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Unraveled Wednesday | 7.3.19

Unraveled Wednesday | 7.3.19

Some weeks, I wonder what on earth will I write about and suddenly, all sorts of things fall into place! Ravelry brilliantly continues to amaze with this week's update to their previous update. I had so hoped to finish my second Screen Door but instead I only reached...

Looking Back | June 2019

Looking Back | June 2019

I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June. — L.M. Montgomery I think my photos last month show exactly what it might be like were every month June! And, yes please - can I get this on endless repeat? It was a...

Macro Monday | 7.1.19

Macro Monday | 7.1.19

The weather was not very accommodating of macro photography this week. Despite it being one of the hottest weeks we've had this year – there was lots of wind! But I managed to get out very early Sunday morning to grab some photos where light was the star! I hope your...

Friday Thoughts | 6.28.19

Friday Thoughts | 6.28.19

Sometimes, I feel like I just need to shake my brain out – empty it of all sorts of odds and ends to free up some space! Today is definitely one of those days! I got my second (and final) dose of the shingles vaccine this week and can I just say that I am glad that is...

Three on Thursday | 6.27.19

Three on Thursday | 6.27.19

Carole is on vacation this week, so yesterday afternoon I began to toss ideas around for an alternative post. I was not having much success, so when feedly told me this morning that there indeed was a Three on Thursday post, I breathed a huge sigh of relief! LOL Thank...

Unraveled Wednesday | 6.26.19

Unraveled Wednesday | 6.26.19

Where the heck has June gone??? And, more importantly…HOW ON EARTH IS NEXT WEEK THE FOURTH OF JULY ALREADY?!?!?!?! So, this post is going to attempt to slow down these run away summer days… First up, I want to thank you all for your supporting comments for the...

A Making Focus

A Making Focus

Joining with Juliann today to share an update on my word! Over the years, I have tried a number of different crafts - cross stitch, embroidery, weaving, spinning, sewing, and knitting to name a few. But, in all things focus is important. and this year as I unpack my...

Macro Monday | 6.24.19

Macro Monday | 6.24.19

It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powered gold over the grassy hillside. – Maude Hart Lovelace Despite the volume of rain we got last week, I did manage to get outside with the camera and practice a bit more! I am looking at things...

Currently | 6.21.19

Currently | 6.21.19

Summertime is always the best of what might be. — Charles Bowden Happy Summer Solstice! After torrential overnight rains, this morning the clouds are giving way to pale blue skies. The humidity is gone, and the birds are singing! I have shut off the AC and opened wide...

Three on Thursday | 6.20.19

Three on Thursday | 6.20.19

I am joining Carole and friends today and I am sharing three things I am anticipating with some excitement! First, queue the music please… Thing One: Summer Solstice! I have been in a summer-frame-of-mind since the "unofficial" start of summer way back on Memorial Day...

Unraveled Wednesday | 6.19.19

Unraveled Wednesday | 6.19.19

We have been gently easing into summer and until this week it has been a semi-dry month! This week, however, the sun has been hidden behind a plethora of rain clouds. I enjoy summer rains and it is nice to have Mother Nature water the gardens – the downside to all...

Macro Monday | 6.17.19

Macro Monday | 6.17.19

This week the weather was this photographers biggest challenge (although, some photographers managed to capture some amazing images!) And while I love the breezes that have been blowing so nicely - those same breezes create havoc with photos! Still, I took about 3...

TGIF | 6.14.18

TGIF | 6.14.18

Happy Flag Day! I think today is the first time I ever read George Washington's words and they have special impact this year. They are a good reminder of who and what we are. Thinking About – Friday mornings have had a new twist this month, thanks to Michelle's Tiny...

Three on Thursday | 6.13.19

Three on Thursday | 6.13.19

I am joining with Carole and friends today to share a few tidbits from my brain this week. Thing One: I loved Bridget's paparazzi comment yesterday, but the truth is those glasses are hiding my Allergy Eyes… is it just me or does the pollen seem at an all-time high...

Unraveled Wednesday | 6.12.19

Unraveled Wednesday | 6.12.19

The days have been truly glorious and we even had a light sweater weather bonus yesterday! Sunny, breezy, and mild temperatures meant my Marsa Alam got some wear-time! Sorry for the truly pathetic photo – I am not sure if that is the fault of the photographer or the...

Macro Monday | 6.10.19

Macro Monday | 6.10.19

More learning over the past week in regards to my camera and macro settings. For this Perfectionist, the struggle is real in the learning curve. I took many photos, but few made the cut. This Week's Winner: A million maple "helicopter's" means a million baby maple...

TGIF | 6.7.19

TGIF | 6.7.19

Spring being a tough act to follow, God created June. – Al Bernstein June days are simply magical. The light gently wakes me, inviting me to greet the new day. The birds fill the air with their melodies and the low buzzing of the bees join to make the loveliest of...

Three on Thursday | 6.6.19

Three on Thursday | 6.6.19

I am joining with Carole and friends with some sobering things this week. Hopefully, thought-provoking – but sobering none the less. Thing One – I just want to be healthy and not feel ugly. – Rosemary Hill, IG post I have been thinking about some posts on IG,...


Kat’s bookshelf: read

When All Is Said
it was amazing
Seven chapters of sheer bliss. Beautiful writing and an incredible tale. Who would you toast on the last day of your life?
it was amazing
LOVED! Every single word. The thread that tied this story together is wonderful! I could not stop listening – it was that good!
2019 and audio
There Will Be No Miracles Here: A Memoir
it was amazing
A beautiful memoir. The writing is wonderful – the story shared is so poignant. I highly recommend.
2019 and audio-2019



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