points are awarded for figuring out how to print the pattern on a Monday morning! (Pro-tip… select “poster” from printing options!)

That’s all I have for a Monday – hope your weekend was great!

Oh, Monday

Oh, Monday

This week I have a few things that I must finish that have been at the top of my procrastination list for some time. Sadly, there are plenty of things I procrastinate over but these things are especially procrastination worthy and I am not looking forward to them at all.

The weekend was highly productive but unseasonably cool! We got some inside Kon-Mari-ing done. And I have a good-sized pile of clothes to take to the re-sale shop. Today I will continue in Kon-Mari-Mode and clean out some knitting books. Then I will tackle the Procrastination List!

On a brighter note, I am almost done with this sweater! I might even have it done today, if I can wrap my head around the neckband finishing. We shall see how it goes.

I also made some good progress on Kavalier and Clay over the weekend and I should easily have this done soon. I must admit, they are wonderful companions even during the most mundane of tasks!

And with that, I am off to start my Monday! How was your weekend?

Time Flies?

Time Flies?

In my thinking about what to post today, I have been spending some time thinking about impossible that it is end of August. This is especially odd since the days since the inauguration each seem like they are a century long.

So, is time flying? Or dragging inexorably slowly by?

It seems unreal that just over a one year ago Steve and I went to see HRC speak when she came to Pittsburgh. It seems like yesterday, but not. Know what I mean?

I do have something that I am eagerly awaiting. And, hearing teasers over the past couple of days really makes me more eager to listen to HRC read to me.

This might just make September a bit brighter.

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