The Best View

The Best View

This week’s Think Write Thursday topic is an interesting one: look out a window you don’t normally look out of and tell us what you see.

I am going to take that in an entirely different direction and see where that takes me.

Rather than a window, I am going to share my portal to my favorite neighbors and friends – the internet and my computer monitor!

  • It is the place where I find out how Bonny is doing, what she is growing, and her vacation memory posts of late have been so much fun!
  • Then I can look and see how Kym and Honore will inspire me – and the inspiration is always significant when you visit them!
  • I check to see if dear Margene has updated her blog and make a mental note to write her a letter.
  • The links at kmkat’s are always stellar and she serves things up with the perfect amount of sarcasm, which I deeply love.
  • I always enjoy Doug and Boone updates from Patty, and her Facebook messages are the best, just sayin’.
  • A visit to Sprite Writes is especially nice on the days she makes me think about what is beautiful in my world – thank you for making me stop and consider, Sprite!
  • From there I stop by to see what new adventures Gale has in store, her photos inspire me.
  • The day is never complete without a visit to Caffeine Girl, she is a fantastic knitter, and she reads such good books – but what I really love about her is her beautiful stitching.
  • Then I am off to visit Bridget and her darling cats. Her knitting is amazing as well.
  • The day is never complete without dear Mary. She has taught me so much about Timbered Choirs and she is warm and so welcoming. Her knitting is unreal and she shares the best glimpses into her life with Charlie and Sam.
  • A new friend is Juliann, but she is a welcome addition! She eats lovely things and she quilts! Oh my! I love her stitching so much. Add to that, she is a knitter and what is not to love? I have also shared the Just Five Things journey with her – and I look forward to another chapter this spring with her!
  • Then on to Wisconsin and Vicki aka Knitorious. I have been a long time lurker of Vicki, but I am happy I am no longer a lurker, but an actual commenter! She somehow does all the things – sewing, knitting, cooking, and her pictures are so lovely! I love that she shares Jun and Gin!
  • PA Knit/Wit is another recent friend and a very special one because she lives in Pittsburgh, and while we have not yet met – I hope that we will one day very soon. She is not only an amazing spinner – she is an amazing pattern writer!
  • Another Pennsylvania friend who is never short on inspiration is Karen – she lives in such a beautiful place and her photos that she shares are so incredible! She is also a prolific knitter and reader. No day is complete without her wise and gentle voice.
  • Finally, there is dear Carole – she is the thread through whom I made most of these connections. I visit Carole for so many reasons, but mostly for her. Her voice, her images, her joie de vivre, and yes – her beverages! No one quite does weekends quite like Carole, although, I do aspire. She has inspired me to be a better blogger. She has inspired me to be a better photographer. She has inspired me to be more welcoming… she just inspires me.

This is what my view is every single day. And, really… it does not get much better than this.

Want to see what everyone else wrote about for Think Write Thursday? You will find them all here. Want to join Carole and I on this journey? We would love to have you join us! You can sign up here.


Bits of Knitting and Reading

Bits of Knitting and Reading

Knitting and reading have been in a bit of a holding pattern.

I am almost done with A Rule Against Murder with Inspector Gamache. I should have it finished later today.

Up next is this gem from the library. I simply loved Norwegian by Night and I hope I love The Girl in Green as well.

I keep thinking I just have a few more inches to go, but I don’t seem to be getting there. After yesterday’s internal debate about ripping back, the ‘make it perfect’ voice inside me won out, I ripped back and added in the shaping…but!!! This allowed me to try the sweater on again and yep, I now have about 3 inches to go before I have some additional short row shaping and then the ribbing. So, the body is soooo close to being done! I am actually looking forward to getting to Sleeve Island!! Good thing there is a new season of The Bridge available.

Happy Wednesday!

Reflecting Randomly

Reflecting Randomly

The Woman’s March focus this week is “Reflect & Resist”

In that same vein… here are some things to reflect on this week…

Sometimes the (continued) brilliance of knitters astounds me, but this is insane! Because of this, I have added “take at least one class with Mary Scot Huff” to my list of things to do before I die…

Life has been super stressful with the daily barrage of nonsense coming out of Washington, so I was thrilled when The Night Gardner was available from my local library. Reading it has brought Maximum Stress Reduction… I highly recommend it! I have read it twice so far and it is a lovely, lovely book! Feed your inner child this week – read a kid’s book!

Sweater knitting continues but, sometimes it does not go well…

I will let you know how that blocks out, because I am not ripping back again!

That is all I have for today, but please – tell me something random that is happening in your world today.

Wait…it’s Monday?

Wait…it’s Monday?

It was a whirlwind weekend for sure, because I cannot believe it is Monday already.

This week is sure to be insane…there are meetings, and a vet appointment for Sherman, and then the weekend is filled with Wedding stuff.

Yeah…the end of March is Roaring like a Lion with activities!

This weekend included some quiet St. Patty’s at home festivities that included Guinness and some really good Reuben Dip. I substituted low-fat swiss cheese, reduced fat cream cheese, and no fat sour cream and I noticed no difference, although – both Steve and I would have liked more sauerkraut in it (so I will double it the next time I make it!)

Saturday included errands, burgers, some March Madness, and laundry…

Sunday’s highlight was the Ready to Resist call with two amazing speakers – Rev. Dr William Barber and Senator Jeff Merkley.

By Sunday night I wondered where the weekend went…

Knitting kind of had the backseat all weekend – but, I hope to correct that today! And, don’t forget ROUND TWO of MDK’s March Madness starts today! Go Vote!!

I hope your weekend was awesome and your Monday is too!

It was the best of times…EVER

It was the best of times…EVER

Into every bloggers life, there comes that moment when you say to yourself – wow, I would love to hang out with all of them, like every day! And, you wonder what might happen if you could spend a few hours with a blogger friend. Would it feel like you have known each other forever? Would it be weird? Would they be nothing like their blog? Would it be the best time ever.

That happened to me this week…on Monday I was incredibly fortunate to be able to spend a couple of hours with Kym and it was so awesome! (Really, you can’t tell at all that I was having any fun especially with the grin I have from ear to ear and I think subliminally I am trying to hang on to her so she could not leave… lol)

So, true fact – we are a one car household and Steve heads off to work at the ass crack of dawn, so yeah – my hair was looking marvelous – not. Oy.Vey. And, I cannot even believe I am sharing the above photo…haha! Although, Kym tried to clue me in on the angle thing… she won the day for sure! (Also, her Peace Cowl is gorgeous! And, Peace Cowl… Peace Sign Earrings – she had it all going on! Oh, and her LipSense was perfect!!)

So – because you probably want to know – it did feel like we knew each other, it was not weird, she is even more incredible than her blog, and it was the best time ever!

But, you know what Dickens said about the best of times; it is directly followed by the worst of times…

Yep, enter Thursday… and the day of the DOCTORS APPOINTMENT.

I simply love how everything about visiting the doctor is “hurry up and wait” – I mean really. I get to the appointment (early) and I am told that in 10 minutes I can check in via a “remote user-friendly” access point. Why the 10-minute wait? Apparently, you cannot check in more than 30 minutes early!

Once the 10-minutes have expired, I head off to the kiosk to “check in” only to have the remote log in station tell me I need to go to the desk to check in. I kid you not. They needed to get my “finger print” for future visits… really. So, how hard would it have been to ask me that first? (or freaking look at the record, which they have access to on their computer system – right?) By now, it is about 15 minutes before my appointment time and I am pleasantly surprised when they call me back almost immediately.

This surprise quickly was squelched when I realized that I was only being taken to another ‘waiting area’ where the board with all the physician’s names were listed along with if they were “on time” for appointments. Please note, every physician BUT mine was on time. My physician – 30 minutes BEHIND.

However, I am not the only one sitting in “cattle class” and the children there are beyond adorable so I have plenty to keep me occupied. (AND, dear Armand Gamache was with me too!!)

So, by now it is over an hour after my ‘scheduled appointment’ and I finally get the fun necessary part started – you know, those lovely vitals. I was most certain my blood pressure would be at dangerous levels… however, crazy as it may be my BP was LOWER than it has ever been (and I have never had high blood pressure) and when I had to get on the scale, the nurse said – wow, you have lost weight! I wanted to do the dance of joy! So maybe that was the fun part after all.

The appointment ended on the highest of notes – my very behind doctor is behind for a reason, he actually talks with his patients and more importantly – he listens to what they say. My office is a “teaching office” so he usually has a “doctor in training” with him – so if he can share with the new generation of physicians that this is the most crucial part of being a doctor, I don’t mind waiting.

Oh, and I won the “award of the day” for listening to him about losing weight.

The REAL reward of the day was (a very late for us) dinner at Casa Reyna’s in the Strip – with Guacamole prepared tableside and Margaritas for two! (Because you know Guacamole and Margaritas are the BEST of diet foods! LOL)

Now, how about some links?

First up – did you all notice the excellent update to Ravelry this week? If not, you should head there and look! It is AWESOME!

Next… this craziness happened this week. Really… I know, crazy!

That is all I have for this week, have a safe and very happy St. Pat’s Day! See you back here on Monday!

Du-rman? Germa-tch?

Du-rman? Germa-tch?

This week’s Think Write Thursday topic is to write about your heritage. Are you Irish and ready to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow? Are you Italian or Greek or English? Tell us about your ethnic background and culture and how the traditions of your heritage fit into your lifestyle.

Well… that’s a mouth full, isn’t it? So much to think about!

My heritage is most interesting – my maternal roots are German and my paternal roots are Dutch – although, that is not hard to figure out – I was born in Zeeland, Michigan and grew up in Holland, Michigan and lived there most of my adult life!

However, some interesting facts to share:

My maiden name is Sloothaak and while there are a few of us in West Michigan, in the Netherland’s there are oodles and oodles of them! It was most enjoyable to look in the phone directory and see pages and pages and pages of my maiden name! And, in Dutch my name translates literally to “Ditch Hook” – or, really Ditch Digger. I had much fun with this – I mean really, how great is it that your claim to fame is digging ditches to keep the sewage off the streets… seriously. I am not kidding. You have my ancestors to thank if your ancestors did not have to walk in the sh*t (although, I take no responsibility for the smell!) Oh, and the pronunciation? Slōt-hăk not Slow-thack as many pronounced it in Holland – imagine my joy that in hearing those in the Netherland’s pronounce it perfectly!

My maternal grandparents have interesting history. My Grandpa was the Valedictorian of his high school class; however, his family did not have enough money to send him to college. He worked in a silk stocking mill (yes, he was a machine knitter!!) and he was also a union organizer. When he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in his 40’s he could no longer work, but he was the most wonderful Grandpa! He daily tried to “beat the Chinaman” playing Solitaire. He was an avid reader and a bird lover who could identify birds from their call alone! He could recite Carl Sandburg and Joyce Kilmer poetry – his favorites were Fog and Trees.

My maternal grandmother was a spitfire, truly! When my grandpa was unable to work, she went to Beauty School and became a hairdresser to support her family, she was good at this though – she had to quit school in the 5th grade when her step-mother died and as the oldest, she became the caretaker for her 5 siblings. She was also an amazing cook, she sewed, and canned, and made Sauerkraut in the garage. She learned to drive late in her life when it became necessary. She was my favorite person in all the world and I miss her so much every single day, but my life is so full of what she taught me – she was absolutely the biggest influence on my life today!

So, where do these influences show up today in my life? I simply love tulips and Holland Michigan does them well, but seeing the fields in the Netherlands was equally stunning. I also love a good Saucijzebroodjes (that is Pig in the Blanket for those that don’t know Dutch) and Hempel’s Pastry made the best! I have my well worn Eet Smakelijk Cookbook.

I also am a good Lutheran (well, as good as a Lutheran can be, you know Martin Luther did say ‘sin, and sin boldly’ and believe me I do!) I love Knödel (and my nana made the best!) While I do not make Sauerkraut in the garage, I do love it! And don’t forget the Bratwurst! However, the best nod to my heritage is my indomitable spirit that won’t give up. (In other words, I am as bull-headed as any German you might have ever met! LOL)

There you have it, a brief glimpse into the heritage of me! What things did your heritage give you?

If you want to see what others shared today, you can do so here. And, if you would like to take this Think Write Thursday journey with Carole and I, you can sign up here! We would love to have you join us!

Get your woolies out Wednesday!

Get your woolies out Wednesday!

Mother Nature has reminded me that we still have winter, despite her tempting us with spring. (although we only got two-ish inches of snow here in my neighborhood, the temperature this morning is bitterly cold! You know – so cold we have a bit of a Pug Strike going on here!)

Thus, sweater knitting has resumed. I had to frog back a bit though, there are these increases/decreases at each side to give the sweater some interest, however, my angle was getting too far over. So I ripped back a bit and am now back on track but without those increases or decreases. I will knit another couple of inches and see how I like that.

Along with listening to Moby Dick. I am not quite half way through, but I confess I am loving the Big Read – hearing each chapter read by a different reader is excellent! I am finding it easy to resume after getting sidetracked by Overdrive titles that have a due date!

Also, a couple of weeks ago, I finished this wonderful hat from Drop Dead Easy Knits – silly me for thinking it would not get much use until next winter! It is getting a work out this week for sure!

Don’t forget March Madness over at MDK today! VOTING has begun!!

Joining Ginny’s Yarn Along where the knitting and reading are always so good.

Finally, one last reminder that my daughter is a reader and she is raising a reader! You can help her Usborne Book Party today here and thank you in advance!!

What are you knitting in this crazy weather!

Terrible Tuesday’s

Terrible Tuesday’s

We went to bed last night with dire warnings of doom… an Armageddon of a storm was heading our way! And, in Pittsburgh this strikes fear into brave men. Really. The stuff of Crazy if you ask this Michigan girl – I mean I know what snow is.

BUT THE HILLS, Kat!!! Yes, yes – I understand… (okay, maybe not so much!)

Anyways, we woke today to discover that the pending doom was not so pending or doom-ish.

However, I am aware that not all places were so lucky – and if that includes you, Gentle Reader – I am deeply sorry and I hope you are safe, warm, and with functioning electricity! (And, that you have a good stockpile of knitting and books!!!)

It began snowing lightly here at about 10:30 and I am sure that I will hear how treacherous even that tiniest bit is from someone…

I have some fun things to share with you today:

Christian, Heidi, and Genevieve!

  1. My darlingest daughter #2 is having a little Book Party and I can tell you that these books are a HIT with Granddaughter #1. If you are looking for some books for your grandkids (or kids!!) I would love it if you helped support her (and Genevieve would love it too!) If you are on Facebook and want to “attend her party” tomorrow night, let me know and I will invite you!
  2. I am now a LipSense™ distributor (thank you so much Carole!) and if you want information – please ask. I won’t be advertising here on the blog, but you are welcome to join my Facebook Group.
  3. I am in the process of writing an actual pattern, which I will be sharing soon. But, really – I am incredibly excited about this and knitting math might be the best kind of math ever!
  4. Today is Pi Day – and I am sadly not a Pie Maker, however – Carole and Bonny are! They popped in my head first thing this morning – and I wish I was their neighbor to get in on their pie action!
  5. Pi Day and Knitting is so incredible – especially with this crazy post by the brilliant Mary Scott Huff (you can read about the entire Permission Denied Sweater Journey here). The genius of knitters never ceases to amaze me…really.
  6. I had a lovely coffee hour yesterday (which you will hear and see more about later this week) and it really got me thinking… there should be a thing as a Blog Retreat, don’t you think? I welcome your thoughts and ideas – I would LOVE to make this happen.
  7. Knitter’s March Madness begins tomorrow – so you better get your research done TODAY!

That is enough for this Terrible Tuesday. And, really – please share your thoughts and ideas about a Blogger Retreat!

Gone Sippin’

Gone Sippin’

Happy Monday everyone!

It was a pretty uneventful weekend – although, sadly, it was an hour shorter.

I did some Resisting on Saturday, which always feels so good!

But, all in all it was restful!

That is a good thing because I have BIG PLANS this morning!!

I hope your Monday is as fab as mine!!

Winter Freaking Wonderland

Winter Freaking Wonderland

Happy Friday? Yeah, I am not so sure with all the SNOW that we got last night. Oy vey. The warmth of the week has abruptly ended and it is back to hats, mittens, socks, and sweaters here! I am thankful that the snow blanketed everything to protect it from the bitter cold that is forecast for later this weekend. Fun times, I am telling you!

Now, how about some diverting links?

  • Romi’s Mystery Shawl 2017 – I am really tempted to join in with this. I will be tossing my stash this morning to see what I might have that would work! Who’s interested in joining me?
  • Stormy Sky Shawl – I love the simplicity of this pattern, and the suggestion of using a special skein of yarn for it is brilliant. I might just have one that would work…(also FREE!)
  • Linen Noir is perfect for the thoughts of summer dancing in my head!
  • These Kissing Cousin Socks are GENIUS! Really… Genius!
  • Isabel Kraemer’s Aileas… perfect timing for this sucky weather!
  • Kimono – In theory, I love this…but I think wearing it would be disastrous, at least for klutzy me! Although, this might be perfect for a yarn that you know will pill like mad, because there won’t be many friction points!
  • This one is for Carole – something she can knit up with all that gorgeous yarn she spun last weekend!
  • Rainbrioche – the name says it all!
  • Now, this speaks to the Sheep Rare Breed Lover in me – Coburg Mittens knit from yarn that is 70% German Coburg Fox Sheep with 30% Merino. (You only need one skein…just sayin’) Oh, and in case you have never seen German Coburg Fox Sheep… some sheepy cuteness for you!
  • Do you get Taproot Magazine? The Weave Issue has two really cute patterns: Quill and Three French Hens (LOVE!!)

And, lastly – a huge Congratulations to Gudrun Johnston for designing the official 2017 Shetland Wool Week ‘Bousta Beanie’ pattern. You can get a free copy of it here.

That is all I have for this week – stay warm and I will see you back here on Monday!

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