When Bullying Hits Home

When Bullying Hits Home

This week’s Think Write Thursday topic is to tell a story about bullying. A time you witnessed it and stepped up or maybe a time you witnessed and did nothing. Or, if you haven’t had a personal experience with bullying, feel free to write a fiction piece on this topic.

Some weeks I would like to say – who the heck picked this, but yeah – that would be me, so I apologize in advance for such a challenging topic!

I think we would all like to say that if we viewed a person being bullied that we would step up and speak out. We would like to, but this is not always the case. However, recently in Olanthe, KS an incident occurred of harassment occurred and a bystander stood up for those being bullied, sadly he was injured in the incident that left one victim injured also, and one victim was killed. Still – someone stood up for what was right – even with peril to his life.

However, I have no such noble tale to tell regarding my heroics in standing up to a bully. Rather I found this quote by Michael M. Honda most appropriate:

Everyone in America likely has a bullying story, whether as the victim, bully or as a witness.

Let that sink in a minute… yeah, bullying is all inclusive…

Now I will share my story:

Most of my childhood I shared a bedroom with my younger sister, and we shared a double bed. Not so bad, really… unless one of you is a bed-wetter. My sister, sadly, wet the bed for years – really…years. However, thankfully, she does NOT read this blog! However, I am quite certain that I did not help at all in her bed-wetting issues, and perhaps I even made things worse.

I am ashamed to admit this today, but I delighted in scaring my sister with tales of the “monsters that lived under the bed, and if you could avoid them – the ones in the closet never, ever miss,” and delight I did. The more she was scared the happier I was.

Perhaps her wetting the bed was my just reward for being such a truly horrid child. I am most certain I deserved it, yet my sister, miraculously, does not hold my pathetic behavior against me – although we do not talk about the night terrors I gave her. Perhaps it is time that we do – a conversation that begins with my sincere apologies for my horrid behavior.

I am no longer that horrid little girl and I have grown to be a vocal advocate for bullying where and when I see it. I debated with my self about turning off comments for this post – but, I opted to leave them open. This post was not written to garner your sympathy, and as Mary said it is amazing the things we share here – if she could share her closet, I could do no less than share this story.

Today the final line from my Lenten devotion hit home… ‘is there a task that God has put on your heart?’ Yes, indeed there is.

If you would like read more Think Write Thursday posts from today you will find them here. If you would like to join Carole and me in our Think Write Thursday journey – we would love to have you join us! You can sign up here.

Sock Along

Sock Along

It is all sock knitting here. Mystery Socks – one done, one to be finished.

Handspun Montadale Plain Vanilla Socks – in process

Birthday Helical Stripe Socks – in process

At least sock knitting is portable!

Actual reading has stalled, but audio books have been getting a good work out. I finished Orwell’s 1984 yesterday. I gave it 5 stars – I really loved this book. How spooky or perhaps eerie in how relevant it is to what is currently going on is crazy. If you have not read it – you should. It is brilliant writing.

I began listening to Orwell’s Animal Farm – this is a “re-read” for me, however, I read this book over 35 years ago, and felt a refresher was in order. The same company published this audiobook, and I am thrilled because the narration is stellar.

Oh, and I started reading The Zookeeper’s Wife last night. It is too soon to have any thoughts on the book as of yet.

As always, joining with Ginny’s Yarn Along – what are you reading this week?

When you have nothing and it is Tuesday

When you have nothing and it is Tuesday

Perhaps a throwback to Carole’s 10 on Tuesday with ten random thoughts courtesy from my brain!

  1. This head cold has totally derailed my night time reading – I have not even tried to read a single word. However, I feel I have turned a corner and perhaps tonight will be the night that before bed reading resumes… I have my fingers crossed.
  2. I made great strides on my catch-up list yesterday, which means my list for today is only semi-daunting! At this rate, my Wednesday list should be back to normal.
  3. I am almost finished listening to Orwell’s 1984 and wow. Just wow.
  4. This website has brought new clarity and understanding to my thought process.
  5. My forsythias are opening, the red-winged blackbirds have returned, and there is joy in my heart that the weather was mild again this morning.
  6. Amazon Prime Exercise Videos have not been a rousing success – I am blaming this waning but damned cold.
  7. However, Lenten meditations are – and have even offered a few moments respite from thinking about my foggy head.
  8. I jumped on the Helical Stripe Bandwagon last week – Birthday Socks have begun. A word about Helical Stripes – WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE???? Yes, they are that good.
  9. My concern level for the number of projects in the works is growing – there are way more of them than there are of me!
  10. Tomorrow is International Women’s Strike Day…I love this statement: “Some of us are striking, marching, rallying, and boycotting. Some of us wish we could. Everyone, everywhere can join the PUSSYHAT GLOBAL VIRTUAL MARCH!” YES!!! You can participate virtually! Really. It’s a wear, declare, and share kind of day – so, put some red on and your pussyhat, make a little sign about where you are from or what you are for, and take a selfie!! Share it on your social media and tag it #pussyhatglobal All the details are on Pussyhat Project.

There you have my Tuesday, Gentle Reader. Oh, and dust off your Pussyhat’s for tomorrow!

Catch Up Monday’s

Catch Up Monday’s

The weekend’s list of accomplishments was short – laundry being the sole item.

Which leaves me catching up on Monday.

A bit of vitamin C and coffee paired with some nourishing meditations will hopefully get me ready to move those things left undone from the weekend onto my Monday list.

It will be a full week – I hope your weekend was just what you needed to tackle your week!

Happy Monday, everyone!

Rambling Links

Rambling Links

Overnight snowfall certainly puts the arrival of March in the Lion Category. And, sadly, while we got snowfall – it was not enough to insulate the newly budding and growing things.

Frozen Chives make me sad.

Oh, and add to the mix what I knew would be inevitable with warm/cold/warm/cold weather – Welcome to the House of the Head Cold! Yeah – fun times!

Good thing I have a pile of knitting to keep me company. And, if that were not enough… Mary shared with me this juicy tidbit (which will make all of us Benedict Cumberbatch fans ecstatic!!) I have not read the books, but I got them on my Kindle yesterday.

Now, how about some links to keep your knitting mojo on track (or get it back on track…)

Sock knitting is always a good thing and there were a couple of nice patterns released this past week:

There was a plethora of shawls:

  • High Woods Shawl (on sale for £1 until Sunday morning)
  • The Bee Queen (Free until March 4)
  • Lori Versaci has sinuous – this is such fascinating construction!
  • Persistence – with donations from each purchase to a variety of organizations, i.e. ACLU, SPLC, Planned Parenthood, etc.
  • With Ease – a comfortable friend for your shoulders
  • More Svetlana – she is an artist with yarn and needles

Garter stitch sweaters make my heart sing:

Miscellaneous, but noteworthy:

And finally, Easter Bunny Egg Cozy… really, we all need these asap!

Have a great weekend everyone, see you back here on Monday!

Hello, March

Hello, March

While I am not witty like Emily Dickinson, I would like to give you a very warm welcome!

I am not certain if you are entering like a lamb or a lion – and really, how many days does one have to determine these animal like qualities? Yesterday it was warm, blustery, and rainy – today you mock us with pellets of snow. Do we get a few days to determine if you are a gentle lamb or a roaring lion?

Really, inquiring minds want to know!

However, you usher in a busy month:

There is March Madness, and
Springing ahead clocks…
Saint Patrick’s Day,
a doctors appointment(!!)
and who can forget the first day of spring!
There is even a wedding, which quite frankly has me a little worried. A size too small dress and a stagnating scale are stressing me out, let me tell you!
Oh… and there are new exercise videos courtesy of Amazon Prime, these are hopefully going to alleviate my stress and that damned stagnating scale!

Happy March Everyone – what is on your plate for this month!

Slow Sock Wednesday

Slow Sock Wednesday

The final clue for Kirsten Kapur’s Mystery socks is out today, however, as you can see – I am not even half way done with clue three.

Somewhere over the past couple of weeks my knitting mojo has up and left – I am just not feeling the knitting love right now. I know, it is a troubling thing! Perhaps today’s weather can help me get back on track – it is a windy, rainy, blustery day here – so maybe I can get these socks back on track today.

I am happy to say the that my reading has not done the same though. I started reading Fredrik Backman’s latest little book – And Every Morning The Way Home Gets Longer and Longer. It should be a quick read and perhaps I can even have it finished today!

In my ears I am listening to Orwell’s 1984…I somehow did not read this in high school, although I read Animal Farm. I just started yesterday and so far, I am enjoying it!

Joining Ginny’s Yarn Along, where there is lots of knitting and reading going on!

With Joy

With Joy

As I close the door on February – a blessedly short month that was not short on joy.

There was an abundance of joy over the past month.

Joy in the lengthening days – over the month we have gained 64 more minutes of daylight!

Joy in the stunning lack of winter – out of the 28 days, we were above the historical average 21 days during the month. (Although, this joy is tempered by the obvious nod to Global Warming)

Joy in the books read and listened to during the month: I am the Messenger by Markus Zusak (I gave this book 5 Stars), I am No One by Patrick Flanery (3 Stars), and Into the Woods by Tana French (4 Stars) – only 3 books this month, but they were most enjoyable!

Joy in my continued stitching – this has been truly the thing that has been bringing the most joy! Through these moments of stitches, I have opened the door to my creativity. It is an incredible feeling – this unleashed creativity. Today I will fill in the final stitches for this month and this morning offered a beautiful sunrise that will be reflected in my stitches.

Joy in letters, written and received. It was my inaugural participation in MoL, and while my involvement was not perfect it was incredibly joy-filled!

There was joy in flowers and laughter and yes, even weight loss plateaus.

I hope that February was joy-filled for you as well!

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Weekending Things

Weekending Things

Happy Monday everyone!

I hope your weekend was good and that you are refreshed and energized to tackle the week!

We had an abrupt return to winter on Saturday and I am a bit concerned for all the things that are now growing in my yard…

  • Forsythia are about to bloom
  • Tarragon, mint, chives, and thyme are growing like mad
  • The lilac bush has oodles of leaf buds on it (however, I do not see any flower buds yet…)
  • The Spiraea in the front yard is filled with a beautiful green haze of new leaves
  • And, I have a plethora of perennials coming up all over

So, the snow and bitter winds on Sunday were especially unwelcome.

Despite the wild weather – it was a good weekend!

There was another “huddle” with my fellow resister’s which has become something I am really looking forward to. The bit of time in camaraderie with like-minded souls is definitely a boost!

I discovered when I was almost done with the first part of the chart on sock one that I somehow skipped 12 rows. So… riiiiiiiip! I am glad I discovered this before getting much further – AND before beginning sock two. I am back on track with a post it™ to help me with my obvious confusion! However, both socks being done before the final clue comes out on Wednesday is highly unlikely.

We also found some nice looking Romanesco at Whole Paycheck (although they were not insanely expensive) and made my favorite salad, Romanesco alla Diavola, with it to accompany pasta with meatballs for dinner last night. It was so good!

We watched some of the Oscars, but being the lively, stay-up-late crew that we are we did not last until the end. (Actually, it was far from the end, and as such we missed all the uproar over the best picture!!) Now, I am waiting for the same thing to happen with our last general election…

And that brings us to Monday – a hit the ground running morning here. How about you?

Februapril Friday’s

Februapril Friday’s

As I sit here today with the window open, drinking coffee and listening to the birds singing gloriously – it is a very un-February-like morning. All week it has been in the unbelievable – well into the 60’s for much of the week and all this warm weather has made Sherman the happiest of Pugs!

Apparently Spring is the new Winter…next week it does not look quite as warm, but these temperatures are still not normal.

All this crazy weather makes me think of warm weather knitting… shawls and the like.

And, gardening…Planting.All.The.Things.

It is the perfect being-out-of-doors weather!

So, how about some links so we can get on with our Friday?!

That is all I have for today – have a fantastic weekend everyone! See you back here on Monday!

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