Stitching up the week | 6.4.21

Stitching up the week | 6.4.21

Greetings, Gentle Readers.

It’s been a short-long week in my house. Short in the days which fairly flew by… long in the nights with a raging bout of insomnia that has lasted far too long. Which brings me to this morning where I find myself with a severe case of Brain Fog…I am not certain that even coffee will help today.

I did manage to get some sewing done this week and I finished up all the “brim-less” hats for little Win. I have one with brim hat to go for a trial run… is the brim too big? is the brim too small? I will soon know what modifications, if any, might need.

4 little reversible hats…so 8 hats? lol

The big bit of work I have been doing this week is on some adjustments to my Esme tunic pattern… I changed the sleeves and the under arm scythe/darts. I finished marking everything up yesterday. My original thought was that I would begin the sewing process this morning…but with this Brain Fog that might not be the best idea. A safer bet will be to do some weeding…(it really is never-ending… sigh, lol).

And that will be a good task to do while I contemplate my reckoning with post-COVID life…so much to think about! (Thanks, Kym for that word!)

How about you? How was your short week?

However it was, I will see you back here next week! Have a great weekend all!

Unraveled Wednesday | 6.2.21

Unraveled Wednesday | 6.2.21

Greetings Unravelers! Welcome to June!

Excuse me while I continue doing the dance of joy over my Marled Very-Short-Sleeved Purl Strings. I am in love and think that the solution for “not enough yarn” was the best accident ever! I predict this will get oodles of use this summer (and if it had not been so damned cold this weekend, I’d have worn it non-stop!)


Entire Sweater: Knit with 2-strands of Holst Garn Coast, held together (Colors: Nimbus and Dark Navy)
Body: I knit 7 repeats of the rib pattern and then 8 rows of ribbing. Bind off used: Jeny’s Suprisingly Stretchy Bind Off
Sleeves: I knit the “plain rows” plus 1 and then began the ribbing (which I matched to the body ribbing…so 8 rows)
Neckline: I knit one extra round plain and then began the neckline decreases and the ribbing.

As for new starts… I did manage to do a bit of swatching coupled with achieving gauge, I have cast on a very dark Shakerag Top. I have not gotten far but I think I have figured out the rhythm with the “transparent” rows. This is just straight knitting for 12 inches so it is the perfect reading companion!

Finally… because the weather dictated an “indoor weekend” I did a bit of organizing and found an eons old knitting project that I had stashed in a drawer. (It is Ysolda’s Follow Your Arrow 2) I made the determination that if I could figure out where I was in less than 15 minutes, I would continue the project… I found exactly where I was in minutes (weird, I know!) and have begun the 3rd chart.

The reading was certainly better than the weekend weather! AND!! I managed to finagle two of these finishes into Summer Book Bingo squares! And my Bingo card… well this summer is all about “creative square interpretation” LOL!

Shuggie BainShuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I delayed and put off and delayed some more before I finally sat down and read this book. It was a very hard read. I cried…lots and I got so damned angry but Stuart gives you some targets for your anger. Very deserving ones. Yet in the midst of this heart wrenching book is wee Shuggie Bain… a child I wanted to scoop up and set down in a place where he could have a safe and happy childhood…one he desperately deserved. The writing is just brilliant (but if you are not from Glasgow you might need a Glaswegian dictionary!) Hard read? Yes, but I absolutely recommend it!

Bruno, Chief of Police (Bruno, Chief of Police #1)Bruno, Chief of Police by Martin Walker
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

If you are looking for a charming summer series, this just might be it. There is a bit of a mystery but mostly there is utterly charming Chief of Police Benoît Courrèges (aka Bruno) and there is a lovely little French town with darling citizens. The writing is good (albeit a bit detailed, but it works well)

This book left me wanting to read another installment and open a good bottle of French wine.

Miss Benson's BeetleMiss Benson’s Beetle by Rachel Joyce
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Who knew the search for an obscure beetle would be such riotous fun? Miss Benson and me… most certainly. This is a book of discovery of so many things… beetles, yes… but so much more! Need a palate cleanser? Read this book. Lost your reading mojo? Read this book. Looking for character growth? Read this book. Want to just get lost in a fun story? Read this book!

That is all I have for today… what about you? What books or projects are grabbing your attention? I will be back on Friday with a sewing update!

As always, if you wrote a post to share…please leave your link below and thank you!

Sometimes Tuesday’s… | 6.1.21

Sometimes Tuesday’s… | 6.1.21

Feel like the long weekend was just not quite long enough and I spent zero time even thinking about a blog post.

Thank goodness for poetry…this poem arrived in my mailbox on Sunday and it seemed just perfect for the rainy weekend and there is something amazing about a poem that was written more than 1200 years ago…it very much speaks to me today!

Looking at the Moon After Rain

Li Po – 701-762

Translated by Florence Ayscough and Amy Lowell

The heavy clouds are broken and blowing,
And once more I can see the wide common stretching beyond the four sides of the city.
Open the door. Half of the moon-toad is already up,
The glimmer of it is like smooth hoar-frost spreading over ten thousand li.
The river is a flat, shining chain. 
The moon, rising, is a white eye to the hills;
After it has risen, it is the bright heart of the sea.
Because I love it—so—round as a fan,
I hum songs until the dawn.

This poem is in the public domain.

See you all back here tomorrow!

Photo by Vladyslav Dushenkovsky from Pexels

Unraveled Wednesday | 5.26.21

Unraveled Wednesday | 5.26.21

I am not quite sure how it is the last Wednesday of May, but here we are.

Kym hoped that I would share my “list” and I think that is a very good idea for a couple of reasons! One: accountability (which is a very good thing for me! lol) and Two: if I have a list, I will be less likely to be distracted by something “new and shiny”!

So, here is my very short list:

  1. Finish Purl Strings. (see below!)
  2. Repair torn Esme Tunic (see below!!)
  3. Rehabilitate/re-work denim Esme Tunic
  4. Repair waistband on Rose pants (it needs to be removed and replaced)
  5. Knitting
    • Neutral Shawl
    • Black/dark sleeveless sweater (possibly MDK Shakerag Top?)
  6. Sewing
    • Comfy linen pants (From Sonya’s new book)
    • Dressier Esme Tunic
    • Two comfy tops to go with jeans (from Sonya’s book)

As you can see, I almost have a finish to share. I have just a few rows and a bind off to my Marled Purl Strings completion. It should be soaking later this morning and then a wee bit of blocking and I will be wearing it for the long weekend!

I have completed the “repair work” needed on a well-loved, well-worn tunic that had a bit of a tear. But by cutting off the sleeve caps and adding bit of bias tape – it is wearable tunic again! The rehab from my list, is going to require a bit of work. I know what I want it to look like, but I don’t exactly know how I am going to accomplish it. Stay tuned.

This weekend, however, I want to get ready for Anne Hanson’s MKAL which starts next month… this neutral yarn will soon fill a hole in my wardrobe… one “go with lots of things” neutral shawl. Purposeful making, FTW!

I also want to get the patterns I traced off from Sonya’s new book pinned onto fabric and cut out so that in case it is a rainy weekend, I will be able to get some sewing done!

Ambitious plans but I hope to stay motivated!

It has been a slow reading week with just one finish but it is an excellent book!

Prince Of Fire (Gabriel Allon, #5)Prince Of Fire by Daniel Silva
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I think the Prince of Fire is the best Allon book yet. Realistic and timely, Allon has a new team and a new target. The story moves along quickly… or does it. The twists and turns are excellent and the ending is brilliant. I highly recommend this series!

That’s all I have for this week! I am taking a wee little break for the holiday weekend but I will be back next week Wednesday with some more making and reading. I hope you all have an amazing LONG weekend!

As always, if you wrote a post to share please leave your link below and thank you!

Release | 5.25.21

Release | 5.25.21

“They say time heals all wounds, but that presumes the source of the grief is finite”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

It seems that I have found the path forward with my word, and while I can’t say it feels good… it is a good thing. My “ah-ha” moment came courtesy of Pádraig Ó Tuama…specifically, The Corrymeela Podcast episode 11 with Dr. Lia Shimada. I have listened to the podcast several times this month to pound home that “ah-ha” moment.

Couple that with the “ritual” worksheets that Carolyn provided this month and I am beginning to find some purpose for release.

The first thing I did was begin to write down my daily rituals and I to see an interesting pattern form.

Control, Perfection, and Expectations.

Early on in my life I learned that the only thing I could control was myself, which has since expanded to controlling, or trying to control, everything around me…because if I could be perfect – if everything  was perfect – it would be all right… right? Yeah, my adult brain absolutely knows that is not the case… but boy is it hard to let go of control!

I also learned very early that no one lives up to my expectations… and because they won’t, I don’t have to “let them in.” Perfect… that way I don’t get hurt and, more importantly, I don’t have to open up and share. It is the one lasting holdover of my childhood… the idea that as long as no one knows, it will be alright. Except that is only a lie I tell myself.

So where does grieving come in? I know that that living in denial, avoiding, ignoring, and holding in the secret of my childhood has staved off grieving for things lost…and I have to give myself permission to go through the ritual of grieving those lost things.

Hoo boy. I knew this word was going to be hard, but I also knew that it is so necessary. Today, the hardest part is talking about it because I have lived my entire life holding in this secret. I don’t talk about my family… I talk about grandparents, but never my home life. I am not here to say that the floodgates are going to open and I am going to beginning talking about those things. It is never going to be a “conversation starter” or part of any discussion and that is okay. What I am going to do is move through the grieving process… be it forward or backward.

And I am really going to focus on releasing perfection, control, and expectations.

I want to thank Carolyn for providing the space for us all to share (and I want to especially thank her for this months worksheets!)

See you all back here on Wednesday!

(I have gone back and forth over allowing comments here or not… and no comments just feels better. Thank you all for understanding.)



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