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Hey, Mr. Postman | 8.19.22

Hey, Mr. Postman | 8.19.22

Today I have a stack of letters that I need to get in the post... buckle up! Dear Citizens Bank Mortgage Department, I realize that your goal is that people who have a mortgage would never pay it off and make all payments on time...and refinance frequently. However,...

Unraveled Wednesday | 8.17.22

Unraveled Wednesday | 8.17.22

Greetings, Gentle Unravelers! I have so much to share with you today... good things, NEW techniques. And a reinforcement that sometimes you just need to try more than once to achieve success! First... I am happy to report that the 3-needle bind off I wanted to achieve...

Sometimes Monday | 8.15.22

Sometimes Monday | 8.15.22

is for emptying out my brain... Occasionally I have so much clutter just rattling around my head, I just need to dump it all out. Clean the slate, as it were. This is one of those Mondays! I am wondering how there can be so many mosquitoes outside right now. It has...

August Riffing | 8.12.22

August Riffing | 8.12.22

August rain: the best of the summer gone, and the new fall not yet born. The odd uneven time. ― Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath We finally got some rain this week and that rain ushered in some cooler weather as well. Ahhh! A break in the heat and...

Unraveled Wednesday | 8.10.22

Unraveled Wednesday | 8.10.22

Greetings, dear Unravelers! Happy Wednesday to you all! Here we are moving quickly through August...how on earth is the the 10th already? Anyway, I have some knitting to share with you this week. I managed to get the back of my sweater completed and I am working on...

Sometimes Monday | 8.8.22

Sometimes Monday | 8.8.22

Is for catching up and contemplation... and I am hoping that my catching up will be easy. I need to wash kitchen floors and clean bathrooms and, if the rain holds off, give Sherman a bath. (Hint... wet dog on wet day is not a good combination... ever, lol) Some of my...

Another Friday RIFF | 8.5.22

Another Friday RIFF | 8.5.22

Welcome to the first Friday in August! I have had an incredible week. So read on and see what I did this week! Refocus and Recenter — I have changed up my morning meditation time a bit. My time now includes reading a couple of Derek Walcott poems, ignoring the darker...

Unraveled Wednesday | 8.3.22

Unraveled Wednesday | 8.3.22

Greetings, Gentle Unravelers! Happy Wednesday! I have a very brief update today, but one full of good things! One sock is *almost* done! I have two "stripes" to go and then I just need to work out the heel depth, which should be easier than it was on Sam's sock......

Sometimes Monday | 8.1.22

Sometimes Monday | 8.1.22

Welcomes August. So, August... how should I fill your days? Of course, painting. I am just having so much fun. I have no expectation for the results... outside of learning new things! This is delightfully freeing! My inner perfection demon has been curiously silent!...

Currently | 7.29.22

Currently | 7.29.22

The start of July came and went... and despite me placing a notification in my electronic calendar, I entirely missed the notification reminding me that July brings another "Currently" post. Thankfully, Carole gently reminded me this week with her timely post on her...

Unraveled Wednesday | 7.27.22

Unraveled Wednesday | 7.27.22

Greetings, Gentle Unravelers! I have much been thinking about all of you this week and how, for me, these posts... your posts... really feel like a weekly knitting group. We share what we are making and what we are reading and more... and I love that feeling! This...

Simply Full | July 2022

Simply Full | July 2022

Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains. ― Steve Jobs This month was spent on the Great Simple Challenge ... something that...

a RIFF on TGIF | 7.22.22

a RIFF on TGIF | 7.22.22

Hello from an extremely muggy, warm Pittsburgh. I confess that I am really just sooo over all this heat and humidity! Steve has not mowed in a month... yes, you read that right. We did get some rain which curiously made the weeds grow, but the grass is still... dead....

Unraveled Wednesday | 7.20.22

Unraveled Wednesday | 7.20.22

Greetings, Gentle Unravelers! And a happy Wednesday to you all! Apparently hot hot weather means lots and lots of knitting time! (Truth, I spent little time outside after 9am each day... early morning weeding only!) I have some momentous knitting achievements this...

Sometimes Monday… | 7.18.22

Sometimes Monday… | 7.18.22

...brings rain! And that, my friends, is a very, very good thing! My focus is still on keeping things simple this week, despite an incredibly unsimple event that might occur this week... Jury Duty. I got the summons a couple of months ago and this is the week when I...

a RIFF on TGIF | 7.15.22

a RIFF on TGIF | 7.15.22

Greetings and Happy Friday! This week I am doing a TGIF-like post... sort of. I think you will get it once we get started! Some weeks Friday feels like, well... just another day in the week. This week, it feels very much like a Friday... and that, my friends, is a...

Unraveled Wednesday | 7.13.22

Unraveled Wednesday | 7.13.22

Greetings, Unravelers! The making this week feels slow... just lots of round and round and round knitting. But all that round and round knitting means that there have been inches added! Yet I happily remind myself that I am not a "finished project every week kind of...

Sometimes Monday | 7.11.22

Sometimes Monday | 7.11.22

One of the things that I am focusing on this month is to fill my days with simple things... which is not as easy as it sounds. Life is complicated... hard... painful... and these days, it seems that there is a daily new calamity to keep me anchored in that space. Yet...


Kat’s bookshelf: read

When All Is Said
it was amazing
Seven chapters of sheer bliss. Beautiful writing and an incredible tale. Who would you toast on the last day of your life?
it was amazing
LOVED! Every single word. The thread that tied this story together is wonderful! I could not stop listening – it was that good!
2019 and audio
There Will Be No Miracles Here: A Memoir
it was amazing
A beautiful memoir. The writing is wonderful – the story shared is so poignant. I highly recommend.
2019 and audio-2019



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