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Heifer Project

Hello everyone - hopefully your week is moving along smoothly! I broke a resolution this week - I confess I bought some yarn to knit this after being inspired by Chris to take on the challenge of knitting a Moebius! Well, cast on I did - and around and around I...

Oh Canada!

Hello everyone - Canada arrived here in Michigan yesterday - both with the weather and with a wonderful surprise from Erin (blogless - I think). She was my partner for the Luxury yarn swap from Swap Bot. She sent me some amazing sock yarn - dyed locally in British...

Fourteen year old boys and birth control…

Hello everyone! How do you like the title? Well, it has been an interesting week here at the Christensen Huis - get yourselves something to drink, pull up a chair, and get ready! About 2 weeks ago, my son - Sam - came home with some paperwork from his life skills...

Urgent Reqeust!!

Hello Everyone. I have a very special request for all of you out there. I have participated again in SP9 and the end of January is when we are to reveal ourselves to our spoilee. If it is not too much trouble - I was wondering if you all could stop by Kimberly's Blog...

Knitting Backwards 101

Knitting Backwards 101

This is now normal purling looks like - see needle in front - normal purling. But, when doing Entrelac, constantly turning your work back and front to knit and purl makes for wasted energy. You can work your entrelac from one side with very little turning except for...

Friday fun!

Hello everyone! Did you all have a great week? How are you all doing on your resolutions??? Still hanging in there? I am proud to say that I have 2 bags of clothing going to Goodwill - 1 bag in the "garage sale" section - and - drum roll please - I have 4 bags of...

First Friday!

First Friday!

Hello everyone and welcome to the First Friday of 2007! This is surely something to celebrate, right? How did Week 1 go for all of you? So far - so good here.I have printed out my resolutions and put them in several places - in my planner for work, on the mirror in my...

It's a New Year or Starting off on the right foot….

Hello everyone, Is your year starting off right? Or do you need to start again on the other foot? In an attempt to use the correct starting foot this year I have written down an actual plan. I know, stop the presses! This coming from a "shoot from the hip" kind of gal...


Good Morning One and All! Hopefully none of you had too much New Year's Eve cheer last night and are bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning!The New Year dawned here gray and dreary outdoors but we are sunny and bright here inside at the Holland Huis - at least...

SP9 Questions

Here are my pals responses:1. The oddest gift you have ever received (not asked for)when I was 16, my parents gave me a complete set of luggage. i thought they were trying to tell me something...like to take a hike, get lost, or it was time to move2) the oddest gift...

Birthday Blues

Hello everyone - I am so glad that today is my birthday AND that year number 45 is OVER! This past year has had its downs and downs (not many ups unfortunately). But, the year is over and a new day dawns on year 46 - I see it rising with hope and promise.It has been a...

Welcome to our world!

I want to share with you all something written by R. Kent Hughes from "The Gift". May your Christmas day be most blessed!The Birth of ChristFrom ground level, Joseph and Mary were insignificant nobodies from a nothing town. They were peasants. They were poor,...

Christmas is coming….

Hello everyone! Are you almost ready for Christmas? Has your Advent experience been getting you ready for Monday? There is still time to stop and think about what all this preparation is really all about. I absolutely love this time of the year - the lights, the...

Coffee Goodness and an amazing scarf

Hello everyone - while I cannot post a photo (I cannot find the camera cord!!) I wanted to thank Carin for the wonderful goodies she sent me! It was an awesome box of goodies! Starting with some Cherry Tree Hill sock yarn in a yummy coffee blend of colors, some yummy...

Norovember goodies!

Norovember goodies!

Hello everyone - sorry it has been so long between posts, but I have been so busy at work! It has been a bit crazy here!I have finished my Clapotis! I LOVE IT! This is probably my favorite item ever knit - it is so soft, and I really love how the yarn worked so...

Secret Pal 9 Goodies!

Hello everyone! Are you all getting hungry for some Turkey and all the fixing? I sure am!! My daughter #2 and I have been menu planning for a couple of weeks now! We have got our "game on" and we have our cooking marathon planned! From potatoes to stuffing, from...

Yarn Aboard Goodies and more!

Yarn Aboard Goodies and more!

Hello everyone - wow has it been busy here! New job and stuff to learn makes for long days!I wanted to share with you all the wonderful things I got from Lisa from Yarn Aboard - she sent Lewis and Clark loaded up with lots of goodies!Anyway, Lisa sent me yarn to make...

Yarn Aboard!

Lewis and Clark arrived at my doorstep yesterday - updates and photo's this weekend! 🙂


Kat’s bookshelf: read

When All Is Said
it was amazing
Seven chapters of sheer bliss. Beautiful writing and an incredible tale. Who would you toast on the last day of your life?
it was amazing
LOVED! Every single word. The thread that tied this story together is wonderful! I could not stop listening – it was that good!
2019 and audio
There Will Be No Miracles Here: A Memoir
it was amazing
A beautiful memoir. The writing is wonderful – the story shared is so poignant. I highly recommend.
2019 and audio-2019



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