The View From Here

The View From Here

Reading: A Malmö Midwinter: An Inspector Anita Sundström Novella by Torquil MacLeod – it should be a quick read. Should being the operative word. But, I have been falling asleep almost immediately upon getting into bed. This might frustrate me, however, since Insomnia has been on an apparent vacation, I will take the sleep while I can get it!

Knitting (and spinning): I cast on Hop Brook by Bonnie Sennott with some handspun Dorset Down. I am about half way through and I carded the remainder of the fiber to spin this weekend. I am also in the home stretch for Kirsten Kapur’s Mystery Socks – just the toes to go and I will be done!


Thoughts For a Wednesday

Thoughts For a Wednesday

The lure to knit another sweater remains strong especially when I look at this thread. So many lovely sweaters there! I am trying to entertain myself with socks, but I momentarily fell off the Sock Train and started knitting a beachy Hop Brook with my handspun Dorset Down. Unfortunately, neither one is keeping me from wanting another sweater, especially a grellow one…

I did some hand stitching on some hand-woven fabric, I should have photos this week to share, that is if the Eternal Greyness of Days ever ends.

But, I am so happy to have these gorgeous orchids blooming away in my living room. They are a lovely sentinel of color in a very dreary winter.

And, maybe a mid-week Chinese food pick me up is in order today. A bit of hot mustard is the best cure-all and I know for a fact I could use a healthy dose!

Have a great Wednesday, Gentle Reader. Friday will be here before we know it!

Randomly Friday

Randomly Friday

The knitting continues, and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have gotten to the color work portion of my Lopapeysa. That means that bind off will happen today! Thus far I have a grand total of twenty-seven and a half hours for #bangoutasweater and I am estimating that I have maybe another 5 hours more before that epic bind off happens.

I was shocked and insanely proud to see my sweater on MDK yesterday. A huge thanks to Kay for that supreme honor.


Can’t. Stop. Knitting.

Can’t. Stop. Knitting.

Wishful thinking is one thing, and reality another. – Jalal Talabani

The Marathon Knitting continues.

One sleeve is done and joined with the body. It’s mate is in process at about the half way point.

My goal is that I am ready to start the steek tomorrow, but I am pretty sure that is a large dose of wishful thinking!

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