Randomly Monday| 2.18.19

Randomly Monday| 2.18.19

I did indeed finish my first Thea Rachelle Raglan on Friday. Sewing time was about 2 hours total. Yes, I like it, but I need to make some pattern adjustments. The neck line needs to be a bit narrower and higher in the back, at least for a cold weather garment! I am not sure how easy those things will be to adjust – what with facings and all. However, this exact pattern would make a truly lovely summer top from linen!! So, yes! I will sew this again!

Saturday, we had the most amazing visitor in the tree in my front yard!! A Pileated Woodpecker!! I know – my heart about stopped. I was not quick enough to get a photo, but oh.my.gosh. A Pileated Woodpecker in my front yard! I am pretty sure it was a female, because I did not see any red stripe on its face.

More BIG excitement here on Sunday when the water main that supplies our housing plan broke leaving us with no water for most of Sunday afternoon and evening. I won’t even go into all the complaining that caused. However, things seem to be back to normal this morning and I have laundry underway to prove it!

I have been entirely enamored with Cara’s 100-day Sashiko Stitching Project. You should especially look at her stories…so.much.fun!

AND!! I started listening to the latest Armand Gamache installment, Kingdom of the Blind – I am limiting my listening time each day to make it last as long as possible.

How is your Monday looking?

Sometimes Monday | 2.11.19

Sometimes Monday | 2.11.19

Are grey and sloppy!

Yep, we got about 5 inches of very wet, sloppy snow over night and there is a lovely mixture of snow and rain falling this morning.

All this makes this Monday the perfect day to tackle a few projects that I have been putting off ignoring.

What does your Monday look like?

P.S. Shingles vaccine side effects fell in the “few to none” category, for which I am most grateful!

Sometimes Monday | 1.7.19

Sometimes Monday | 1.7.19

Require a slower start….

I don’t think Carole meant to jinx me when she commented last week about her cold turning to pneumonia, but that is indeed what happened! Saturday, I spent the better part of the morning at a local urgent center – diagnosis: pneumonia.

I am easing into Monday and I hope yours is off to a much better start!

The Year in Review | 2018

The Year in Review | 2018

I absolutely love Vicki’s posts of her Blog in Review. She shares the first line of the first post of the month, as well as her favorite photo of that month!

I am not sure what I enjoyed more: re-reading the blog posts or looking at all the pictures of the month!!


December 31st, I completed my last stitching, in the last month of my yearlong project.


The February sunshine steeps your boughs and tints the buds and swells the leaves within. William C. Bryant


The weekend was kind of a chaotic blur.


Yellow daffodils
Bring sunshine on fragile stems
On grey, rainy days


… this morning the lilacs are all open!


I am not sure one could pack more into a regular weekend than I did this weekend!


Greetings Unravelers, Summertime and the knitting is varied!


Yes, it’s that time of the year when it seems the weekend is almost all work!


For me, this was truly the Summer of Reading (Thank you, Mary for organizing another amazing Summer Book Bingo!)


Welcome to the Vacation Unraveled where there is not much making of anything but memories going on!


Happy November!! Or should I say NaKniSweMo!?!


This image should be a reminder of how I should start every day – really.

That is all I have for this year! I wish you all a Happy New Year and I will see you back here on tomorrow with my word for 2019!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Gentle Readers today I share my favorite bits from a Charlie Brown Christmas along with an angel that I made some 50 years ago that has been atop my Christmas tree ever since.

I am sending you all much love and joy and may you all have a very Merry Christmas!

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