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August Blues

August Blues

Another month is over and it was a very good month for stitching! My theme was entirely based on the skies of August – deep blues, sometimes grey, sometimes cloud filled, and each spectacular! No new techniques this month but more layered fabrics. Lots of running...

Things to do on Labor Day

Things to do on Labor Day

Already accomplished this morning: move things to Steve's new office and then a nice walk around the northside. Followed by these interesting possibilities: Free Craftsy Day – all classes, all day, free viewing! Pickle Tomatoes? And, there will be knitting, of course!...

Cover All!

Cover All!

Happy Friday, Gentle Readers! And, Welcome September – okay, maybe not welcome – it is just 50 degrees out this morning and decidedly fall like. Brrrr! August closed out my summer reading on an incredible high point. I finished The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and...

Hello, September

Hello, September

This week's Think Write Thursday topic is to write a post with the title "Hello, September" Since I began my stitching journey in January, nothing is quite as exciting as the start of a new month. It is a blank canvas laying before me filled with infinite...

Unraveled Wednesday, August 30

Unraveled Wednesday, August 30

And, with a finished object! Yes, Nekia is off the needles! She does need a little Soak™ wash and some ends woven in, but she is completed! I did have to do a bit of unraveling at the neckline to get the stitches to lay nicely, but I figured it out and they went much...

August Joy

August Joy

Oh, August… It seems like you were just getting started, and now are too soon over. However, in your racing days, there were so many moments of joy. The abundance of tomatoes and raspberries from my garden, it has been such an incredibly good year for tomato and...

Oh, Monday

Oh, Monday

This week I have a few things that I must finish that have been at the top of my procrastination list for some time. Sadly, there are plenty of things I procrastinate over but these things are especially procrastination worthy and I am not looking forward to them at...

Ahh! Hullo Friday!

Ahh! Hullo Friday!

It seemed like an inordinately long week this week for some reason and I am glad it is Friday! I do have a Finished Object to share with you today (and this morning, I could have used them outside this morning as the temperature was a very chilly 50!) I finished the...

Time Flies?

Time Flies?

In my thinking about what to post today, I have been spending some time thinking about impossible that it is end of August. This is especially odd since the days since the inauguration each seem like they are a century long. So, is time flying? Or dragging inexorably...

Unraveled Wednesday, August 23

Unraveled Wednesday, August 23

The time crunch has begun to get my coverall in Book Bingo…and I am feeling it! I have 2 squares to go and I am listening to both books. I did finish Still Waters by Viveca Sten. It was an excellent book and I gave it 4 stars! I would have given it 5 stars, but for...

Every Day Good

Every Day Good

There is so much going on every day and not all of it good. So, every day I try very hard to have something good to focus on, I thought I'd share a bit of that with you! Watching: The eclipse! Even though in Pittsburgh we only got a partial eclipse - it was...

Eclipsing Monday

Eclipsing Monday

It was a fly by weekend here but lots got done. Unfortunately, the sweater was not one of the things on the "done" list! I am through the sleeve divide however, and the knitting is going a bit quicker now. With some quality knitting time, this should not be on my...

Sweater in Four Days, Part II

Sweater in Four Days, Part II

This weekend I a #NekiaKAL participant and when Monday comes it is my hope that I will be well on my way to having a new sweater for my fall wardrobe! And, if I am really productive, I will be done on Monday but, I have my doubts that will happen. However, with no...

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

This week's Think Write Thursday topic is to tell us what you do when you find yourself with an abundance of tomatoes because 'tis the season! Ode to Tomatoes by Pablo Neruda the street filled with tomatoes, midday, summer, light is halved like a tomato, its juice...

Unraveled Wednesday, August 16

Unraveled Wednesday, August 16

I spent some time swatching over the past couple of weeks and while one swatch was not successful for what I intended it for, it did match perfectly the gauge of the Angelina Pullover. I know. It was a sign from the Knitty gods that I needed to knit that sweater! So,...

All things (not) being equal

All things (not) being equal

If we cannot now end our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. John F. Kennedy I would like to say I had a great weekend, however, the events that took place in Charlottesville loom like the dark grey skies that greeted my Monday...

A Case of Cast-On-Itis (or Welcome Charlotte!)

A Case of Cast-On-Itis (or Welcome Charlotte!)

After a night of tossing and turning, I woke this morning to this gargantuan web just outside my back door. And, I mean gargantuan - it is over 3' in diameter, this was one busy spider overnight! Perhaps, I can borrow some of her mojo and I can join her on my upcoming...

Thinks and Things

Thinks and Things

This week, there is no official Think Write Thursday topic however, thinking and writing continue. So today, I am just giving you a random round-up of some of the "thinks" that have become things this week. I finally had enough cherry tomatoes to make Tomato Jam…...


Kat’s bookshelf: read

When All Is Said
it was amazing
Seven chapters of sheer bliss. Beautiful writing and an incredible tale. Who would you toast on the last day of your life?
it was amazing
LOVED! Every single word. The thread that tied this story together is wonderful! I could not stop listening – it was that good!
2019 and audio
There Will Be No Miracles Here: A Memoir
it was amazing
A beautiful memoir. The writing is wonderful – the story shared is so poignant. I highly recommend.
2019 and audio-2019



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