Unraveled Wednesday | 7.21.21

Unraveled Wednesday | 7.21.21

Summer making is just so good!

I have two “Moon Rise” coasters completed… and they are perfect! A combination of hand stitching and machine stitching… I appliqued the moons on, then I sat at the machine for less than 15 minutes to sew them together. Then I spent an afternoon reacquainting myself with hand quilting. I have one more pair to complete… but maybe not. These would be a wonderful gift to send… so there might be more of these in my future!

On the knitting front…. I have achieved the Great Sleeve Divide and I am motoring along on the back as I make my way to the shoulder decreases. Gosh is this a fun little knit! At the rate I am progressing, I predict it will be finished for next week’s update! (then I will be guilt free to start a second Test Knit!)

I do have a reading update this week (and just two squares left on my bingo card!!)

I finished my ‘re-listen’ of Pat Conroy’s Beach Music. If it is at all possible, it was even better than the first time I listened. I cleared my “book shelf” and just immersed myself in the story. I did not do any “power listening” where I listen for 6+ hours in a sitting… but rather I listened over the course of twelve-ish days… so about 2.5 hours of listening a day. This slower pace allowed me to catch more nuances of the brilliant story. I am including my review from my “first read” of this brilliant book. No Bingo Square, but just pure reading enjoyment.

Beach MusicBeach Music by Pat Conroy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I did not think it was possible that I could like a book more than I did South of Broad, but then I read Beach Music. This book made me laugh out loud and also brought tears to my eyes as Jack collected the stories of family members and shared them so incredibly beautifully. Long live Chippy the Dog stories, GRRRRR! GRRRRRR! The tender brilliance of Pat Conroy’s writing has left an indelible mark on my heart with this story.

GreenlightsGreenlights by Matthew McConaughey
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Read for Summer Book Bingo… or I likely would not have picked this book. It is humorous… but a bit much at times. Moral of the story… don’t be too stuck on your own greatness…and I still think McConaughey is a good actor, however his writing skills leave much to be desired.

Summer Book Bingo Square: (Auto) Biography

Caste: The Origins of Our DiscontentsCaste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book stopped me in my tracks….so.many.times. I listened to several chapters more than once. Wilkerson completely unravels how society is built… its biased construction… and yes, that we in the US are large participants in the caste system. It is painful to take in most of what she shares… but it has invigorated me in finding a way to actively work towards equality for all. This is a must read book!

Summer Book Bingo Square: Chosen by a celebrity bookclub (at any time)

And that is all for me today… what about you? What are you happy about this week?

As always, if you wrote a post to share please leave your link below and thank you!!

Sometimes Monday | 7.19.21

Sometimes Monday | 7.19.21

Brings new things!

A rainy weekend meant that I spent more time indoors (and got a jump on the week’s tasks!) But that is okay because have a bit of a pattern puzzle to put together and some tools to find! (Hello, grommet setter!)

So thanks to that weekend rain, my Monday is abnormally free!

Summer is just rolling right along and I am shocked at how quickly it is going. Too quickly, so last night I reminded myself that I have a summery top in process… I made some good progress while watching Dr. Death with Steve last night. Neither of us knew anything about this before watching but Joshua Jackson piqued our interest! We binged 3 episodes which helped me get closer to the Great Sleeve Divide on my sweater. I have an inch or so to go, so that should take no time at all (and can be my reward for putting my puzzle together! lol)

The only other “bonus” thing from the weekend was perfecting a cocktail Steve found. I thought it was too sweet with the Agave (and tasted a bit margarita-ish as well) But I am growing some gorgeous Pineapple Basil that is HUGE so I made a simple syrup that I steeped about a dozen basil leaves in. It is the perfect addition for the cocktail… with it it was not too sweet and the flavors pair beautifully with the cocktail. I think Thai Basil would pair well also!

And with that, I am off to begin cutting out my pattern pieces to put them all together! I hope your weekend was full of good things!


Good Things | 7.16.21

Good Things | 7.16.21

Hullo, Friday! Like clockwork, you arrive bringing with you the weekend, which might be the best constant ever.

Last night my “new” book club finished Good Talk. It seemed most fitting that we met in the Lincoln Gallery for our final discussion. The conversations around this book have been enlightening and so very helpful. I am eagerly anticipating our next book, which will likely be Caste.

I don’t love FB, but every once in a while something amazing shows up there and this week brought a two-for! First, this story showed up and I could not get that story out of my head! I started Googling and discovered this article which included information to donate fabrics to these amazing men. (scroll down to the bottom of the article for that info!)

The second good thing that showed up was a post by a spinning “friend” who was feeling a bit overwhelmed at the size of her stash and she wondered if there would be any interest in joining forces to “spin down our stash” in the second half of the year. Ummm, YES!! (and so many people said yes! lol) More spinning in my life is never a bad thing. I have a sweater I want to spin for so this is exactly what I need to get that done! (if you want to join this group, let me know and I will send you the link to the group)

Finally… I have worked for two weeks on a pastel drawing… and this week I think it is finished. I put some final touches on it this morning and signed it. Oh boy… it is not perfect. I learned so much about my limitations with pastels… but I kept working and I learned some work arounds… and that is always a good thing.

That is all I have for this week. Have a great weekend everyone!

Unraveled Wednesday | 7.14.21

Unraveled Wednesday | 7.14.21

Greetings Unravelers!

Happy (almost) mid-July! (a statement that does not even seem remotely possible!)

Despite that fact…my world of the Great Summer Slow Down is full of so many good things!

I have a finish that I, sadly, cannot yet share. But I wanted to talk a bit about what I learned knitting this sweater… and I learned so much!! In my Knitting Life I have knit 3 sweaters that were steeked but it turns out that not once did I do the steek “correctly” until this sweater. And wow, what a difference correctly setting up the steek makes! The key tip for me was knowing which “leg” of which stitch to use. Also, picking up the button bands while the sweater is still un-steeked is the loveliest thing ever! And it has an added bonus of allowing you to match exactly when you pick up the second band! I have pulled together the yarn to knit a second sweater, but I have not yet cast on. Maybe later today… maybe.

But I have not been idle…not at all! I have been engrossed in a bit of drawing, some knitting on my mystery shawl, lots of reading, and the start of some hand stitching!

The last mystery clue came out yesterday but have not started that clue…yet. I am really not in a rush to finish though because I am thoroughly enjoying this pattern! It is nice working on it a few minutes each day and it will be finished long before I need to use it! Ha!

What I have been doing has been pulling some “scraps” of fabric together for some sewing! I cut out and have begun stitching (appliquéing?) the “moons” on my first make from Dawn. An easy start for the #DawnMakeAlong that I am doing just a bit differently… I am hand stitching versus using my sewing machine. It makes the project entirely portable… and stitching with Jack McCall might be my favorite thing ever! As you can see, I have one moon completed and a second one has begun. (Good thing I am liking this handwork… I have fallen in love with this project from the issue and think that it could be the perfect late summer project!)

And as for some “next season” inspiration, some months ago I pre-ordered Kaffe Fassett’s new quilt book and it arrived on Monday! Oh.My.Gosh! The quilts are just beautiful and though they look complicated, after reading some of the instructions…well, they seem quite easy – or at least not as challenging as they look! I really love how Kaffe helps you with “lights and darks” so it looks like it will be a bit easier to pick fabrics – which is my challenge! But perhaps the best part is how he uses his stunning fabrics to create works of art.

I know I said I would not have a Bingo update, but the next Gabriel Allon book came through from the library and there were a good number of people behind me on the waitlist so I read it over the course of a couple of nights. Honestly, I could barely put it down!

The Secret Servant (Gabriel Allon, #7)The Secret Servant by Daniel Silva
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A fast-paced, can’t-put-it-down book! I love Allon’s team… especially, the return of Sarah! And the ending was just so perfect (okay, both endings, lol!)

I highly recommend this series! The writing is good.

Summer Book Bingo Square: An author you love

And I continue to be immersed in Beach Music… I expect I will finish it tomorrow. It is the perfect companion to stitching on the porch!

That is all I have for today. What about you? What are you loving right now?

As always, if you wrote a post to share please leave your link below and thank you!

Sometimes Monday… | 7.12.21

Sometimes Monday… | 7.12.21

Arrives and I have nothing for a blog post. So when all else fails, poetry saves the day! I hope that this poetry will bolster your day and start your week off in the best way! See you all back here on Wednesday!

In Summer Twilight

Joshua Henry Jones, Jr.

Just a dash of lambent carmine
  Shading into sky of gold;
Just a twitter of a song-bird
  Ere the wings its head enfold;
Just a rustling sigh of parting
  From the moon-kissed hill to breeze;
And a cheerful gentle, nodding
  Adieu waving from the trees;
Just a friendly sunbeam’s flutter
  Wishing all a night’s repose,
Ere the stars swing back the curtain
  Bringing twilight’s dewy close.

TGIF | 7.9.21

TGIF | 7.9.21

Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air and you. — Langston Hughes

The hot, muggy weather returned which meant I was spending extra time watering the vegetable gardens so when some summer storms rolled in, it was so welcome…for the vegetables and me! Ha! And that rain brought some amazing nights of sleep… there is nothing that compares to listening to it rain at night. It is the perfect sleep track!

Thoughtful (contemplation) —

But thinking about humor like that refreshing summer rain has been more of a challenge. Although, those thoughts work well with things I need to release… perfection and control. Those two things are the bane of my existence and I fear I will never, ever be able to let go of them. But, this month I am going to try to use humor, levity, and purposeful lightness to try and release my stranglehold on them. Kym shared the most excellent (and very familiar) quote this week: “Everything I’ve ever let go of has claw marks on it.” — David Foster Wallace. I wrote it in my journal and on my weekly calendar pages for the remainder of the month. I am going to force myself to remember just how hard it is to let go… but it can be done!

(so much) Good —

I saw this last night on television and it just made my heart sing! I thought you all might need a little heart song this morning as well! I will be excited to watch both Megan and Sue in the Olympics next week!

Inspirational (making) —

This week kicked off the #dawnmakealong… and I have followed the hashtag on IG and my plan is to pick a project (or two?) and *actually get it done* this summer! One would think I would pick a knitting project… but, you’d be wrong. I think I am going to start with some coasters… and hand stitch them. I like the thought of it being a slow project (but not so daunting that I won’t be able to finish it!) Once those coasters are done… I will see what inspires me from what other makers are doing! If you have been looking for some inspiration and want to work on a project from Dawn, let me know… we can cheer each other on!

(thoughtful) Finishes —

This week the idea of slow really settled in for me. I am working away on my pastel drawing… but I did not get it finished this week. And… the world did not end! I know, I was so shocked! Haha! There are only 24 hours in a day… and there is a garden that I love to spend time in, there is a test knit that I gladly committed to completing by a specific date. I finished the body knitting yesterday… up next, getting my crochet steeks in and then knitting on the button bands. Even with today’s grey day, I am confident that I will more than meet the deadline to complete the sweater. Why, I might even have found buttons by then as well! Anyway, the idea of slowing down has really taken root and it is working! I am slowing down and not feeling I need to rush to the next thing… I don’t feel like I have to hurry and finish to start the next thing… I am just loving the current thing… so very much!

That’s it for me this week! I will be back on Monday! I hope you all have a great weekend!

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