Unraveled Wednesday | 5.8.24

Unraveled Wednesday | 5.8.24

Greetings Unravelers and Happy Wednesday!

I am having a bit of a struggle settling back in to my normal routine… I feel like I am behind on everything (because I am!) and that is not a fun feeling at all.

One thing I did not bring on vacation was my Daily Stitching project… so I am working on trying to finish April and get May caught up. Thinking about trying is really the truth… I have not picked it up since I got home. There are more pressing things bumping that off the list!

Also… my knitting mojo has up and left. Gone. I barely knit on our trip. Barely. Like less than 3 rounds on a sock. Non-existent.

I ripped the *second* sweater start before leaving… the bump up size was not bumped up enough. The yarn is in time out.

I brought Steve’s vest thinking that would be good “round and round” knitting… but I made him try it on… and it was too big. I measured my gauge in the sweater and it was not at all the gauge of the pattern and when I got home I doubled checked my swatch and the swatch is on gauge, so my knitting changed…  argh! That is in time out as well.

I tried to pick up the sock last night, but I was not really feeling it at all.

But the garden beds have been weeded! My sourdough starter has been revved up and is now ready for baking again. And all the laundry is caught up! (I still have a stack of winter sweaters to wash and put away if it would ever stop raining….)

The reading has equally been sparse. My finishes were two books of short stories… but they were each so good. My current listen finds me back in St. Denis with Bruno as he solves a mystery! He is a good companion for garden weeding!

What about you all? What are you making… please inspire me to get back to knitting!

As always, if you wrote a post to share please leave your link below and thank you!

Unraveled Wednesday | 4.24.24

Unraveled Wednesday | 4.24.24

Greetings Unravelers and Happy Wednesday to you all!

First, a bit of housekeeping for next week. There will not be any Unraveled Wednesday post next week, May 1st. I will be back from Erie the following week and there will be an Unraveled post on May 8th!

Now that that bit of housekeeping is out of the way, why don’t we ease into some making and reading!

On the making front, with time to spare… I have a new Honey Cowl and I love it. I might have been able to do another round before the final rounds, but I did not feel like playing yarn chicken and losing! It is bright, fun, and will be the perfect addition for the cooler and windier weather on Lake Erie!

I have finished the bottom ribbing on my “pre-knit” sweater and I am much happier with the rip back and size adjustment I made.

That yarn that tried (and failed) to be some Feather and Fan socks has been cast on for another pair of Hermoine’s Everyday Socks. They are easy travel knitting (I don’t need the pattern and I can stop and start as needed) and will likewise be perfect for “nighttime TV watching.” I am also taking the sweater, but I am not really sure how much knitting will get done…

Wee Snowmen who will find a new life!






I started the Last Page yesterday and will be taking it with me to finish the final page. I am excited to put all these pages together! This last page will incorporate some cross-stitch snowmen that I started when Heidi was a very small little girl. I have cut up the fabric and will stitch them onto some “snowy hills.” This has truly been a project that has jumpstarted my creativity… and once the pages are all together, I plan on continuing a similar stitching project!

The reading this week… I had heard about The Salt Path recently and was fortunate that my library had an audio copy. It is my only finish this week. The story is true. It is a compelling, moving story… Moth and Raynor Winn lose their home in Wales, Moth is diagnosed with a terminal illness… and they decide (in their 50’s) to walk The Salt Path and camp along the way. They begin as two beaten down people, and as they continue along something of a wonder begins to happen… they get stronger, their minds get clearer, Moth improves significantly. And so Raynor brings us along on their journey as they walk the longest path in Britain. It is an inspiring story.

At night, I am meandering my way through the book of short stories, Table for Two, by Amor Towles… and they are delicious. I really don’t want the book to end… the stories are just so good! I am about halfway through and savoring every word!

And there you have my week! What about you? What are you thinking about this week?

As always, if you wrote a post to share please leave your link below and thank you!

Unraveled Wednesday | 4.17.24

Unraveled Wednesday | 4.17.24

Greetings Dear Unravelers and Happy Wednesday!

I have finishes this week! A completed pair of socks and one finished Gnome!

First, the socks! Pattern is Hermoine’s Everyday Socks with an afterthought heel and toes done in a contrasting yarn. They fit well and I think these will go into the sock drawer for me!

Now, a bit of mood music for the next finish…

Valkyrie Gnova, ready to ride!

Up next, that Gnome Valkyrie! Meet Gnova who is eagerly entering Valhalla to ride with the other Valkyries as she guides Gnomes (and perhaps, Knitters of Gnomes!!) to Odin’s Hall! I love her “leather” Hauberk! It took a bit of figuring on how best to accomplish the vision in my mind’s eye… a few tries later and voilá… one well fitting Hauberk! I was a bit less creative than this for her sword and shield, but I am happy with my rudimentary weapons! The best part… if you are very quiet, you might hear her singing out from Valhalla!

I saw this on IG and thought… hmm, Feather and Fan socks might be a fun knit! And, as luck would have it (or better yet, just a very good library!) my library had a copy of the Socks, Socks, Socks book. I cast on and knit a few inches, but my gauge is so tight! I need to rip it out and go up a needle size. Stay tuned!

Yay for well-stocked libraries!!

I also cast on a Honey Cowl that I am hoping to finish before we leave for Erie later this month! This is that crazy skein of yarn I spun from Wound Up Fiber Arts Scrappy Sock Bundle. 

From this…

To this!!!

On the super secret knitting front… I have been miraculously selected to “pre-knit” Ailbíona McLochlainn’s soon-to-be-released cardigan sweater. I just got the pattern yesterday, so swatching is on my list today.

I have stitching as well, but that will have to wait until next week!

The reading this week… ahhh! So, so delightful! I finished The Seed Keeper… and LOVED it! I also finished a book of Michael Ondaatje’s poetry: A Year of Last Things. I have been reading, re-reading, and re-reading some more since January. It is good… so good! It is out now and might be just the thing you need for your Poetry Bookshelf for National Poetry Month… just saying!

The current listen in my ears is Raynor Winn’s The Salt Path (narrated by the divine Anne Reid!!) I am about a quarter of the way in and enjoying the journey with Raynor and her husband Moth, as they walk the South West Coast Path.

At night I am meandering though Forgotten on Sunday… Valérie Perrin’s soon-to-be-published book! I am enjoying it very much.

Now for the brief, but so very spectacular, appointment with my audiologist… Can I just say that technology rocks? The hearing aids of today are NOT your grandmother’s hearing aid! It has been a process to get here, but imagine my wonder and surprise when the audiologist took the results from my hearing test and input them into the “test” hearing aids and put them in my ears! I could not contain the tears… it was as if my ears had been packed with cotton wool and someone removed it… as in instant hearing of things I had long forgotten. Anyways, hearing aids have been ordered… now I am really eagerly awaiting their arrival! I go May 14 to get them! Really… after the brief soundstravaganza I had this afternoon, I can barely wait! I will share more about them, the costs, the process, and the fittings for a later post. But, this is a life changing thing… for the freaking better!

There is my week… what about you? What are you working on this week?

As always, if you wrote a post to share please leave your link below and thank you!

Unraveled Wednesday | 4.10.24

Unraveled Wednesday | 4.10.24

Greetings Unravelers and Happy Wednesday!

I am happy to say that the clouds thinned themselves down enough for there to be quite an amazing show here in the south hills of Pittsburgh on Monday! We were not a total eclipse, but at 97%, it was close enough! I paced my timing to pop out to see the progression between sourdough coil folds and chicken fajita dinner prep and by the time that sourdough loaf was tucked away in the refrigerator for its overnight rest, dinner was well underway the show was over. The sourdough bread making process is an excellent reminder that slow making is not a bad thing…

Which is a very good thing because this has been a very slow making week here. I am inching along on Sock #2 and I have had a few “starts” for my Valkyrie… a few starts followed by an equal number of ripping out what I started. Ideas don’t always work out… but all those failures sometimes reveal the path to success! Yes, I think I have found what will work and plan to try again this afternoon!

It’s a good thing that the stitching is not having failures! I finished page sixteen… The Selvage Library. Yes, this page includes almost all the selvage’s from the fabrics I used in the book… a sort of bibliography! Haha!

I have been watching with great interest Nell’s progress on a new skirt! I am intrigued and oh my… that color!

It has been an incredible reading week though! I have finished four books and I have even more good things queued up next! My finishes were the soon to be published Vera Stanhope book, The Dark Wives (coming August 27th), The Berry Picker’s, James, and another soon to be published book by Peter Nichols – Granite Harbor (publishing April 30th) which was a fast-paced, edge of your seat, can’t stop until it’s done, one sitting book!

This week I am listening to The Seed Keeper and reading an advanced copy of Valérie Perrin’s soon to be published Forgotten On Sunday (coming June 4tth). It is too early to make any judgements about the books, but they are each off to a good start!

There you have my making this week! See you all back here tomorrow with some poetry!

As always, if you wrote a post to share please leave your link below and thank you!

Unraveled Wednesday | 4.3.24

Unraveled Wednesday | 4.3.24

Greetings Gentle Unravelers and Happy Wednesday to you all!

April showers are indeed showering here… it has been a rainy week. The grass is green and lush and if it would stop raining Steve would get the mower out… But it rains on so there is complaining… lots and lots of complaining! However, I have gotten very good at tuning him out! Hearing loss does indeed have benefits! Ha!

It has been a creative week here. I have a finished sock! I used a neutral for the heel and toes and I have to say that my “work around” for an afterthought heel makes the fit fantastic! I do some short rows before beginning the heel decreases. I used the decrease formula that the designer uses for the toes… and that makes for a nice fitting heel! Sock Two is underway… and I am having a thought that if I stay on this pace… I will knit 24 socks (12 pairs) this year! Okay… I am in! Haha!

I completed my 15th page in the 100 Day Project! This one was so fun… more time was used in the cutting out of the “chickens” so I compensated for that with simpler stitching.

March Stitching… what fun. This month I stepped out of my “stitch comfort zone” and learned new techniques, new stitches… and it was so fun!

March, done and dusted!

But!! The best I also have a Valkyrie! Yes, the “main” bit is finished. I still have arms and a nose to knit and two fat braids. But I am trying to figure out the best way to make a bit of “body armor”, a shield, and a sword! I have some ideas… now to just bring them to fruition!

A Valkyrie in the making!

The reading this week saw just one finish… but the in process reading is full of good things! I am listening to The Berry Picker and for the reading with my eyes selection… I am making my way through an advanced copy of a new Vera mystery. (My gosh… I do so love dear Vera!) And I have been reading LOTS and LOTS of poetry! Hurrah for National Poetry Month!

What about you? What are you contemplating as April begins to unfold?

As always, if you wrote a post to share please leave your link below and thank you!

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