Frogging Friday

Hello everyone! Well it is a frogging Friday here at my house. I started to knit the Watercolor top from the spring IK and as I was working the top (after knitting about 17″) I discovered I had made a mistake in a couple of the rows, skipped my row of knit on the “odd” rows. I now know I cannot knit and watch TV and read a pattern AND talk to my husband (who by the way did not notice the new yarn, hmmmmmm). AARRGGHHHH. I like knitting with the ribbon yarn, but it is difficult to tear out a couple of rows and then pick up again in the round. I am taking it to my LYS this morning to rewind the yarn.

Hope you all have a great weekend – we have some rain coming here in Michigan.

We are heading north to our cottage to finish up the painting, see you all on Monday.

Monday – Monday

How can it be Monday again? The weekend just flew by way too fast. We are down to the last 4 days of school for my kids and, like the beginning of the year, the end of the year crunch is on!

I just finished the most boring conference call in history! Fannie Mae ARM products – now I ask you, with rising interest rates who on earth is going to do an ARM? Ahh, the joys of a new job!

I did manage to knit a bit this weekend though! I worked on finishing the cable clutch for class next week, all I am waiting for are the handles!

I broke my pact to not buy any yarn though! AARRGGHHHH! I have had my eye on some beautiful Colinette Giatto and I bought it on Saturday! My stash is an ever growing thing!

Have a great week everyone!

Summer has arrived!

Hello Everyone! At long last, summer arrived over the Memorial Day weekend! The weather was sunny and a hot 90 + degrees out. There was some rain, but it all came during the night. Almost a perfect weekend. My husband painted the living room at our cottage – not maybe the funnest thing to do on a holiday weekend, but it sure looks nice! We had some friends over on Monday and had a little cook out. I even did some knitting over the weekend! Yeah!!! I worked on the cabled clutch pattern that I saw on Lynne’s site – it is a fun little bag to knit. I have one done – just waiting to get the handles at my LYS. I started another one for my LYS out of two strands of Rowan Soft Lux. Mmmmm, does it feel wonderful! I am teaching this as a class this month at Lizzie Ann’s! I went down a needle size to a 13 and it really is knitting up nicely. My goal is to finish it tomorrow, as today is my husband’s birthday! Happy Birthday, Kyle! We are having dinner out tonight to celebrate!

Have a great Wednesday everyone!

It's all down hill from here!

Wow, what a week it has been thus far! I have had orchestra concerts to attend, orthodontist appointments to get kids to, haircut appointments to get kids to, laundry to do, laundry to do, meetings at work, web conference calls, did I mention I had laundry to do? It is Wednesday and I have barely had two minutes to knit! A week without knitting makes Kat rather grumpy!!

I am on “floor” at work right now – thus if anyone should happen to call wanting interest rates, payment quotes, etc. there is a “live body” to talk to. My boss sent out an email regarding cell phones ringing in the work place – but he has not yet said anything about knitting! Hmmm, maybe I can sit and knit this afternoon…

I am working on my second “wobbly tote” for the class I am teaching. It is not very “portable” though – socks are so easy to take anywhere – my first choice for what to knit in public. I have the second class for my Wobblers tonight. I am excited to see how their intarsia techniques are coming, and how their bags are looking. They are all new knitters and I hope they are not discouraged – I have not received any phone calls. I will take that as a good sign!

Has anyone made the socks from the spring issue of IK? I think they are so cute and my daughter would love a pair. That might be the next thing I work on!

Hope you are all having a great week – it is a LONG weekend!! And, I think summer is going to arrive this weekend – it is supposed to be in the 80’s. I can sit and knit in the sun!!



Week 1 completed!

Hello everyone! I have made it through week 1 of my new job, my poor brain is on overload with all the information I have been inundated with!! I also taught 2 knitting classes this week, but outside of that have had little or no time to knit this week! A week without knitting is like a week without sunshine! That must be why it was so grey, gloomy, rainy, cold, and damp here in West Michigan. I will make an effort to get my sticks out and work on knitting this weekend!

I have a couple of bags ready to be felted to take to the Thistle Gallery – I need to get that done this weekend. I also would like to finish my Noni bag – I need to go get some plastic canvas before I line it and put the zipper and handles on. I also need to get at least one side done on the wobbly tote for my class – they have to be to row 103, ready to learn how to bind off mid-row and how to cast back on. They were all so excited last week, but I have some very beginning knitters in class.

I want to thank my SP for her email this week – she made my week with her upbeat personality and she shared some information with me about her. I am really excited to be in SP8!

Have a great weekend everyone.

Happy Mother's Day

Hello everyone!
Hope you all had a great Mom’s day. Mine was awesome – I had a great day with my kids and Kyle’s family. It was truly a fun day. I need to get a good night’s sleep because I start a new job tomorrow!!!! Plus, I am teaching the Wobbly Circles Tote from IK tomorrow night at my LYS. I just wanted to say Happy Mother’s Day to all my knitsters out there – hope you all had a fabulous day!

Night, Night.

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