The Unbelievable Cuteness of Bunnies

The Unbelievable Cuteness of Bunnies

Nestled between the Lavender and the Butterfly Bush, is a fairy tale nursery in my back yard. A trio of cuteness was discovered residing in my back yard yesterday. Last year there were baby bunnies under our rose bushes – perhaps the same Mom? Anyways, this year they were found in a better spot and it even has a night-light! Weeding this bed will have to wait until the babies are bigger and the nursery is empty.

On the garden front, it looks to be a banner year for strawberries, if the mass of blossoms on my plants are any indicator! This will be very welcome, as the strawberry plants I brought from Michigan did not fare well at all with Pittsburgh winters. Michigan gave them a nice insulating blanket of snow as protection from the frigid temperatures. Pittsburgh does not do the same – snow is a rare commodity here. Add to that temperatures that get much, much colder and my plants did not make it through the winter. A gardening lesson learned – what works one place will not necessarily work in another.

And, thanks to a link that Bonny shared my Rhubarb plant has had its blossom pruned and it has now almost doubled in size! Good thing,because this recipe looks so good and will definitely be debuting in an upcoming Friday Happy Hour.

That’s all I have for today. Have a good Thursday everyone!

Monday, Monday…

Monday, Monday…

The weekend went far too quickly as it zoomed by at practically warp speed! (Beam me back to Friday, Scotty!! That Manhattan was so tasty as were the Friday eats!)


It was a weekend with lots of some…

Some unknitting and some knitting – I had to unknit a few rows of my Pincha, I think I missed a wrap, which created a troublesome hole. No worries though, the unknitting of short rows is not overwhelming. I am back on track now and again breezing along.

Some spinning – I managed to spin quite a bit on my little drop spindle, it helped that the weather was nice for outdoor spinning!

Some gardening – After cleaning up the vegetable beds, I worked some compost in to the soil. I also got my potatoes started in the pots! And, the seeds I started last week are all sprouting.

And… some disappointment – Perhaps that has something to do with eagerly (anxiously even) awaiting the beginning of the farmer’s market only to be overwhelmed with sticker shock… serious sticker shock! And, thinking how ironic that everyone is charging exactly the same amount for things. Hello, I am not paying $5.00 a dozen for eggs!

We were not disappointed in our trip to Janoski’s though. Welcome back, Asparagus! You have been seriously missed!

Outside of that, it is a nose to the grindstone kind of Monday. I have a long list today and some extra caffeine to help me stay focused!

Tell me, how are you staying on track today?

Oh, Hi Monday

Oh, Hi Monday

I don’t know about you, but it seemed like the weekend sped past.

And, there was no carding completed.

I know.

But, there was so much other stuff that got done, I am almost not upset.



There was also no laundry getting done over the weekend so this morning I was greeted by Mount Kilimanjaro – the laundry version.

But, there were days of Al Fresco dining, cocktails, and lots of yard work – even a little bit of sunburn was obtained!

I hope your weekend was wonderful and that your Monday is not harsh!

P.S. Rhubarb experts… do I cut the flower out now, or wait? Help!!

The Beauty Outside

The Beauty Outside

The very definition of ‘beauty’ is outside. – Adam Carolla

The weather is turning nicer and, appropriately, Carole wants to know:

10 Things You Love To Do Outside

Does Carole have perfect timing, or what? Especially with the weather warming nicely here, I am itching to get outdoors and do things!

10tuesHere are my 10 Favorite things to do outdoors:

  1. Work in my garden. There is really nothing better than watching things you planted to grow, bloom, and produce! While I do have a small flower/perennial garden – my first love is my vegetable garden and especially eating and preserving the good things we’ve grown!
  2. Al Fresco dining – I just love it. Outdoors, fresh air, and good food. Is it just me, or does everything just taste better outdoors?
  3. Cooking outdoors – from grilling to making pizza in the pizza oven. Perhaps this is why the food just tastes so much better – because this is not a flavor you can replicate in the house.
  4. Enjoying sunrises, sunsets are nice too but there is just something spectacular about a sunrise.
  5. Walking along the water’s edge – especially the shores of Lake Michigan, perhaps my favorite place on earth.
  6. Improving my photography skills with the spectacular things in nature – nothing like a nice walk outside to give you a new perspective on photography!
  7. Exploring – my city and places I visit.
  8. Enjoying the wildlife in my neighborhood. There is nothing quite like sitting outside listening to the birds sing, watch the hawks, and see the deer (yes, we have lots of deer in Pittsburgh!)
  9. Knitting and spinning!
  10. Another of the best things of summer. Nothing quite like sitting around the fire as the day draws to a close. It is just so peaceful.

There you have it, my outside favorites, but tell me, what is your favorite thing to do outside?

The View from Here – Good Friday Edition

The View from Here – Good Friday Edition

mar25postSpring is most definitely springing here!
On this most solemn of days, the world outside my door seems to be telling me to slow down and enjoy the beauty around me. I will even find time to meditate with a favorite reading for this time of year, The Ragman.
Have a very Happy Easter, Gentle Reader!

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