Welcome July | 2023

Welcome July | 2023

I drifted into a summer-nap under the hot shade of July, serenaded by a cicada lullaby, to drowsy-warm dreams of distant thunder. ― Terri Guillemets

Oh July… you begin the challenges of my year… you and August are my least favorite months. Your heat and humidity are not my jam. So I am going to take with me some of the joy I found in my week of #NOMO (Necessity of Missing Out) and bring more of that to you, July!

Things that will be part of July… Unraveled Wednesday… because I like the mid-week check in with all of you… but I am not committing to more posts than that… and that feels very good… a bit of a July nap or two!

  • I have some painting I want to dabble in.
  • I have that skirt to knit! I am almost done with the lace, but this second knit is going at a much slower pace that the first one!
  • I have some spinning I want to do. I am not Tour de Fleecing, but rather spinning for the pure enjoyment of it!
  • Finally, a bit of mapping out of some sewing I want to do! I have been toying for eons with ideas for my Year of Stitching samplers… and I have finally figured out what they need. Stay tuned, I hope to get them well under way this month!

It is a good list… and it leaves me lots of room for the joy of #NOMO!

So welcome to a quieter July! See you all back here on Wednesday!

Welcome June | 6.5.23

Welcome June | 6.5.23

Green was the silence, wet was the light,
the month of June trembled like a butterfly.
Pablo Neruda, 100 Love Sonnets

Welcome June!

Although it is so hard to leave May… I am here to embrace every single moment of June… slowly.

I want to delight in the tiny coleus, impatiens, and tomatoes I planted last month… as they grow by leaps and bounds this month!

I want to find a way to love the hot days as much as I do the cooler ones.

I want to finish my vacation socks and make some serious headway on my Ooh La La sweater!

And I want to spin more… I have spent some time at my wheel recently and it is the best calming activity!

But! In case you think it is all sunshine and roses over here… June does have a downfall…sigh.

Allergies and insomnia… June is the worst month for my allergies and bad allergies makes for poor sleep. Five days in and allergies are bad… sleep is worse… but it all started after Memorial Day… so maybe the early start might mean an early finish? I am hoping!

What about you? What are you hoping for this month?

P.S. For the inquiring spinning mind, the fiber up top is Inglenook Fibers Freshwater Pearls on Targhee… and it is a delight to spin!



Welcome April | 4.3.23

Welcome April | 4.3.23

April is the kindest month. April gets you out of your head and out working in the garden.
– Marty Rubin

Hello April!

I am so very happy that you are here and it would be nice if you just amble slowly along… key word being slowly!

This month I have some things on my “To Do” list:

  1. Sew up a couple of Toaster Sweatshirts. I have the pattern all traced off, and pinned to one of  the fabrics! I need to get that cut out and pin out and cut the second so I can do some Assembly Line Sewing!!
  2. I need to finish up my handspun sweater!! And once I have the Pi Socks done that is moving to the top of my list!
  3. I start PT next week and I am planning on having “homework” which I will be faithful about doing every day! And I am just not even thinking about the Graston Scraping part… ha!
  4. I got some new “trekking shoes” that I want to break in a bit before we head to Erie at the end of this month. Walking has been an “iffy” proposition thanks to my damned hip, but I am going to swap out my “regular Sherman walk” shoes with the new shoes and hope that short daily walks will break them in … enough!
  5. Weeding… yes, the weeds are growing, so I need to spend some time in the garden beds or I will never catch up! But… being outdoors just is the perfect April thing!
  6. It is National Poetry Month and I picked up a couple of poetry books from the library… I am spending the month reading the poetry of Wisława Szymborska… which will be the perfect thing for the month!

There you have it… my ambitious plans for April. What about you? What are you looking forward to this month?

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