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Gone Knittin’

Gone Knittin’

I had a few things to get done yesterday morning and then Steve and I took a bit of a walk out at Boyce Mayview. It was my first walk since my tumble and it went well, although a bit warm with the heat yesterday afternoon! And, I am happy to report that there are no...

Refocusing Intentions

Refocusing Intentions

This week's Think Write Thursday topic is to "consider what it means to be at the halfway point of the year. Did you state some intentions for 2017? If so, check in on them and give us an update. If you didn't state any intentions then maybe you could tell us what you...

Unraveled Wednesday, June 14

Unraveled Wednesday, June 14

What is better for the almost "ides" of June to talk about knitting and reading? Up first, reading… I have lots of books to update you all with! I have completed three books since week: Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. This book was recommended to me for my...

How My Garden Grows

How My Garden Grows

Mary had asked about my garden, so I thought I would share with you what works for us... or what we hope works for us! I do not have ground that would give me what Bonny has in her yard. The soil here is very poor and extremely rocky – as in there are more rocks than...

Weekend Recovery

Weekend Recovery

Do you ever wish you could just skip something? Or have a do-over? Yeah, me too although I am not sure if I would rather skip the weekend or have a do-over. It started off nicely with the close out of Negroni Week. But, Saturday morning I had a nasty fall in Mt....

Friday Bird Watching

The past week we have watched a little (but feisty) brown wren decide he liked the cardinal house Steve's mom gave me for Christmas was JUST what he needed for a nest. Some poor bird had previously begun building a nest in it but abandoned the idea. Well, enter this...

Summer Bucket List – 2017

Summer Bucket List – 2017

This week's Think Write Thursday is to share my Summer Bucket List. Summertime is always the best of what might be. – Charles Bowden Summer… that wonderful time of long sunny days! As a child, I loved summer, although I started to miss school right after the 4th of...

Unraveled Wednesday, June 7

Unraveled Wednesday, June 7

Sometimes life gets in the way of knitting and that happened to me this week in the form of a delivery of 7 yards of mulch on Monday. So, for the past two days, Steve and I have been moving the mountain of mulch from the driveway to all the garden beds. Let me tell...

May Stitches

May Stitches

May stitching brings the completion of five months of my daily stitching routine and to say that this has changed my life is an understatement! It has become the best part of my day, the thing I look most forward to, and I am still amazed at how this has sparked my...

Resisting Monday

Resisting Monday

It was a fly by weekend here, and the proof of that is that it is Monday already! Saturday morning, we scored a flat of strawberries which made for lots of berry cleaning, macerating, cooking and finally roasting to make some jam! Pro-tip – you do not need perfect...

Inspiration Friday

Inspiration Friday

Some weeks it is a challenge to find a handful of good things to share with you, this was not one of those weeks. I apologize in advance for Inspiration Overload and for increasing your knitting queue… Okay, maybe not that last part! LOL This week I messaged Kirsten...

Hello, June

Hello, June

This week's Think Write Thursday prompt is to write a post called Hello June: Spring being a tough act to follow, God created June. – Al Bernstein After a truly incredible spring it seems most fitting that I welcome June and hope that in doing so, I might be able to...

Unraveled Wednesday, May 31

Unraveled Wednesday, May 31

Greetings Dear Unravelers! I have good things to share with you today – it seems as if I have found my "sense of urgency" and have this dire need to finish up some lingering projects. That means I have kitchnered some sock toes and I am cruising down the foot to a toe...

May Joy

May Joy

Planning and planting brought much joy this month, as did seeing the fruits of past years labors. And, now joyful anticipation has settled in.  

Weekend Monday’s

Weekend Monday’s

A Monday that is still the weekend is all kinds of awesome in my book! So far, my weekend has been practically perfect in every way: the annuals have been planted into the various containers, there has been lots of grilling (i.e. I have not been doing much cooking),...

Last Friday in May…

Last Friday in May…

…First weekend of summer! Where has May gone? I mean really! Next week is June? What!? Start your Knitting – Summer Knit-Along kicks off tomorrow! And, because rules are really not much fun – it is a go at your own pace, knit what you want to knit, make your own rules...

What’s in the bag?

What’s in the bag?

This week's Think Write Thursday topic is to write about the content of your purse. Are you a minimalist? Or do you carry around a knapsack? And say, what's in there, anyway? Tell us what you've got in your purse and why! A purse defines your life, doesn't it? I have...

Unraveled Wednesday, May 24

Unraveled Wednesday, May 24

Hello Dear Unravelers! This is it, the post where I reveal the list of what I hope to accomplish this summer. Get ready, because it is long! In the finish category… (as in I have started and I need to finish) My Air Soft Shawl (AKA Brambling Shawl) Montadale Socks...


Kat’s bookshelf: read

When All Is Said
it was amazing
Seven chapters of sheer bliss. Beautiful writing and an incredible tale. Who would you toast on the last day of your life?
it was amazing
LOVED! Every single word. The thread that tied this story together is wonderful! I could not stop listening – it was that good!
2019 and audio
There Will Be No Miracles Here: A Memoir
it was amazing
A beautiful memoir. The writing is wonderful – the story shared is so poignant. I highly recommend.
2019 and audio-2019



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