The Bohemian Grove Theory

The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently – Friedrich Nietzsche

I have the distinct pleasure, or misfortune as it may be, of being an acquaintance of an actual card-carrying member of the infamous Bohemian Grove Club.

Telling stories was “Bill’s” favorite thing to do from shooting animals on an African Safari to his travel escapades; he had a story for every occasion, but most of all he loved telling about his trips to Bohemian Grove.

I remember at the time not being overly impressed by the tales he regaled us with; like the “martini machine” or to “running naked” in the redwoods with the likes of Henry Kissinger, Ronald Reagan, or James Baker. Lest you think I am kidding about the running naked in the redwoods, here is what President Clinton had to say about the Bohemian Grove, “The Bohemian club! Did you say Bohemian club? That’s where all those rich Republicans go up and stand naked against redwood trees right? I’ve never been to the Bohemian club…”


To "tink" or not to "tink," that is the question…

To "tink" or not to "tink," that is the question…

It has been a day of progression, learning, and letting go. I have always told myself I am a process knitter rather than a product knitter, and today I learned that that is most certainly true. I cast on for this sweater some two years ago or so. I painstakingly knit, and knit, and knit, and knit some more on it and as you can see, the end was in sight. One sleeve and the neckband was all that needed to be finished for this sweater to move into the “product” pile. However, I hated it. I did not like how it fit, how it looked, and how it felt… I kept telling myself that it would “grow” on me and wait until more of it is complete and then see how you like it. There were months on end that it languished in my knitting bag while I ignored it, living by the “out of sight, out of mind” policy. Well, all that changed today. In my process of life simplification, I have begun to address all that is “unfinished” in my life, which includes all various knitting projects in all their varied states.

Today, it was this poor sweater’s Day of Atonement…and in the Knitter’s vernacular, the tinking process began. (Tink: (verb) the opposite of Knit, Knit backwards)


Haiku to Bread

Haiku to Bread

Flour, yeast, water, salt

Combine simply creating

Crusty, fresh baked bread.

Just Stuff Me…

Just Stuff Me…

Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity. ~Voltaire


The Exercise of Poor Judgment

I was talking to a friend last night and was lamenting the fact that I did not know what I was going to blog about today.

Well, thanks to NPR, this gem crossed my path this morning!

I was on Facebook this morning and I saw this link on my wall so I clicked the link to read the story.

Stunned disbelief is a gross understatement for what I am feeling right now.

Evidently, there is nothing wrong with writing memos that sanctions the harsh interrogation of alleged terrorist detainees, outside of it being an exercise of poor judgment.

Clearly, there is no justice in the justice system.

I am left wondering if Bush’s shenanigans will ever catch up with him and his cronies.

If you are interested in reading the entire memo from the Office of the Assistant Attorney General, you can find it here.

A Radical Departure

I have read some blogs recently and heard some “social-net” chatter the past couple of days all about the Olympics, and specifically Figure Skating.

I, however, wanted to depart from the Figure Skating discussion to share my excitement about the incredible contingency on the US Snowboarding Team!

Both men and women alike, they have captured my attention.

In particular, two members of Team USA, namely Shaun White and Kelly Clark have held my rapt attention for the past two nights.

Now, Gentle Reader, I neither snow board nor like to have my feet leave terra firma, but watching these kids execute crazy moves like inverted 720’s, or Shaun’s insanely crazy “Double McTwist 1260“, or just “catching air” I am simply amazed! These tricks all look practically impossible (at least to my 49 year old perspective) yet they pull these moves off with an apparent ease that makes me think they have wings and can fly!


The Kat's Out of the Bag…

“Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.” Bill Cosby

Apparently, being bodacious began for me at a very early age, because Bill Cosby’s quote fit perfectly for my growing up years!

Either that or I had that common hearing condition which plagues most children… I am sure you know it, the dreaded Selective Hearing Syndrome.

Why the name topic, you ask? Well, my Bodacious and Fearless Leader has put the task before her minions to talk about what is in a name, namely my name!

Why were you given your name?

This is an easy one, I was named after my mother, who was named after a relative (not her mother, but rather a beloved aunt), and I in turn did likewise with my first born. We all share Kathryn in our name.


The Art of Meditation

Practice meditation regularly. Meditation leads to eternal bliss. Therefore meditate, meditate – Swami Sivananda.

In search of bliss, one can easily overlook the steps to get there… namely the meditation part.

So here’s to the fine are of meditation, and the practice thereof, and just in time for Lent.

Now, I probably should tell you that I have a long way to go to achieve Meditation Excellence. My meditation skills are in the Meditation Failure Category, honestly.


Monday Minutia

It is Monday and you know what that means, another post of Useless Information… You know you love it!

So, without further adieu I give you more of What You Never Knew You Wanted to Know…

1. Are your parents married or divorced?

Divorced, and have been for 30 years.

2. Are you a vegetarian?

I am an equal opportunity eater – from all the food groups!

3. Do you believe in Heaven?

Of course, don’t you?

4. Have you ever come close to dying?


5. What jewelry do you wear 24/7?

Three rings, and an earring – singular.

6. Favorite time of day?

Morning, I love being up to watch the sunrise.


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