The List

The List

This week’s Think Write Thursday discussion with Carole gave birth to this week’s topic of discussion: We’re starting to feel like this whole Think Write Thursday thing isn’t going so well. Participation isn’t high and it’s been dropping off steadily for the last little while. We don’t want anyone to feel bad or guilty about not playing along – your blog, your rules! – but we are hoping we can revamp things a bit and kickstart some energy back into this weekly blog prompt. So, we’re going to try something new, sort of a riff on Three Things on Thursday. This week we are asking you to share 3 things on your To Do List with all of us. Everybody likes to write lists, don’t they?!

Yes, I am a list writer – of all sorts – things to not forget, things to get done, wish lists, gift lists, want to read lists, and yes – even knitting lists. I like to make my lists with a “check box” because there is nothing quite as satisfying as checking something off a list, amirite? After all, isn’t that why you write a list?

So, three things from my current “To Do List” that I have not yet completed:

  1. Find a recipe for “large tomato preservation”
  2. Haircut (which will be crossed off today! YAY)
  3. Find an optometrist to get my eyes examined

There you have it – three very diverse things. And, some obviously easier to complete than others.

The haircut might be the easiest – after all, I just need to go and sit while someone else does all the work. It has been a good bit of time since my last haircut and thoughts I have of “growing my hair out” only ever get to the length it is now and I give up and that is okay with me.

I have been poking around the internet a bit looking for something I can do with my collection of large tomatoes. I am thinking that a simple diced tomato would be a nice thing to have – maybe some with onion and jalapeno and some with basil. Those are my thoughts which look great on paper it is just getting all the canning stuff out and getting it done that is the hard part!

Finally, the last thing on my list – the Eye Doctor… for the past few weeks I have noticed that my “drug store readers” have not really been enough to see to knit or stitch certain times of the day. So rather than just going out and getting a stronger reader, I think it is time to find an eye doctor. Definitely not my favorite listed item, but perhaps the most necessary!

If you want to see what everyone else has on their list, you will find them here! And, if you would like to join us for Think Write Thursdays, you can sign up here.

Unraveled Wednesday, September 6

Unraveled Wednesday, September 6

September, oh boy. And, the weather here has been incredibly fall-like. It is almost as if someone flipped the switch on summer. Boo hoo! And, all this cool weather means I have sweaters on the brain and that’s all I really want to knit!

But, I have these projects I need to get done! I am working on clue #4 for Laura Aylor’s end of summer MKAL though. It is a very intriguing construction, but there is lots of row counting. Which is not my favorite thing to do.

I am also working away on my charity knitting which has more row counting, but this is a bit easier…because garter ridges.

My goal is to get both things done asap so I can go back to knitting a sweater (or two)!!

On the reading front:

I finished Ragnar Jonasson’s Snow Blind. This is the first book in the “Dark Iceland” series, I gave it 3 stars but I will try another book to see how the characters are developed. I did not figure out who did it until almost the end, but I think this was more because the author talked very little about this character during the book.

I have about 10 chapters or so to go in Beach Music and it is just so good! I am laughing lots, curiously, at this wonderfully dysfunctional family!

I also picked up More Home Cooking from the library and have begun reading it. Laurie Colwin writes in a very approachable and easy manner – which is how cooking should be.

Outside of knitting and reading, my time has been consumed with the garden – and really, preserving what I am harvesting! I made 4 more pints of raspberry jam this week and have pickled some tomatoes. I will let you know how they are later this week!

What about you? What is consuming your week?

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August Blues

August Blues

Another month is over and it was a very good month for stitching! My theme was entirely based on the skies of August – deep blues, sometimes grey, sometimes cloud filled, and each spectacular! No new techniques this month but more layered fabrics. Lots of running stitches in combinations of circles and intersecting straight lines, and while I am not pre-drawing anything, this month I did use a pin head to help me start each circle.

It might be my favorite month to date.

And, really, August – you could have stayed a while longer. I loved stitching you!

Cover All!

Cover All!

Happy Friday, Gentle Readers! And, Welcome September – okay, maybe not welcome – it is just 50 degrees out this morning and decidedly fall like. Brrrr!

Blue = 5 star books; Orange = 4 star books

August closed out my summer reading on an incredible high point. I finished The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay on Wednesday and what a way to finish my book bingo! To say I loved Kavalier and Clay is an understatement – it is one of the best books I have read this year. I gave it 5 stars and if you have not yet read any of Michael Chabon’s books, this is the place to start! I deeply loved Rose, Joe, and Sammy.

This summer had an incredible number of good reads (thanks to so many of you for sharing such incredible titles with me!!) Of the 25 books I read for my cover all there were 14 books I gave 4 stars and 9 that I gave 5 stars. IMO that is just amazing. I discovered some new (to me) authors that I was fortunate to be able to read more of their great writing and I even spent some time with authors I already love.

Staying on books for a moment – I began listening to Pat Conroy’s Beach Music on Wednesday and I am completely enthralled. I mean what is not to love about someone who writes about more dysfunctional families than I had!

And the knitting! I am on clue 3 of Laura Aylor’s Sand Ripples MKAL – and wow! Just wow! I have bound off stitches on 2 sides of the square and now am knitting out from the sides that were not bound off. It is a fascinating construction and I hope to be caught up and start today’s clue this weekend!

Now, how about some knitting inspiration?

First up, some interesting shawls: Touchstone (and it’s a free download!), Balvraid Hap, and Sketch Shawl (I especially like this knit with Zitron Filigran)

Interesting construction with Wood Warbler Cowl and Warrior Cowl

If this weather keeps up you will need a sweater: Steampunk Pullover, New Berlin Gansey, Intrigue, and Brookings Crew

PSA: There are just 115 days to Christmas…if you plan on doing any gift knitting you better get started! Here are some easy gift knits to get you started: Elska, Ruschia Hat, Transitus, and Soft Washed Herringbone Mitts

That is all I have for this week! I will see you back here on Monday!


Hello, September

Hello, September

This week’s Think Write Thursday topic is to write a post with the title “Hello, September”

Since I began my stitching journey in January, nothing is quite as exciting as the start of a new month. It is a blank canvas laying before me filled with infinite possibilities.

And, September is especially so – it brings a new palette of colors, a change of seasons, and lots of new ideas.

So… Hello, September! You excite me!

If you want to read what others had to say to September, you will find them here. If you want to join me and Carole for Think Write Thursday you can sign up here!

Unraveled Wednesday, August 30

Unraveled Wednesday, August 30

And, with a finished object!

Yes, Nekia is off the needles! She does need a little Soak™ wash and some ends woven in, but she is completed! I did have to do a bit of unraveling at the neckline to get the stitches to lay nicely, but I figured it out and they went much better on the sleeves. I love this piece and predict it will get lots of wear this upcoming season.

What am I working on now? Well, I am trying to get myself caught up on Laura Aylor’s End of Summer MKAL. I have to tell you, I am so intrigued by this MKAL. It was a unique start and I read ahead to clue 3 and wow! This is going to be an interesting shawl!

Now, on to the reading – I have a good bit to catch you up with!

I have some starts, some finishes, some almost done, and a start and finish to share with you!

I started Laurie Colwin’s Home Cooking and I have about 50 pages or so go to, so I should have this one done this week! I picked this up at the recommendation of 2 blogger friends,: Bonny and Vicki. A most excellent recommendation!

I also started Ragnar Jonasson’s Snowblind. I am only a few chapters in, but so far, so good.

I also started the Essays of E.B. White (again at Bonny’s recommendation) and I will be done with this either today or tomorrow. SO GOOD!

I finished A Room with a View and loved it. Really loved it! The detail of the book is incredible and I listened to it on LibriVox, which Mary told me about. Oh man, if you want to listen to some classics – I highly recommend this app!

I also finished (earlier in the month, but I don’t think I have shared this here on the blog) The Invention of Wings. Again, excellent listening and I gave this book 4 stars. I especially loved the authors note at the end. I wish I had listened to that first, but it still made the history of the book even more fascinating.

I started and finished B. A. Paris’ The Break Down. This is her second novel (her first novel Behind Closed Doors was a gripping sit down and don’t stop reading read). This book is a psychological thriller and although I suspected someone, I was shocked at who it was in the end. I gave this book 5 stars on Goodreads, although unlike Behind Closed Doors I could put it down, it still was a great book that I finished in 2 days.

I have about 2 hours of listening time in The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay – and I will be finishing that up this morning to close out my bingo card cover all!

What are you knitting and reading this week?

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August Joy

August Joy

Oh, August…

It seems like you were just getting started, and now are too soon over. However, in your racing days, there were so many moments of joy.

The abundance of tomatoes and raspberries from my garden, it has been such an incredibly good year for tomato and raspberry production!

The dozens of bees and butterflies in all shapes and sizes that spent their days in my gardens.

Reading… so much good reading! By the end of the month, I will have finished 11 books! I cannot remember a summer when I have read better books!

Stitching…this month just might be my favorite!

Tuesday Knit Nights at the library – I am filled with joy by these incredible women and by the library that welcomes us with open arms.

These are just a few slices of August’s joy.

What about you? What brought joy to your August?

P.S. Pilates has also brought me much joy in August! And, if you are interested, there is a free 7-day session starting on September 11th! You can sign up here!



Oh, Monday

Oh, Monday

This week I have a few things that I must finish that have been at the top of my procrastination list for some time. Sadly, there are plenty of things I procrastinate over but these things are especially procrastination worthy and I am not looking forward to them at all.

The weekend was highly productive but unseasonably cool! We got some inside Kon-Mari-ing done. And I have a good-sized pile of clothes to take to the re-sale shop. Today I will continue in Kon-Mari-Mode and clean out some knitting books. Then I will tackle the Procrastination List!

On a brighter note, I am almost done with this sweater! I might even have it done today, if I can wrap my head around the neckband finishing. We shall see how it goes.

I also made some good progress on Kavalier and Clay over the weekend and I should easily have this done soon. I must admit, they are wonderful companions even during the most mundane of tasks!

And with that, I am off to start my Monday! How was your weekend?

Ahh! Hullo Friday!

Ahh! Hullo Friday!

It seemed like an inordinately long week this week for some reason and I am glad it is Friday!

I do have a Finished Object to share with you today (and this morning, I could have used them outside this morning as the temperature was a very chilly 50!) I finished the Ferryboat Mitts from the absolutely lovely Shepherd’s Lamb Rambouillet Yarn. What an absolute treat to knit with this yarn. Shepherd’s Lamb sent me undyed yarn, but they have some really beautiful dyed skeins and they even have a few plant dyed skeins as well! While I was limited as to what to make (besides a swatch) with just a skein or two, this yarn would make a lovely sweater. It is so squishy and soft. And, while this is a soft yarn, I think it will wear very well. This yarn is next to skin soft, so you could also make a squishy warm cowl with a couple of skeins. If you have never knit with Rambouillet, I highly recommend this yarn.

Now, how about some links?

That is all I have for this week! Have an awesome weekend and I will see you back here on Monday!

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