Monday Magic | 11.9.20

Monday Magic | 11.9.20

Every election is determined by the people who show up. — Larry J. Sabato, Pendulum Swing

There was no magic at all in last week’s election, it was simply counting the votes of the people who showed up! (and show up they did!) But I fear we will need some magic to heal the rift in this nation.

There is absolutely something magical about transforming a bit of fiber into yarn. I spent quite a bit of time on Thursday ignoring the news media and instead I focused on plying my singles! I did this while watching The Queen’s Gambit on Netflix. It is was so good! That combination – spinning and watching – was the perfect diversion from the angst of the day! I am happy with the end results, although it needs a bit more twist, which is, thankfully, easily fixed!

It’s not perfect, but I love how it turned out.

The other simply magical thing has been the weather these past few days! Sunny, cloudless skies and mild temps meant that we braved the “world” and sat outside (in NOVEMBER!!) and enjoyed lunch and some beers at Spoonwood Brewing. It was the perfect way to wind down the week (and eating wings is not conducive to doom scrolling on your phone…lol)

The other magical thing of the weekend was this soup!! (I hope the link works…if not, let me know) What an unexpected treat! The rice makes the broth so silky. It is my new favorite Chicken Soup with Rice!

And finally, two last simply magical things.

This one is just so awesome!

And this…

Make some Monday Magic people! See you all back here tomorrow with my look back on October!

TGIF | 11.6.20

TGIF | 11.6.20

Where you see wrong or inequality or injustice, speak out, because this is your country. This is your democracy. Make it. Protect it. Pass it on. — Thurgood Marshall
Thinking About —

This from the NYTimes. The hardest thing for me is this…58% of white men and 55% of white women voted for Trump. How the eff?



I don’t know how to heal this, how to get over this, or how to fix it and that is the thing that most upsets me.

Grateful For —

Laughter. It is certainly necessary! I found this most brilliant, and yes…the internet remains undefeated!

Inspired By —

The tenacity of the Black community. Thank goodness, they did not give up! They truly saved this election! I am so proud of Philadelphia, whose wise and wonderful voters just gave Joe a lead of 5,587 votes in PA. (And let’s not forget Detroit either… their final results: Joe Biden, 93.51% and Donald Trump, 5.06%… oh hell yeah!)

I believe that is game, set, match with 273 Electoral Votes! Thank you, Philly!!

Finally —

The Avett Brother’s to start our weekend celebration!

See you all back here next week!

Unraveled Wednesday | 11.4.20

Unraveled Wednesday | 11.4.20

My heart is heavy this morning…yesterday at my local poll in my neighborhood was an eye-opening experience. I have a different view of my neighbors this morning and it makes me so sad. You know that phrase “kill them with kindness”? I am here today to tell you that is highly over-rated. Kindness did not work. Matter-of-fact-ness (i.e. slide your ballot here please) did not work. I have never heard so much hate-filled language. Ever. Nor have I ever been accused of changing votes. I guess there is a first for everything. It was painful.

And this morning, I don’t think any of us can say “this is not who we are” because that is simply not true.

Yesterday, I brought my Pheasant Pullover to the polls, foolishly thinking there might be a minute or two to knit. But today it will be my companion as I hunker down, avoid these insane predictions, and tune out by binging on The Queen’s Gambit.

I also started my morning with this little slice of hope.

The reading though!! I had some excellent finishes this week! I am so thankful for the diversion that reading is.

Summer (Seasonal, #4)Summer by Ali Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ali Smith knocks it out of the park with the final book in her Seasonal series. This book will make you stop and think about so many things. It is timely and I was stunned that quarantine life was included. This book poses so many questions that have lingered over the days since I finished it. These lingering thoughts caused me to raise my rating from 4 to 5-stars. I highly recommend the entire series!

A Traveler at the Gates of WisdomA Traveler at the Gates of Wisdom by John Boyne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

For me, John Boyne is one of the greatest story tellers of our time, and A Traveler at the Gates of Wisdom is a masterfully crafted tale! I did not want to put this book down, and practically devoured it in one sitting. I listened to it, and the narrator was excellent. So… how many lives must we live until we get it right? We listen to an unnamed narrator bring us along with him over 2000 years of his lives. From the beginning to the end it is brilliant! And that ending! I loved it. I highly recommend this book!

Dear Ijeawele, or a Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen SuggestionsDear Ijeawele, or a Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This letter! Boy, do I wish I had someone say these things to me about a hundred years ago! It is loving, challenging, questioning, thought-provoking, and all women should write them in our hearts! We should affirm them to our daughters, to our friends, to our neighbors, to our significant others.

I highly recommend this brilliant little book!

That’s all I have for today. As always, if you wrote a post to share, please leave you link below and thank you!

Monday Magic | 11.2.20

Monday Magic | 11.2.20

If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath. — Amit Ray, Om Chanting and Meditation

Greetings Gentle Readers! How are you all doing today?

For me, it feels like I have reached the Apex of Stress, sans the downhill portion…amirite? My focus as I start this week is to remember to breathe, which is not always as easy as it sounds!

But!! There is help! Perhaps this 5-Minute Meditation will become your friend this week!

Something else to remember… drink lots of water to stay hydrated! (not tea, coffee, or something stronger, lol)

I don’t know if any of you follow the Sarcastic Lutheran on IG…she has some “spiritual Xanax” for us all tomorrow (and perhaps a reminder or two to breathe!

I don’t know if I will have time at all tomorrow, I am figuring I will be pretty busy at the polls. Stay calm and breathe, Gentle Readers!

See you all back here on Wednesday… albeit a little later than usual!

Unraveled Wednesday | 10.28.20

Unraveled Wednesday | 10.28.20

Greetings Unravelers!

First, a bit of housekeeping for next week! There will be an Unraveled post, but it won’t be up super early. I will be working the polls next Tuesday and I am planning that it will be a LONG day. However, I do hope to have the post up by 9 AM EST. (and have you made your plan to vote?? lol)

This week’s making revolved around spinning and a wee bit of sewing preparation! The spinning though! Every week, Sarah posts the most gorgeous photos of fiber, spinning, and finished yarn… she is nothing but inspiring! So when HipStrings posted this on IG there was no way at all to not buy some! I have one braid spun up! (I am stressing a little about the plying… but I have lots of spinning to finish before I get to that!)

As for my sewing… I have taken some lovely black linen and a bit of left over blue linen and have all the parts cut out to begin sewing a bag from my Lotta Acquisition!

It was another slow week for my reading, but the book I finished was enjoyable.

This Is HappinessThis Is Happiness by Niall Williams
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Everybody carries a world. But certain people change the air about them.

This book. Oh boy, where to begin. I have never been to Ireland, but this book took me on a journey! The writing is simply beautiful, I highlighted so many bits. This book was so full of yin and yang… happiness, tempered by sadness… new life, tempered by death… of life so lived it is epic!

The truth turns into a story when it grows old. We all become stories in the end. So, though the narrative was flawed, the sense was of a life so lived it was epic.

I highly recommend this book!

As always, if you wrote a post to share – leave your link below and thank you! I will be back next week! Have a lovely remainder of your week everyone!

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