Tiny Moment Tuesday | 2.27.18

Tiny Moment Tuesday | 2.27.18

This morning was frigid, but glorious. Sunshine and a cacophony of birdsong greeted me when I took Sherman out.

And snowdrops. A plethora of snowdrops!

I did not plant them, they were here when we moved in, just one solo little cluster of tiny flowers. But, this year, they have spread and there are 7 or 8 clusters!

My favorite harbinger of spring with their tremulous little blossoms – hardy and fragile at the same time.

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Monday Meditations

Monday Meditations

There is much I am pondering this morning…

There are 21 days left of winter, and my stitching is getting nicely “full” and I spent some time this weekend thinking about how to best use these remaining days so that when winter is done, my stitching “feels done” and too.

That extra-ordinary enabler, Vicki, posted something on IG and it lodged itself in my brain. I spent much of yesterday looking through my stash to see what I might have that might work for Larissa’s upcoming MKAL. This gets bonus points as well because I am itching to knit something besides a sweater these days. I would really love to put something together that has a “lovely watercolor effect” so stay tuned!

Finally, I am anxious to get my copy of Making’s UNIFORM and to get myself prepped, I am going to get going on a dress for spring. This weather has me itching for something new! I am a bit nervous and will be making a muslin over the next few weeks, which will hopefully be successful! I am reading up on “how to” and then attempting to trace a pattern this week!

This is what will occupy my Monday… what about you? What is on your mind today?

Fiber Friday | 2.23.18

Fiber Friday | 2.23.18

The weather did indeed cooperate for a few brief moments yesterday and with that lull in the rain we scurried outside to grab a few photos.

Carbeth in all her glory! I absolutely love the tunic changes I made to the pattern, but the collar… not so much. I fussed with it all day yesterday and then I saw some of these examples (like this and this) without the fold over neck and an idea was hatched. THEN, Carbeth as a Cardigan was born! I love her idea of the fold over neckline, which will give it some additional stability, which my sweater needs I think, as she is a bit weighty. I love the length, I love the yarn, and once I change the neckline, it will be perfect! Now to figure out a yarn for the cardigan version! What a perfect “uniform” that is!

Other than that, it was a whirlwind week with too much stuff going on and I am more than ready for the weekend! And, I fear that it will just fly by as well with it being of a “normal length”! Boo!

Now, how about some links to close out this week?

First up, a new issue of Laine Magazine is out and it is filled with all kinds of great things!

I really love Harmony!

In case you, like me, have lopapeysa’s on the brain: Hjarta Lopi and Dreyma

Need a diversion to transition into spring? Romi’s Mystery Shawl begins April 6 and you can get a kit here, there are currently still a couple left!

Sudden Bliss is stunning!

Pussy Hat creator Kat Coyle brings us Evil Eye Gloves!

But Tiriltunge Newborn Onsie, Nyfødtbody takes the cake for cuteness this week!

That’s all I have for this week! Have an amazing weekend and I will see you all back here on Monday!

Three on Thursday | 2.22.18

Three on Thursday | 2.22.18

This week there are some crazy fun things in my world this week!

Thing One:

If at first you don’t succeed… find a better decrease!

I tried valiantly to work the fancy SSK’s that were shared via Mason Dixon Knitting on my Carbeth but, in the end, they just did not work for me! I had some serious ladders between the stitch before the decrease and the decrease. My solution? Find another decrease. Thank you to Cocoknits for her Neater Way to SSK!! I hope to get some photos of my Carbeth today, it is finally dry enough and colder weather has kindly returned to facilitate wearing it!

Thing Two:

I had been all a-gog over those Norwegian’s in their crazy curling pants, and then Vicki sent me this…as she said to me: You’re Welcome!

Thing Three:

And, the last thing that has put a permanent smile on my face this week are the pictures that Heidi texted me of Genevieve skiing for her first time! Yep, 2 and a half and she loved it! Look out Lindsey Vonn, there’s a new girl on the hill!

Want to see more fun things? You will normally find them here, but I am not sure if Carole will be in today, as she is DOING all the things on her vacation this week!

Unraveled Wednesday | 2.21.28

Unraveled Wednesday | 2.21.28

I have lots to unravel today, so let’s get right down to it!

First up, today is my 1,111th post here on As Kat Knits! I had planned on acknowledging that momentous occasion  on the 1,000th post, but yeah… it blew by with little notice from me! When I realized it, I thought it would be best to then wait for a nice uniform number… and today is that day! I had no idea that when I started this back in 2006 that I would have this much to say! But, what I love most about this blog is all of you, Gentle Readers! I have met a few of you and have found the nicest community of people anywhere on the internet! Thank you for stopping by here to read what I have to say!

My Olympic Knitting has come to a finish and my Carbeth is s-l-o-w-l-y drying! I had hoped for some photos today, but she is no where near dry enough and since I am using Ann’s plate technique… I am not moving her until she is completely dry! I am also having a bit of an internal debate on the collar, but I am waiting to see how it blocks out.

However, I have moved back to my “regularly scheduled knitting” … that’s right my Mystery Socks are moving through clue two and I will start on the sleeves of my Strokkur today. Yesterday it seemed quite odd to be knitting sweaters and socks with the temperatures soaring into the upper 70’s! I am not ready for warm weather yet, so slow down there winter!

The good reading streak continues with my finish of When We Were Yours – I really loved this book! It is heart wrenching but beautifully told. I gave it 5-stars and highly recommend it!

I also finished God of Howl Mountain, which is an ARC from Net Galley. It was good and shares the way of life in the mountains of South Carolina in the 50’s. I gave it 3-stars because some of the things that happened seemed a little unrealistic and could have been left out, in my opinion. But, all in all, a good read.

I am listening to a bit of a palate cleanser with The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. So far, so good – but this is truly light reading for me.

I finally picked up and really got into Ali Smith’s Winter and wow… I love how it is progressing!

And last night I started Paula McLain’s new novel Love and Ruin which I got an ARC from Net Galley.

What is occupying your time this week?

If you are joining us today – thank you! Please leave the link to your post in your comment!

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