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The Important Things

The Important Things

Packing for a trip can be a challenge. There are so many things to take into consideration – weather, activities, etc. However, if you are a knitter then you have an added layer of things to think about. Knitting projects. For me, this is perhaps the most crucial item...

A Gathering of Easy

A Gathering of Easy

When one of my absolute favorite designers collaborates with some friends and they put together a collection of "Drop-Dead Easy Knits" I was excited to see what the collection would include. I pre-ordered the book and it was delivered on Tuesday – at which point, I...

First Day of Fall – Currents

First Day of Fall – Currents

Enjoying: Hot coffee after a summer of sipping it iced! For me it is the perfect transition to fall and one that is very welcome! Making: The last of the local peaches into jam. I have perfected the recipe of the course of the season. It is so good, especially in...

Knitting Slogs

Knitting Slogs

slog /släɡ/ verb 1. work hard over a period of time. synonyms: grind, slave, plod, toil For me, Sleeve Island is the slog of sweater knitting. The slowest part of the entire process (although maybe not for this sweater – it all has been slow going!!) However, in...

Summer Highs and Autumn Hopes

Summer Highs and Autumn Hopes

Hello Tuesday! And, you know what that means! Carole wants to know something!! This week she asks: We're going to shake things up a little bit this week and do two lists of 5 things. First, I want you to write about the 5 best things you did this summer. And then I...

Too Soon Gone

Too Soon Gone

The weekend started off so perfectly and even a bit early on Friday – good eats, great drinks and a quiet evening at home where the great AC debate took place. I lost and the AC went back on. Saturday brought a bit of retail therapy, a trip to Primanti's, and watching...

Hullo, Friday!

Hullo, Friday!

It has been a full week here in my house – although, my list still has a couple of things still lingering on it, but I will not be overly stressed if I do not get them all done. I did indeed get the second Triticum front completed, I hope to cast on the first sleeve...

When Konmari Sparks Saudade

When Konmari Sparks Saudade

I had been so filled with joy in emptying out boxes and sorting through things from my move to Pittsburgh. Really. Overflowing with joy! There were things that were easy to either move on to a new home or get rid of because if you have not used something in 3 years,...

Lists, Knitting, and Reading

Lists, Knitting, and Reading

Earlier this week I felt very overwhelmed by my To-do list, but I finally feel like I am getting on top it today! I made raspberry jam again, and will probably be able to pick enough berries to make one more pint. I have had a number of questions about what jam recipe...

Are you ready for some…

Are you ready for some…

September is upon us and that means FOOTBALL! And for me, that means college football and especially MICHIGAN football!! Why football, you ask? Well, Carole wants to know my: 10 Favorite Football Foods. (As in, your favorite things to eat while watching football.)...

Focus on Monday

Focus on Monday

The weekend was a bit of a blur and I am facing a busy Monday and trying to not lose my perspective. Do I look at my flower bed and see that much of it is done for the season. Or do I see the blooms that persevere - brilliantly. This is important for me, especially...

Wasn’t it just yesterday?

Wasn’t it just yesterday?

Tomorrow someone special has a birthday. Happy Birthday, Heidi! I love you so much! Now on to the Friday Links: Sisterhood Hats for everybody! This is all kinds of WOW! You wear it well! Michigan - I am most certainly adding this to my queue! Nothing fishy about this...

Washing all the things

Washing all the things

Knit Konmari resulted in several days of washing hand knits. I had to complete it in phases because I do not have unlimited blocking/drying space. I am now almost ready for a new season, I have just a couple of hats and mittens/mitts to finish washing up! They look so...

No New Projects Yet…

No New Projects Yet…

Happy Wednesday in a goofed up week, because I think it really feels like Tuesday today. That being said, the weekend is one day closer and that is not a bad thing. This week I have this incredible urge to knit sweaters! Ravelry and a certain blog are not helping in...

A Labor Day Weekend, Sans Labor

A Labor Day Weekend, Sans Labor

Happy Tuesday that feels like a Monday to me! Although that is not all bad because tomorrow is Wednesday already and that is halfway to the weekend! Although, there may have been a conversation yesterday about needing a weekend from our weekend...some things are so...

The End is Here

The End is Here

Today ends my Summer Knit-Along. As you can see, while I made some excellent progress on completions this summer, I did not get everything done. Truly, I am okay with that. I am still working on Triticum and I am farther than I was before the summer began. Plus, over...


Kat’s bookshelf: read

When All Is Said
it was amazing
Seven chapters of sheer bliss. Beautiful writing and an incredible tale. Who would you toast on the last day of your life?
it was amazing
LOVED! Every single word. The thread that tied this story together is wonderful! I could not stop listening – it was that good!
2019 and audio
There Will Be No Miracles Here: A Memoir
it was amazing
A beautiful memoir. The writing is wonderful – the story shared is so poignant. I highly recommend.
2019 and audio-2019



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