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A Recipe for Success

A Recipe for Success

This weeks Thing Write Thursday has us all thinking about our favorite Thanksgiving recipe. Now, for me the Thanksgiving meal at my Nana's house was the Christmas meal as well as the Easter meal. I loved it as a child, that continuity and comfort of those deliciously...

A Jumble of Knitting and Reading

A Jumble of Knitting and Reading

This week's knitting and reading are both a jumble of things right now. My knitting bag has some sleeve knitting, some fingerless mitt knitting, and getting ready to do some swatching (which is not for the fingerless mitts, but sometimes just exactly what you need to...



A collection of outright craziness – just because! I was fortunate to capture an image or two of the Astronomical, Gigantic, Larger-than-life Super-Duper Moon on Sunday night. It took a few shots to figure out exactly what settings to use (or not to use as was the...

Frosty Monday

Frosty Monday

The first really hard frosts happened here over the weekend, which was the abrupt end to all that was green in the yard. Other than that, it was a non-weekend – you know, the kind that was over before it began. There was some football, but it was not great football –...

Saturdays with Sherman – 11-12-16

Saturdays with Sherman – 11-12-16

If he could talk he'd be telling me to put that damned camera away. Sorry, Sherms - NaBloPoMo marches on! I hope your Saturday is a bit less grumpy than Sherman's! P.S. He really wanted to ignore me like this, but I made him look!  

Rx: More Wool

Rx: More Wool

This has been a very rough week here at Casa del KatKnits. Really, it feels like the longest week ever, but perhaps that is just the way it is in particularly rough weeks. However, I am going to try to focus on other things – anything other than the doom and gloom...

A Love Letter to Autumn

A Love Letter to Autumn

Some mood music for this post: My Dearest Autumn, The seasons may change, but my heart remains true. It is you I love most of all. Your slow sunlit days that are heady with change. When you begin to paint the trees with shades of crimson, gold, and ginger – creating a...



I have no words at all this morning. I had planned to share the wonderful stack of books I received through the #SaveTheCulture Book Exchange. And, as I sit here at a complete loss for words; I am profoundly struck by how vital books are – especially when you have no...

The Most Important Thing

The Most Important Thing

When a citizen gives his suffrage to a man of known immorality he abuses his trust; he sacrifices not only his own interest, but that of his neighbor; he betrays the interest of his country. - Noah Webster Robocalls are over, although the ones from Barack and Michelle...

Monday in Brief

Monday in Brief

The weekend was oh so nice. And, then comes Monday... Therefore, rather than dealing with Monday and all its Monday-ness, I am going to just relive the weekend. Perhaps it will make Monday just a bit shorter, which is always a good thing! The weather was divine....

Saturday’s with Sherman

Saturday’s with Sherman

Selfie Saturday is really not my thing. And, we are a cat free  house, so #caturday is not an option. However, there is Sherman...and even though he is no fan of being photographed, this month I am going to try and capture what is uniquely him. So Saturdays will now...

Little Bits of Sunshine

Little Bits of Sunshine

Every once in a while, life is abundant in little bits of sunshine. This was one of those weeks. And, among the bits of sunshine a sweater was born! Sigla is a ray of sunshine all by itself because knitting a Mary Jane Mucklestone sweater is really a joy! Thirteen...

A Tale of Two Teachers and an Aide

A Tale of Two Teachers and an Aide

Think Write Thursday this week is all about teachers – especially a favorite teacher that most influenced you and how. Teachers can change lives with just the right mix of chalk and challenges. Joyce Meyer And thus, began the great internal debate – which teacher to...

Blue Knitting A La Gilmore Girls

Blue Knitting A La Gilmore Girls

The sleeves march on, and sadly not as quickly as the Sigla sleeves (which is finished and getting a nice soak this morning for her unveiling later this week!) I just have miles and miles of blue to go. Good thing I am taking the Gilmore Girls along for the ride. I am...

Gratefully Tuesday

Gratefully Tuesday

Hello, November! It seems like just yesterday that you were here, but then I look back at the year and I realize it has been a very full year. A year full of so many good things but with temps slated to be in the 70's here again today – it hardly seems like it can...

The Last Gasp of Summer

The Last Gasp of Summer

It was a fantastic weekend and it was a bit longer than usual since Steve took Friday off. The weather could not have been more incredible. It was in the 70's all weekend until late yesterday afternoon when the rain blew in and brought with it much colder temps. There...


Kat’s bookshelf: read

When All Is Said
it was amazing
Seven chapters of sheer bliss. Beautiful writing and an incredible tale. Who would you toast on the last day of your life?
it was amazing
LOVED! Every single word. The thread that tied this story together is wonderful! I could not stop listening – it was that good!
2019 and audio
There Will Be No Miracles Here: A Memoir
it was amazing
A beautiful memoir. The writing is wonderful – the story shared is so poignant. I highly recommend.
2019 and audio-2019



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