Looking Back | August 2019

Looking Back | August 2019

August, die she must
The autumn winds blow chilly and cold.
April Come She Will, Simon and Garfunkel

If you asked me what I accomplished in August my response would be, ‘not much’. But as I look at these images, it seems I accomplished more than I realized!

There was so much making… pies and jams, sewing, and always knitting! Plus, hours in the gardens (although if you saw them today you’d be doubtful of that!)

Vegetable Garden Productivity was stunningly awful. I never had more tomatoes than I could use and not enough to preserve any for future use. The only tomato plants that had any success at all were the Oxhearts – and even that was a manageable production. As for my flower beds – alas, the deer ravaged them multiple times this month…sigh.

The biggest changes were in light and skies – those August skies were less blue but rather filled with interesting clouds! And, as the August days drew to a close, we felt the first inklings of the change of seasons. Cooler breezes paired with cooler days and nights that  required another blanket on the bed and a sweater for my morning garden excursions.

The video this month was so much fun! There was so much butterfly footage! Including “Butterfly Skirmishes” – which look like a gentle, swirling, fluttering dance…those Swallowtail’s are very territorial, it seems!

And with that, August memories are tucked away.

What about you? What is your favorite August memory?

P.S. If you want to knit a hat or two for Asylum Seekers in NorthEast Asylum Cities – all details about a KAL are here!

TGIF | 8.30.19

TGIF | 8.30.19

This year, I have really tried to be in the moment and enjoy the day at hand, rather than wishing for what comes next. I thought it might make the year feel like it is going slower, ha! I am sitting at my PC this morning wondering how on earth August is over, it is Labor Day weekend, and signs of fall are increasing daily.

Okay, so staying in the moment does not slow down the pace of days – however, it has allowed me to appreciate each day more and each season more fully! I think this might be the best summer of my life, not because I did all kinds of amazing things, but rather because I lived in each moment.

Thrilled —

This week, I finished and blocked my Morinne Short and Sweet. Oh my… this sweater is poetry. It fits perfectly, the yarn I picked has the perfect amount of drape and fluidity. The construction is brilliant – it is almost like a puzzle! You start and wonder how this will become a sweater and suddenly, before you know it (21 days from cast on to finish!) – you have knit a sweater! I posted more photos yesterday on IG and am making plans to knit another one!

Gathering —

I have been picking what appears to be the final tomatoes, beans, and peppers and that makes me a bit melancholy. I have loved the time I spend each morning in my garden. It has been the perfect place to also gather my thoughts each morning along with the produce and the recent thought gathering is full of blog ideas and fall morning routines. Stay tuned!

Inspired —

I recently read this post and it really resounded with me. I am going to spend some time thinking about how I can unplug myself one day a month – or at least unplug on my terms.

Finishing —

My summer of reading has been magical. I have read some of the most amazing books and if I can finish 2 more books by Monday, I will have read 55 books this summer…That is amazing to write and think about. I think I can do it because I am almost done with Bridge of Clay and more than halfway through Suite Françoise. I would like to thank Mary for hosting Book Bingo because it just might be my favorite part of summer!

That is all I have for this week. Have a great LONG weekend and I will see you all here next week!

Three on Thursday | 8.29.19

Three on Thursday | 8.29.19

Joining Carole today with a Bridget themed post!

Per Bridget:

“There’s a meme going around on Instagram stories, where you name three things that you hate, but everyone else loves.”

And, I am adding her disclaimer as well:

So here are Three Things Everyone Else Loves and I hate*

*(which is to say ‘dislike strongly’ since I don’t want to be lectured about the word ‘hate’ (either)…..)

Thing One —

Instagram Stories. Honestly, I just don’t get them. Why are they so much better than just a regular Instagram post? Perhaps it is the most telling indication of my age coupled with my complete lack of understanding in how (and why!!) to do them. And, please, no offers to give me an Instagram Story lesson…(because that could be thing four!!)

Thing Two —

Chia Seeds. Seriously, is there anything more disgusting on earth? And, why would you ruin perfectly good yogurt with the addition of these nasty little things?

Thing Three — 

Starbucks. Oy, I know! What??? Truly. They have done more for the ruination of coffee than any company I can think of. Truly. But this did make me laugh this morning!

That is all I have for today! See you all back here tomorrow!

Unraveled Wednesday | 8.28.19

Unraveled Wednesday | 8.28.19

Today, I am going to talk about languishing projects… sometimes they languish for a reason, amirite?

This one has been languishing for a L-O-N-G time.

For the longest time I tried and tried to get back to knitting it. Why, I even put it in the basket next to my bed thinking that might spur me to work on it.

It didn’t. And, then it dawns on you why this is a languishing project…. You just don’t want the sweater at all – you won’t wear it, it no longer (or perhaps never) was what you were looking for.

But you bought the yarn – so you must knit it, right?

Nope! You don’t. And, today I am frogging it – guilt free!

Oh, and all that Einband is about to become Reagan – and I could not be happier about it!

Now, my reads this week:

First – after Carole’s review of Days Without End, I was so happy to see it was available from the library. Wow – I loved it! Every single word. It is a painfully poignant story and I have not been able to stop thinking about it. Just go read it! (And, the audio version had a marvelous narrator!) 5-stars

Up next, Big Sky – the fifth book in the Jackson Brodie series. I enjoyed it – tremendously (although it took me a bit to get into it, but once I did, I devoured it!) 4-stars.

What about you? Do you have a languishing project you just need to frog?

If you wrote a post to share today, please leave your link below and thank you!

In Focus

In Focus

I am joining with Juliann and friends to share an update on my word!

Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus. – Alexander Graham Bell

The journey to a more focused life took a dramatic turn this month and I believe I have last month’s lack of focus to thank for this revelation!

I learned that sometime s in order to focus, I need to put blinders on and focus entirely on the thing at hand in order to be successful. It’s not that the other things are not there, but “focused multi-tasking” is truly an oxymoron! Yep, I stopped myself from multi-tasking this month and it made a huge difference in my days!

I accomplished more by being focused. I gained more by being focused. I heard more by being focused.

And, it felt so good!

As I head into the last quarter of the year, I feel like I finally get it, and this is showing in so many things! My daily list is more focused, and I have a new list, an “in waiting list” which is the list where I put things that I want to get done, but not just yet – not today and maybe not tomorrow, and that’s okay! I don’t have to keep thinking about them because they are written down – waiting their turn!

I am so happy for a  very focused August and I am excited to continue what I learned in September!

Macro Monday | 8.25.19

Macro Monday | 8.25.19

The light was the winner as I thought about how to compose my photos. I also played with color removal – I learned things too, which is never a bad thing!

My weekend just flew but, it has a wee extension!! Steve took today off and we are heading out to find new walking shoes!

I also randomly picked a name (from the two who wanted to be considered for The Nickel Boys) and the winner was respondent #2! Pam I have emailed you – get me your address and I will get the book in the mail to you!

Happy Monday everyone! See you all back here tomorrow when I join Juliann for an update on my word!

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