Right Now

Right Now

Konmari: In my office, the place I have resisted long enough. This is daunting and more than a little scary because, this will involve a realistic look at yarn and fiber – a painful task to be sure. But, I will gird my loins and face the lions today! I am determined to be a conqueror! Hopefully…

Entirely Over: Politics! When did politics become an eternal process? How many debates do we really need? Especially when the same things are said over, and over, and over, and over. And this is not something that is one-sided, both parties are guilty! In my opinion, this is the most undemocratic process ever. It feels more like we have all somehow been banished to some horrid Political Hell!

Knitting: The serious assessment of projects is taking place and today ushers in Yarn Reclamation Day – yes, that is right, Gentle Reader, some projects will be taking a trip to the FROG Pond. Thank you Kym for the tender recommendation. Things not heading to the Frog Pond are this and this which I hope to finish this weekend!

Listening: I am catching up today with Serial and Morning on the Dock, and if I am still not done with the demolition, err, KonMari activities, then Diana Krall Radio on Pandora will be my support.

Anticipating: The new season of House of Cards, which is coming out March 4 and the new season of Happy Valley which will be available mid-March. Garrison Keillor’s last broadcast from the Fitzgerald Theatre tomorrow night.

Enjoying: Periscope’s with fun and useful information – Thank you Ysolda and Sonya for these amazing little mini lessons to break up my day and inspire my creativity!

Planning: A week of sewing with plans of getting some new pillows done for the living room, also, another Dress #2 and pair number one of Pants #1!

That’s it for today, have a good weekend everyone! See you all back here on Monday!

Weaving With Miss Bab's

Weaving With Miss Bab's

I joined the Miss Bab’s Weave Along this month and I continue to work on my weaving skills. Beating evenly needs lots of work, as you can clearly see in this scarf. I really love the colors, though. I used Miss Bab’s 2-ply Yummy in Biker Chick paired with String Theory Bluestocking in Pewter.

The drape of the scarf is better (more fluid) on the area’s where the beating was not so firm. The color’s were more muted there also.

But the end result is a textile I really love, and I will wear it often.

Reading and Knitting

Reading and Knitting

I discovered this lovely blog by accident last week, thanks to one of Carole’s 10 on Tuesday participants.

Wednesday’s are for Yarn Along and it never ceases to amaze me how much good stuff lives on the internet that I do not know about!

All I can say is that you will find lots of good on Ginny’s blog if you poke around a bit. Her photography is so beautiful and inspiring.

I am hoping that Yarn Along will help me to get my knitting back on track, since the BangOutASweater phenomena has apparently derailed my knitting mojo. And by derailed I mean that all my current projects are in strong consideration for the Frog Pond because I have lost that loving feeling for every last one of them. In an attempt to avoid that rash decision, I have pulled out this long forgotten WIP in a Herculean effort to get it back on track. Anne Hanson is always good for what ails you, and if anyone can revive your knitting mojo, it is her! Wish me luck as I channel Anne today!


A Few of My Favorite Things

A Few of My Favorite Things

In this week’s 10 on Tuesday prompt, Carole sets for us this urgent task:

List 10 of Your Favorite Things Right Now

Well, this very minute here are a few of my favorite things!

  • My Bialetti Moka pot – every day this is my favorite thing, but looking back on how much money I have saved by not buying coffee because of this little pot, it deserves first place my list. Yes, it is better than Starbucks, by a LONG shot!
  • Weaving – I really have my weaving groove on and I hope this continues for a good long while!
  • My daily journal routine – I know I have said this before, but it really helps me focus my day and increase my productivity and creativity!
  • Which sort of goes hand in hand with yoga – if I miss I day, I really can tell. I really love the quiet intensity that it brings to my life.
  • Konmari, oh how I love thee! The process is slow, but steady. Thoughtful Reduction of Stuff is happening and last week, some items found a new home and were happily sent on their way!
  • Garden planning – revisiting what worked well and what did not work well.
  • The discovery of London Fog Tea Latte via Pinterest, me and my afternoon think they are pretty darn amazing!
  • Singing in my church choir, especially with Easter coming – best music of the year, just sayin’!
  • Our Sonos speakers. Best. Thing. Ever.
  • And, finally – Sherman, although he is my favorite all the time, but most especially right now! From how happy he is to see me when he wakes up (which is hilarious because he sleeps in the same room!), to him moving his bed to be directly next to me when I am working. He is my comic relief – daily.

There you have it, Gentle Reader, a few of my favorite things.

Venturous Harbinger of Spring

Venturous Harbinger of Spring

These brave little snowdrops brought to mind the poem by Wordsworth…
To a Snowdrop

Lone Flower, hemmed in with snows and white as they
But hardier far, once more I see thee bend
Thy forehead, as if fearful to offend,
Like an unbidden guest. Though day by day,
Storms, sallying from the mountain-tops, waylay
The rising sun, and on the plains descend;
Yet art thou welcome, welcome as a friend
Whose zeal outruns his promise! Blue-eyed May
Shall soon behold this border thickly set
With bright jonquils, their odours lavishing
On the soft west-wind and his frolic peers;
Nor will I then thy modest grace forget,
Chaste Snowdrop, venturous harbinger of Spring,
And pensive monitor of fleeting years!


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