Unraveled Wednesday | 8.4.21

Unraveled Wednesday | 8.4.21

Greetings dear Unravelers!

How on earth is it possibly August???

I have a finish this week, yes Shakerag is done! And I love it very much and am contemplating making another one! Shoulder seaming woes and all! Yes… it was a bitch and a half to seam… somehow the fronts and backs were not.the.same.width. I was NOT ripping back again to try and figure out what was the problem (I should have noted this in the pattern, but did not. I have not looked for errata, but I feel certain there must be because the fronts have 10 stitches more than the backs…ugh) Anyway, I managed to “ease” them together. I then decided not to do the “pick up and bind off” neck and arm finish and instead did a single crochet edge, which I like very much. It helps the neckline lay flat and once I re-block the sweater, I don’t think the arm holes will curl under. I LOVE the yarn I picked for this and will absolutely be using it again. It washed up and blocked beautifully! And the feel… it almost has a suede-like texture. It is really quite lovely. My next version will have a split hemline, I think…

And as for the transparency of this sweater… well, it is barely, which I think is just perfect!

I have the body of my second Test Knit done and have departed for Sleeve Island… I wish I could share more, but soon!

Oh this week’s reading! Wonderful!! Plus!! I have my Summer Book Bingo Coverall with the finish of McEwan’s Saturday! A brilliant finish for my card!

Letters to a Young PoetLetters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

“If you will stay close to nature, to its simplicity, to the small things hardly noticeable, those things can unexpectedly become great and immeasurable.”

Imagine wanting to be something… anything… and writing a letter to someone who does what you want to do and he responds to the letter – sharing wisdom, insights, encouragement, and friendship.

This book is the story of that journey… Rilke’s letters to the young friend are beautiful. Gracious. Full of encouragement and hope. The tenderness and beauty of these letters is really quite incredible. The reader only sees Rilke’s responses and I spent a great deal of time pondering what it would have been like to have a mentor like this. But most of all, the wisdom Rilke shares are things you should store away… and you should remind yourself of that wisdom frequently. I highly recommend this book!

SaturdaySaturday by Ian McEwan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

“When anything can happen, everything matters.”

My goodness can McEwan take you on an incredible journey… this is one of those journeys. Buckle in though… it’s going to be a bumpy ride! Fast-paced and fascinating, this story pulled me in from the beginning and about midway though the day, I remember thinking… boy, if ever the thought of it being a “good day to just stay in bed” this was it! What I really loved was how things eventually are all interconnected. Brilliant writing and McEwan never disappoints! I very much recommend this story!

Summer Book Bingo Square: Month or day of the week in the title

Unsettled GroundUnsettled Ground by Claire Fuller
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow. Just wow. This title is pure perfection for the story that unfolds. I could not put it down… and I tried to go slowly to savor it but 24 hours later it was done. This is a story that will stay with me for a very, very, very long time though. I want to say I loved this story… but while I loved the characters, I did not love the story… until it grew on me, or perhaps it is better to say that as this story unfurled it began to envelop me… and as I settled in, I saw things differently.

This will absolutely be one of the best books I have read this year and I highly recommend it!

That is all I have for today but what about you? What does August hold for you?

As always, if you wrote a post to share please leave your link below and thank you!

Sometimes Monday’s | 8.2.21

Sometimes Monday’s | 8.2.21

Are beautifully overcast and almost chilly enough to need a sweater!

This morning it feels like a switch has been turned off as August ushered in some much cooler nights. This paired with the now noticeably darker mornings and earlier darker evenings brings the knowledge that summer is not here to stay.

(Outside of my gardening woes) It has been the most glorious summer I can remember in quite some time. The pace at which I have been savoring summer has been perfect. I am not rushing to the “next thing” and while I am very disappointed in my gardens lack of productivity… my attitude of “it is what it is” is helping ease that disappointment. One thing I love is puttering in the garden in the early morning hours and productivity or not, that is where I like to be.

The outside time has brought another treat this summer… I have been enjoying the antics of a pair of Hairy Woodpecker’s brood of chicks and their unceasing demands for “more food…NOW”! Watching their parents fill the hungry mouths has been a delight!

One thing growing that has been on “hyper-growth” this year are my herbs… particularly my basil! And while I am sad that Kym is not having the same success… I am thankful that she shared a link for Basil Bombs. That bushy plant is about to get “de-leafed” and my freezer is waiting for those little green treasures. I don’t have an ice cube tray but I think I can make it work with “snack sized” ziplock bags.

One final very good thing from the weekend was an Amazon delivery that has brought things into focus… lol. Yep, I got an Ottlite and have been doing some stitching this weekend. What an incredible difference *seeing* makes! This stitching project is eons old (and I think it might almost qualify as an antique!) But, I made some very good progress yesterday once I got the right distance figured out! This is my “trial run” to see how it goes, and if it goes well… I have my eye on a couple of patterns from Etsy. (namely this and this)

And that is all I have for today… I will see you all back here on Wednesday!

The Good, Bad, and Downright Disappointing

The Good, Bad, and Downright Disappointing

Or, a “Currently” update…

I have not done a “currently” update for a very long time. Too long, maybe. Anyways, one has kind of been rattling around in my brain so I thought I’d share a bit. Sadly, it is not all of it is good… but that is often life, right?

Remembering — I read this morning that Senator Levin died and it reminded me of an interaction I had with him a very, very long time ago. I was at a gas station filling up my car on my way to work in Saugatuck. Senator Levin and his brother pulled in and while Sandy filled up their car, Senator Levin engaged in conversation with me. I, of course, recognized him and was kind of awestruck that he would talk with me. In our conversation, he asked for a recommendation on a place to eat. I asked him what he was hungry for… fish was the answer. I gave him a couple of options and he asked me where would I go… I gave him my response and he said that’s where they will go then! Such a great man with a legacy that will live on.

Tackling — This morning I have queued up a YouTube video on how to do horizontal mattress stitch. Honestly, it feels a bit daunting with all the “steps”  because you bind off X stitches at the beginning of the row for X rows… which creates a series of steps. If I knit this sweater again, I will contemplate doing some knitting math and do some short rows to create the shoulder slant, which would allow me to bind off the row in its entirety (making seaming easier, I think…)

Reading — This week has been a banner week. First, I was finally “next in line” for Uncommon Ground and I stayed up a bit too late reading the past two nights – my plan for today is to get those shoulders seamed and then knit some mindless stockinette and read! Yesterday, I completed my Summer Book Bingo card with the finish of Ian McEwan’s Saturday. A brilliant way to finish my card… I just love his writing. And it is a book that will “sit with me” for some time.

(not) Growing — This summer will likely go down as the worst year ever for growing things. My vegetable garden has been a serious disappointment this year… I planted beans, some peppers, tomatoes, summer squash, and zucchini. Lots of things that are just not producing anything. Half of the zucchini have produced nothing… and this morning I noted that one plant has two zucchini starting… so maybe? The summer squash provided only 3 squash… and it appears there will be no more. Normally, I have more tomatoes than I know what to do with but it looks like I will be lucky to get a dozen tomatoes from 6 plants. I am holding out hope for some beans (to date, I have picked 5… that’s right, five beans) because I have blooms (again) so maybe this time I will get some beans. The peppers have had flowers, but no production beyond the flowers. One might think that my problem is bees… or the lack thereof. This is not the case… I have bees galore! So I am not certain what the problem is and Steve is now complaining about wasting water on a garden that is not producing.

(over) Grown — We made a decision earlier this year to not trim the bushes in the back yard in the spring, but rather cut them back significantly this fall. I worried about how “unkempt” the riot of bushes would look like, but I never imagined that those untrimmed bushes would be the source of some surprising visitors this summer! I usually hang a couple of hummingbird feeders, but had not gotten them out yet when the warnings went out about not feeding birds this summer… I was disappointed, because it is just so much fun to see hummingbirds from our porch. But, I never imagined the volume of birds that would flock to our Rose of Sharon… time spent watering in the yard is a joy with all the hummers zooming around. I have seen more of them this summer *with no feeders* than I ever did with feeders. This has caused me to reconsider garden beds and things that need pruning to “look good” … some good food for thought for the fall and winter!

Counting — Nine weeks from today we leave for Michigan. And while it seems like eons away… I know it will be here sooner than I think. I just can’t wait… although I have some trepidations about the trip (thank you, Delta Variant) My fervent hope is that both PA and MI will continue to stay out of the “red zone” as they currently are!

And there you have my “current” thoughts. I hope that you all have a great weekend and I will see you back here next week!


Unraveled Wednesday | 7.28.21

Unraveled Wednesday | 7.28.21

This week you have a nicely folded dark square of knitting paired with a lovely start of a new project… not what I expected but it is what it is….

I know I said last week that I would have my Shakerag Top finished and while the *knitting* is done… it still needs seaming and edge finishing. My hurdle??? Doing *this* while also doing *that*… sigh. Apparently I cannot count or walk and chew gum at the same.time! So having to rip back the back and front to correct the *this* and *that* bits meant that I do not have it finished. (Can I blame this on The Olympics… not really… this was 100% Knitter Error!!) But…before seaming (and because of the likelihood of errors) I really need to block out the shoulders before I seam them…bringing this to the “finish soon” category! However, since I got the knitting portion done I did cast on for my second test knit cardigan… GUILT FREE! Bonus in that this is the PERFECT Olympics watching knit! (big hint… it is a lot further than this picture shows!)

Now… how about a little reading update! Only one bingo book this week…BUT!!! I have just one square to go to a completed bingo card! Whew!

The Jane Austen SocietyThe Jane Austen Society by Natalie Jenner
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Is this book a literary masterpiece? Hardly, but it is so comfortable… it is just the most wonderful “feel good” novel. Light, cozy, and thoroughly enjoyable.


Summer Book Bingo Square: Debut

The Sisters SweetThe Sisters Sweet by Elizabeth Weiss
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A curious, twisting tale of two twin sisters who’s lives are overtaken by the machinations of their parents. This book starts out brilliantly… but the middle section of the book needs some heavy editing. It drags quite a bit… it was so slow going that I almost bailed on it. And suddenly the pace picks up and WHAM… it is finished and you are back where you started… sort of. I think there could have been less of the slog-ish middle and more of a transition to the ending. I did enjoy the peek into life post-WWI in America leading up to the Depression.

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of this book.

That is all I have for today… I hope your recent making had no unraveling!

As always, If you wrote a post to share please leave your link and thank you!

Release | July 2021

Release | July 2021

FOMO (fear of missing out) is the enemy of valuing your own time. — Andrew Yang

This month, Carolyn encouraged us to have fun…and I spent a good bit of time thinking about how to work fun into my word…release.

So I started by filling in my clouds with what filled my day… things I liked and things I struggled with…

Then I gave things stars that improved my day… and the starless clouds all seemed to have the same recurring theme… FOMO.

And while not all the things that got starred are “fun”… they are absolutely necessary which inspired me to contemplate how to insert fun into the mundane daily tasks of housework and cooking… no solution yet…but I am thinking about it!

I did find some “quick and easy” (?) solutions this month and I am happy to report that those changes brought success… or at least started me on a path to solving the problem!

News Fix: I have found that listening to NPR’s Up First six mornings a week is MORE than enough news for me for any given day. I did not die by not checking news at ten am, or at noon, or at 5 pm…who knew! lol Steve consumes more news than I do and in July and if something earth shattering happened, he told me. (okay… he also told me news that was not earth shattering as well… but those tidbits provided some humorous topics for dinner conversation!)

IG/Twitter Doom-scrolling: I had fallen back into the “boredom trap” of doom-scrolling Twitter and IG… I am telling you this is a hard habit to break! I tried a different approach as July progressed…I stopped “carrying my phone” with me, but rather I am leaving it sit either on the kitchen counter or the dining room table. This way I have to physically get up to do any doom-scrolling and that is helping tremendously. Full disclosure… I do wear an Apple Watch so I am not entirely “disconnected” but so far, this seems to be working well for me.

Blog Reading/Writing/Email Hell…which often leads to Endless Internet Surfing: I set a timer on my phone when I sit down at the PC in the morning… the amount of time is still in flux…but, when the timer goes off… so does the pc… and I have not died. At.All. I am still working on a way to make blog writing feel fresh and still seeking solutions to that sticky topic. Sigh. Despite that huge hurdle…the timer has helped me see clearly just how much mail I do not need to read… look at… contemplate… etc. so I have begun “unsubscribing” to a plethora of things and it feels amazingly good!

Reading: Finally… reading, which only got a half a star (while reading for myself always, always gets at least one star!!) My big hurdle this summer… book bingo, and it pains me to say that. It seemed to me that I spent more time “reworking” squares to fit what I was reading versus picking a book to fit a square. I have one book to finish for a cover all and that feels like the biggest relief ever. It was an important lesson in how I should listen to that small, quiet voice instead of allowing that shouting FOMO voice to drown me out.

And there you have release for July…

I want to thank Carolyn for hosting us and for all her work on putting together things to make me think in new ways.

See you all back here on Wednesday for some Unraveling!

A Q and A Post | 7.23.21

A Q and A Post | 7.23.21

Happy Friday as we welcome the last week of July.

The week has had the rug pulled out from under it a bit which is, sadly, going to push back our trip to Michigan… until October. I am trying to stay focused on the positive but there is not much positive in any of this… my ex has had a recurrence of a TIA incident that seems more severe than the last ones, he has had two deaths in his family, and his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. So a reshuffle of my schedule is happening and I am looking for the silver lining…or trying to look for it.

I have been thinking about what to post about today, but my brain is not offering any brilliant suggestions. But… then it occurred to me that YOU all had some great questions recently and I thought that the answers to these would be a great way to close out the week. (thanks to the question askers and to Carole and Kym for planting this questioning seed!)

So…I have answers to your questions!

Maureen asked:

How do you have time to read?? So jealous. Sadly my reading has seriously declined now that I’ve taken up knitting. I have not mastered knitting while reading but I can knit while watching podcasts/TV. 🙂

Dear Maureen! First…WELCOME to the world of knitting! Yes, it is the best “time-suck” on the planet… well, besides reading that is! I don’t know anything about your local library… but I am extremely fortunate to live in Allegheny County PA. Why is that a good thing… The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh! I am so fortunate that they have a vast array of audio books to borrow… and I borrow LOTS of audio books. You see…knitting and reading are the best things to do together…and listening to a book allows me to knit. Listening to a book also makes the mundane tasks of daily life more palatable as well! I hope this tip will help you increase your reading as you knit!

Vera asked this:

“Looks like you’ve had another great week Kat (except maybe for that middle book…LOL). I just love your Moon Coasters – so pretty. What did you use in the center of them (for filling)? Or is it just the fabric stitched together? In either case, they are lovely.

Now, I answered Vera via email… but it occurred to me that you all might be wondering the same thing. I used a couple of scraps of cotton batting left over from some placemats I made. I inserted the batting after I stitched the side seams. I also think a piece of cotton flannel would have worked equally well (maybe even better if you do not want any “loft” in your coaster.)

and this:

“Looks like you have some fun and interesting projects for the week. The cocktail sounds interesting, but I’m not sure about the condensed milk part of it…I know it’s only a half oz or so, but man I dislike that stuff so much!!!

I love this question because I despise sweetened condensed milk as well… but there is a magical thing about it…it doesn’t curdle when you combine it with lime juice. Half and half or heavy cream will curdle… instantly, so they are non-starters for this cocktail. But still… I was skeptical of how this would taste, but even using just a couple of teaspoons of the condensed milk gives the drink the creaminess needed to counter the tang of the lime. Do not fear the condensed milk in cocktails! (at least in small quantities!)

Finally, Bonny shared this comment that I thought was necessary to talk about:

I love your coasters and think they might be too pretty to place glasses on that will drip condensation on them! I’ve never read Beach Music, but am keeping it in my mind as a possible listen when things calm down here a bit. I think I’ll give Matthew a pass. 🙂

This…. we all need to break free of not using things that are too pretty. I am right in this camp… It’s too pretty, it will get stained…But if not now….when? Last year in my Year of Intentional Living I realized that life is short (and boy did this week put an exclamation point on that!) It makes me feel good to use a simple little coaster that I made. It tells me I am worthy. It says that I think that making things a little nicer is a very good thing.

So yes… I make things to use them in my daily life. And I celebrate that fact! I hope you do too!

That is all I have for this week… I will be back on Monday to share my July update on my word! Have a good weekend everyone!

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