The Best of November

The Best of November

It is Tuesday and that means Carole has sent out a challenge for our Ten on Tuesday post!

Today it is a fantastic one: 10 Best Things You Did in November, so without further ado here is my list!

  1. I blogged every day, completing a successful NaBloPoMo!
  2. I used my camera every day and I have a new favorite lens as a result!
  3. I “figured out” how to do my shorter hair and it only took a couple of weeks!
  4. I did some of the best spinning and, more importantly, the best plying I have ever done! 
  5. I grew my weaving skills and gave myself permission to make many mistakes without stressing over them!
  6. I finished some knitting projects, even if they were small ones!
  7. I made nine quarts of turkey stock and four turkey pot pies with Thanksgiving leftovers!
  8. I got all my Christmas decorating done, freeing up December for finishing the few “me-made” Christmas gifts on my list!
  9. Finding .98¢ poinsettia’s and a $6 orchid on my only venture out on “Black Friday” (and there was practically no one at Home Depot!)
  10. Finding a true connection with yoga, I feel like my day is just not right if I do not do yoga.

I think these are some very good “bests” for my November!

Happy 10 on Tuesday, Gentle Reader!

When the Busy Overtakes You

When the Busy Overtakes You

I really wanted to have a nice Be Still Sunday today and do a whole lot of nothing except a bit of spinning and reading the latest Spin Off magazine that was delivered yesterday.


The Recipe for Success

The Recipe for Success

There is much planning going on today at Casa delKatknits.

That means my week will be busy, but it will be so worth it come Thursday…
My Top Ten for Pittsburgh

My Top Ten for Pittsburgh

Two years ago today, I watched the movers put the boxes of my life on a moving truck to take me from Holland to Pittsburgh.

There are things I miss about Michigan, and I realize that I will probably always miss them. However, there is so much to like about Pittsburgh and today I am sharing my top ten things!


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