Super-Secret Knitting

Super-Secret Knitting

The phase of Frantic Knitting has arrived – I have some holiday knitting to complete and yesterday Steve added one more item to my list!

So, that means this post is short on photos of things in process.

However, I can share my handspun Squad Mitts – they are for my sister who is not online at all, ever. (Weird, I know!) So, she will not see these here!

I simply love how they turned out and I have some left overs so there will be more pairs in the coming days!

My reading (listening) has been consumed by The Underground Railroad – I am almost done and I simply love this book! The reader is fantastic and the story is so compelling. I think this might be one of the best novels I have read this year and I highly recommend it!

Sadly, today there won’t be much knitting – but lots of cooking instead! Sweet potatoes are currently roasting in the oven and after they are done it is pumpkin pie time! All to get ready for tomorrows feast!

Linking up with Ginny’s Yarn Along and wishing you all a successful day of preparation!

The Trader Joe’s Effect

The Trader Joe’s Effect

It has been two weeks – 14 short days – since the election and the Southern Poverty Law Center website tells me that there have been more than 700 incidents of hateful harassment’s since the election. That is more than 50 incidents per day, which boggles my mind, but what is even more upsetting is that these incidents have “taken on a new boldness“. The “Trump Effect” is even more ugly than I could have ever imagined, and I imagined it to be horrid.

But, what about my neighborhood, my city, my little corner of the world? Have I noticed any changes?

Sadly, we have. People seem to be ruder as they drive – in the past, merging into traffic there was just a “driver courtesy” allowing people to merge. Now, this seems a thing of the past – rather than allowing a driver to merge in – they speed up and crowd the driver out. A scary thing to the observer, and even scarier to experience. Ask me, I know!

And, if that is not enough – the laying on of the horns and hand gestures received because you stopped for pedestrians in the cross walk is just the icing on the cake. (Please note, in Pennsylvania – pedestrians in the cross walk have the right of way and traffic must stop for them)

This level of rudeness is not restricted to our area streets – people in shops also seem less kind and considerate – from those working and to those shopping, which makes the shopping experience so delightful – not!

Sadly, it is not only happening on our roads and in our stores – our schools are experiencing it too.

However, there is a bright spot despite all this boorish behavior and general nastiness.

Trader Joe’s.

Yes, that’s right – if you need a boost – a lift in your spirits – a reminder that not all of humanity is inhumane – stop at my local Trader Joe’s.

The people who shop there are kind and considerate and smiling.

Adding to that – the people who work there are genuinely happy, helpful, eager to assist, and filled with good cheer.

I do not know how this little microcosm of goodness exists seemingly separate from the Trump Effect, but I want to thank Trader Joe’s – what they are doing is not going unnoticed and I am so thankful this place is nearby!

I would love to see The Trader Joe’s Effect spread across this nation – and I am going to do what I can to help it right here! I will be that person who is kind, considerate, and smiling – genuinely happy, helpful, eager to assist, and filled with good cheer! Won’t you join me?

Listed Monday

Listed Monday

In a week that comes armed with a list of things to get done, I think it is a good idea to pause and reflect before hitting the ground running.

The weekend started out with crazy and insanely warm weather – it was in the 70’s on Friday and we had windows open much of the day! We contemplated having an outdoor happy hour, but the neighbors’ chorus of leaf blowers made conversation challenging so happy hour was indoors where conversation did not have to be shouted!

Silly neighbors – all they needed to do was wait a day because Saturday brought gale force winds which whisked most of those remaining leaves away.

Saturday also brought our first snow of the season! I don’t know about you but 70’s to 30 and snow in less than 24 hours is some weird weather! The snow persisted much of the day, but little stuck to the ground.

There was a bit of football on Saturday and MICHIGAN WON! One more game to go and then, hopefully, the Big 10 Championship Game!

Sunday morning was even colder and the dusting of snow made everything so magical! Even though my burning bush is now considerably lighter in leaf coverage – there are still a few clinging to the branches and it looked so stunning against the white snow!

We began the planning for Christmas decorating this weekend also. I will begin working on this over the course of the week so I am all finished by the end of next weekend. A little bit each day seems so much more manageable and far less daunting that tackling the entire process in a day or two! Although, it is now apparent that we should have put lights up outside on Friday, I am hoping that the mild weather they are calling for on next Friday is reality and not a “best guesstimate”!

Well, I had better get working on this list – I hope your weekend was refreshing!

The Best Thing

The Best Thing

It has been a rough couple of weeks at Casa del KatKnits – stress has been on overdrive in all aspects of my life.

However, then there is Sherman. Who greets me each day as if it is the best moment of his life and he has not seen me for ages! Which is hilarious, because he sleeps in the bedroom with us! Yet, each morning it is the same. This festival of good morning wiggles, snuggles, and puppy kisses.

He is the one constant in my day – he sleeps under my feet when I am at my desk.

If I am knitting, he is next to me.

When I cook dinner, he is laying on the kitchen rug – vigilantly watching for any morsels that might drop!

In short, he is my constant companion and simply, the best thing ever! He even is there when I am cleaning the bathroom, as the photo above shares.

And, really – that friend that stays with you when you are doing that, is really the best friend of all!

Houston, We Have a Mitt!

Houston, We Have a Mitt!

Well, the gauge issues with the Squad Mitts has been solved!

One mitt down, one to go!

I am so happy with how they are turning out – and I am even happier they are 100% handspun yarn, most of which has been spun on a spindle!

And it is Friday!! Bring on the weekend, I am so ready for it! I am starting it off by having tea and some knitting with a friend.

I have nothing else for you except for some links:

Lots of gift knitting ideas here, it is not too late!

Have a fantastic Friday – see you back here tomorrow!!

A Recipe for Success

A Recipe for Success

This weeks Thing Write Thursday has us all thinking about our favorite Thanksgiving recipe.

Now, for me the Thanksgiving meal at my Nana’s house was the Christmas meal as well as the Easter meal. I loved it as a child, that continuity and comfort of those deliciously familiar foods lovingly made from scratch by my Nana. The one exception were the pies (yes plural – pumpkin, apple, and lemon meringue) that my Aunt Arlene made…she is quite simply the best pie maker I have ever known.

From the ham and turkey (yes, both!) to the insanely good mashed potatoes, to the stuffing, to the gravy – it was a feast fit for kings! And it was always at my Nana’s house – where there were two eating areas. The eat-in kitchen where the grand-kids and the aunts all sat and the living room where the uncles all watched football on TV. (Please note, my Nana never sat down to eat, until her daughters would make her! It became a great game – a battle of wills, as it were. However, my Nana explained to me that tasting all day did not leave much room for eating!)

There was much laughter, so much good cheer, and so much love. They are the fondest memories I have of my childhood.

And then you grow up, get married and holidays become more of a challenge. You have new families to be part of with new family traditions. It can feel not very holiday-like when you are missing all those familiar things.

There is one dish my Nana made that I carried with me – sweet potato casserole. The taste of those oven roasted sweet potatoes mashed with lots of butter, some brown sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg – baked until bubbly perfection and then topped with a billion marshmallows to brown quickly under the broiler. It was the most incredibly concoction ever and just filled me with my Nana’s love and care.

As a child, I loved the sweetness all by itself – it was the epitome of the perfect child’s dish, and as I grew into adulthood; I appreciated the sweet – savory combination of stuffing and sweet potatoes or sweet potatoes and gravy. However, anyway you have it is is simply delicious!

This dish is the one dish that ties me to my childhood and the memories I have of this dish are perhaps some of the oldest memories I have.


Not the best photo, but oddly the only one I could find!

Nana’s Sweet Potato Casserole:

  • 6-7 large sweet potatoes – washed and scrubbed
  • 2-3 sticks of unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 3/4 cup to 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 ½ tsp. ground cinnamon
  • ½ tsp. nutmeg (I use freshly grated)
  • 1 tsp. kosher salt
  • ½ to ¾ cup whipping cream
  • 1 bag of miniature marshmallows (or 1 bag of large marshmallows – your choice)

Pre-heat the oven to 375°F.

Place the sweet potatoes on a foil lined baking sheet and put in the oven. Bake until soft – about an hour to an hour and a half depending on the size of your potatoes. You want them very soft. Remove from the oven and allow to cool before removing the skins.

Place skinned potatoes in a mixing bowl and begin adding butter. Mix on a medium-low speed, incorporating more butter. The goal here is a very buttery mixture – you might need 2 sticks – you might need 2 and a half sticks – you might need all three sticks, it really depends on the size of your potatoes.

Add in the brown sugar and spices and mix well.

Add in the egg and mix well until it is all incorporated into the potatoes.

Add in the cream in ¼ cup intervals – again, the larger your potatoes, the more cream you will need. I generally add a half a cup, but if all my potatoes were giant – I would add more cream in. Mix well to combine.

Spoon mixture into a baking dish. (Now is the best part – you can make this the day before. Just cover it and put it in the refrigerator. Be sure to bring it to room temperature before you bake it in the oven, otherwise the cooking time will be much longer)

Bake in the oven until the mixture is bubbly – and you can bake it at whatever temperature you are baking everything else at on Thanksgiving.

When it is done, remove from oven – cover top with marshmallows – and I mean cover. Really, be generous! More is always better!

Place under the broiler to toast them. Please note, you can do this while your turkey is resting and you are making gravy. You just want them under the broiler long enough to brown and melt into the top!

My family and I hope that this recipe brings you as much joy as it has for us over the years.


A Jumble of Knitting and Reading

A Jumble of Knitting and Reading

This week’s knitting and reading are both a jumble of things right now.

My knitting bag has some sleeve knitting, some fingerless mitt knitting, and getting ready to do some swatching (which is not for the fingerless mitts, but sometimes just exactly what you need to do!)


On the reading front – I am reading Hannah Kent’s Burial Rites – I am having some difficulty getting into this book, but I think that is mainly because I am reading at night when I get in bed and I barely get a page done and it is lights out for me!

In my ears is The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead – I just started this yesterday and I am already captivated! It is so powerfully good!

I am also listening to a chapter or so a day of the Moby Dick Big Read Listen Along. So far – 3 chapters, only 132 chapters to go! This is a surprising treat – each chapter is read by a different reader! I should get some additional listening later today as I am winding yarn into balls – the perfect meditative task to listen by!

There you have my varied knitting and reading/listening. What about you? What are you reading or knitting this week?

As usual, I am joining Ginny’s Yarn Along!



A collection of outright craziness – just because!

  1. I was fortunate to capture an image or two of the Astronomical, Gigantic, Larger-than-life Super-Duper Moon on Sunday night. It took a few shots to figure out exactly what settings to use (or not to use as was the case) on my camera – thanks Steve for your assistance! This was kind of a big deal for me because, the next time the moon will be this close to the earth will be in 2034, at which point in time I will be 74 years old and who knows if I will even care about the moon at that age!
  2. Because of this excellent post I considered volunteering as and ESL tutor, however in the great state of Pennsylvania – you must either have your teaching certificate or be in school to get your teaching certificate. Result – do not pass go, do not teach ESL, find another option. Boo!
  3. Trying to figure out a low calorie, yet appealing Thanksgiving feast is proving to be a challenge. Turkey is low calorie! That is until you add in all the other things like stuffing, gravy, etc. Not to mention sweet potato casserole and pumpkin pie… The option of blowing my points for the entire MONTH is not very appealing and so really, I am considering calling the entire thing off because, Thanksgiving without those things just seems so un-Thanksgiving-like.
  4. Someone thought I was crazy for ripping out more than once in my weekend of gauge failure. Really? I knit and rip out often… doesn’t everyone? Now I am concerned that my knitting is not normal. What say you, Gentle Readers…
  5. I am in a Sunday Book club and we are reading C.S Lewis’ Screwtape Letters. I had read this book about 20 years ago, and as I am re-reading it I am struck by how timely it is for right now – which I think is incredibly curious!
  6. If you follow Mason Dixon Knitting, then you know about the Great Moby Dick Listen-Along. This got me wondering how many other classics are available in a similar format… Well, per my Google inquiry an incredible amount!! (about 2,000,000 results in 0.60 seconds, if you want to know) You can find some here and even more here and yet even more here. And, that is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg!

I think that is enough craziness for one day! Have a good Tuesday!

I wanted to take a brief moment to pay tribute to Gwen Ifill who died yesterday and far, far too soon! I have watched PBS Newshour for such a very long time and I remember that monumental day when she and Judy Woodruff were named co-anchors. It was a banner day for women! I loved Gwen so much – her honesty, her trustworthiness, her amazing brilliance in delivering the news – and for continually challenging me to learn more. She made me more curious every single day.

In her words, she gives us all hope for the future:

“Change comes from listening, learning, caring, and conversation.”

These are words we can all carry with us in the days ahead.

Rest in Peace, Gwen. You will be missed.

Frosty Monday

Frosty Monday

The first really hard frosts happened here over the weekend, which was the abrupt end to all that was green in the yard.

Other than that, it was a non-weekend – you know, the kind that was over before it began.

There was some football, but it was not great football – Michigan lost.

Up next were my gauge issues that hounded me Saturday and Sunday – talk about fun times at Casa del KatKnits!

But, my inquiring mind wants to know — do you knit a gauge swatch when knitting mitts?

Yeah, me either.

Which led to frogging my Squad Mitt – not once, but four times thus far.

Of course, not having a 2.75mm needle is perhaps part of my problem. I have a 3mm or a 2.5 mm, but no 2.75mm needles could be found in my house! 3mm – WAY too big (even knitting the small mitt!), 2.5 – way too small (knitting the small mitt) and 2.5 mm in the larger mitt – also too big! Gah!

Okay, next step – remove stitches. 2.5mm + 44 stitches and I am hoping this will be the right combination. Yeah. It is a fingerless mitt, for heaven’s sake! But, it felt at times like rocket science! Way beyond my abilities however, I knit on in hope!

I did get to Indie Knit and Spin on Saturday – and I got a skein of Vesper Sock Yarn! (And a mitten kit!) Perhaps I need to just put the mitts down and give them a bit of a time out and knit some socks! These colors sure make me happy!


And, here it is Monday, and I am hoping the weekend was not a preview of what the week is to be… (at least the ripping out and redoing portion – if it wants to be over and done with before I know it, that is fine by me!)

How was your weekend?

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