Super Weekending

Super Weekending

Do you think the weekend just flew by, or Is it just me?

Friday happy hour started early (as it has been since Hair Hitler has taken office). Steve also hooked up a new PC for me – so there was all that “transfer” stuff that goes on with all of that. There are still things not on the new PC yet.

Saturday was “Outlet Mall Retail Therapy” Day. I will say one thing, dieting is definitely not good for the clothing budget.

Sunday I cast on MKAL Sock #2, but I did not get it completed, however the cuff is done! We watched the Super Bowl (Steve watched until the end of regular play – I did not make it that long.) I was thrilled to wake up at 2am-ish and discover the Pat’s had pulled it out!

And, today is the birthday of one very special woman – my Rachel is 28 today! This is one of my favorite photos of her with her siblings – Rachel is in the middle. Happiest of Birthday’s dearest Rachel!

Have a happy Monday all!

Stand Together Monday

Stand Together Monday

“Activism is my rent for living on the planet.”
― Alice Walker

I know it is hard to believe it has only been 10 days since the start of the new administration, however in those 10 days there have been 3 large scale and entirely peaceful protests. In case you forgot – first there was the Woman’s March on Washington DC (which also spawned Sister Rallies worldwide)

Then began #StopTrumpTuesdays with rallies taking place at congressional offices nationwide.

And, then this weekend happened

I had no clue that we are a nation of super hero’s – activated and ready – but, I could not be more proud!

Here is to an active and fantastic Monday everyone!

The Resistance Community

The Resistance Community

We have all known the long loneliness, and we have found that the answer is community. – Dorothy Day

Friday was a low day – I felt bleak, without hope, and fearful. I attempted to avoid the as much of the news of the day that I could manage. I did not watch the inauguration and it seems I was in good company as the numbers watching both in person and per the Nielsen ratings reflected that much of America did the same! (Despite what the Liar-in-Chief and his band of dolts want to tell us)

I really wanted to attend the March in Washington, but Steve was concerned that something would happen – so I stayed home and attended the Pittsburgh Sister March. I dragged Steve with me – although he would not wear a pink hat (there were many amazing men wearing pussy hats though! Bravo to them!!) Saturday’s march in Pittsburgh was incredible – the people just kept coming! People of all ages, men and women – it was incredible! The estimates for the march were 25,000, however, I think the number was a bit more than that. (And, if you went to a march you can register your presence by texting “count me” to 89800 – they have an active Google Doc with the tallies).

However, something magical happened on Saturday – the bleak, hopeless, fearful feelings were replaced with feelings of hope and promise. 25k (plus) people who were all kind, focused, non-violent, caring, and unified – it was so amazing. Suddenly, it clicked – I am not alone, I have this incredible community! It was so phenomenal watching the news about the other entirely peaceful marches that happened all over the world on Saturday – peaceful, no violence – kind of impossible to imagine, but the reality is that this is the perfect foil for the name calling, lie-filled opposition. It is energizing – and I am ready to get to work on the next thing!

That’s right, Saturday was not a one-off for me – last night I was on the, Indivisible, and Working Families Party phone call to get my plan ready for #ResistTrumpTuesday – more community means increase feelings of hope and promise. When the first things discussed on the call revolved around only loving, peaceful protest – I knew without a doubt that this movement is not starting off in a bad way.

Now – I want to share with you a couple of easy actions for you join me in doing today:

  1. The 65 is rallying around Protesting Betsy DeVos’s confirmationso call your State Representatives today!!
  2. Also – and #ResistTrumpTuesday – these will be ongoing for the next 100 days. This week’s action can be found at There is a search option to find a group near you – JOIN THEM! It is the community you want to be part of! (I will make sure that I keep you all updated on what the plan is for the following week – really, we are in this together!)

Happy Monday and welcome to the community!

A Stand-Up Monday

A Stand-Up Monday

“There comes a moment you have to decide: Do you keep quiet or do you stand up.” – Malala Yousafzai

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

“We must not be silent. We all must act.” – John Lewis

A fitting start for a Monday.

P.S. Anna Maltz has tweaked Kat Coyle’s PussyHat and it is really spectacular! You still have time to knit one or two Kettunøsin – it is the perfect project to practice your colorwork!

Monday Footwear

Monday Footwear

It was a bitterly cold weekend here in the ‘Burgh and my new slippers came in very handy during the weekend of couch residency with knitting in hand.

I started swatching and I am not certain if I got gauge yet (swatch drying is in process) but I really love the yarn. It is very nice and I think it will be an excellent choice for a sweater – and it is not overly processed and there is a faint sheepy aroma and a slight feel of lanolin which is not at all unpleasant in the knitting process. I am expecting the yarn to bloom considerably in washing so it will be interesting to see how much gauge changes pre-wash and post-washing.

I also got back to sleeves on Rock Island – I got a good bit of it done watching a few episodes of season two of The Man in the High Castle. I was having a bit of a panic about not having enough yarn to finish the sweater, but those fears are subsiding a bit for the moment. I have about 4 inches to go on sleeve one and I think I will easily get sleeve two done with leftovers!

I am finding it a challenge to get back on track with my diet – it seems that a couple of weeks of sugar intake has woken my sweet tooth. I am going to try to ignore the sweet cravings this morning, which should make Monday even more amazing than it usually is!

That is all I have for today – if you are blanketed in snow and bitterly cold weather – stay warm and I hope your Monday is gentle! Mine should be – at least I am appropriately attired for it!

How was your weekend?

Flowers in January

Flowers in January


Can you hear me drumming my fingers on the desk? Yes…it is annoying!

How about a bit of a rambling post today?

We only have 399 hours remaining of intelligence, grace, and dignity in the White House before the circus comes to town.

I am in the Resistance Camp and I have been girding my loins, as it were. Kym has been sharing weekly ideas that are awesome! The Wall of Us had some great ideas this week. Easy things. Really. Go sign up!

In the same resistance vein, I cannot stress how vital supporting news media has become. I signed up for a digital subscription of the Washington Post and it made me insanely happy to read that they had recently hired more than five dozen journalists. I have been struggling to find a news balance in the sea of media that seems to be okay with giving time to person who believes lies are the truth. It makes me feel like my little support is helping in the fight!

How many of you know about Give Your Amazon Box New Life? Me either, but this could come in very handy for my organization resolution! (Additional partners can be found here)

Finally, and on a brighter note – my Paperwhites have started blooming! Just one slender stalk, but there are buds of promise on the fellow bulbs!

Happy Re-entry Tuesday, everyone!

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