Three on Thursday, November 9

Three on Thursday, November 9

It is sometimes hard to believe that it has only been a year since this nightmare began. Yes, that’s right a year ago today (I know it seems like an eternity!!)

However, this week I began to see a silver lining! In fact, a big old pink sparkly silver lining!

Handknit as it were….

Thing one!

If you don’t take us seriously, we will defeat you!

Thing two!

If you take away our bathrooms, we will defeat you!

Thing three!

And, if you squash diversity, we will defeat you!

This week it really feels like the funk I have been immersed in for the past year has lifted.

PLUS, a bonus link that will make readers happy. (and increase their “to read” list!)

Three on Thursday, November 2

Three on Thursday, November 2

Day Two of NaBloPoMo and so far, SO GOOD! I know, it is laughable and I am joking but, I hope that in this joke you also see how easy and fun NaBloPoMo is!

So, now on to my things….

Thing One:

November stitching… So, what does it mean if you dream in stitching? I don’t know, but I have and that will be my stitching for this month! Also, you may not be aware, but I am keeping a “stitch journal” of the month with that days “color” saved on each day. My plan is to put these in a journal, or somehow bind them (as in book binding sort of). My thoughts were to stitch these together in January and to make some kind of nice cover to hold them in. Now, this will most likely be something my kids will wish that I would have “Death Cleaned” but I am excited to have figured out something special for the paper portion of my stitch journey.

Thing Two:

So, what will my “stitch journal” paper look like in my plans for my stitching next year? Yeah, I have been thinking about that quite a bit and going back and forth – do I do it or not? Well, I was going to toss it out – after all my plan is for a much longer project with my plan to stitch the seasons. It is kind of hard to have a “stitch journal” that starts mid-December and goes on through mid-March. However, then I started this on Pinterest… (thanks Kym for inspiring me with so many of these!) So, my brain is working out how to incorporate a bit of watercolor with the days threads. Maybe too much? I don’t know, and I probably won’t paint every day, but I will add in bits and pieces as I am moved.

Thing Three:

And, totally unrelated to either stitching, book-making, or painting… after a LONG stretch of weight loss stagnation (I mean we are talking more than a couple of months) I have finally gotten back to the path of losing a little bit every week. This is a long journey and not for the faint of heart, let me tell you! However, I think that at long last the benefits of faithfully doing Pilates and making sure I am moving every single day is paying off and the muscle I am building (albeit slowly!!) is doing what it’s supposed to – burning fat! Yay! Really, this caused much celebration and dancing with joy!

There are my things for this week! But, what about you? Do you have any fun things this week?

P.S. if you want to see lots of other things, you can find them all here at Carole’s!

P.P.S. Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale is on sale today for $2.99!!

Three on Thursday, November 9

Three on Thursday, October 26

So many things, so little time! And, this week picking just three things is going to be a challenge!

Thing One:

The weather has changed here this week to a much cooler sort. And, not in a bad way at all because this has stirred the urge for more fall like foods. Stuffed acorn squash roughly based on this recipe was on the top of the list. I have discovered that this is a super easy meal to make (and turning on the oven is a lovely way to heat up the house a bit!). I cook the squash and the filling separately and I make the filling in bulk and freeze part of it! And, I have been using pre-cooked rice which makes this meal super simple! When the squash is done I fill them, sprinkle a bit of cheese on top and pop them back in the oven until the cheese is melted. And, what tastes more like fall than acorn squash!

Thing Two:

A weather thing I am avoiding… putting the gardens and the yard to bed. I don’t know why the end of the season is so much less fun that getting things all started, but it is. I am horribly ignoring it and gladly doing anything but that. However, even though I am gladly ignoring this now, my day of reckoning is coming. Sooner than later! There are some things that need to be cut back, and things that need to be pulled out, and things that need to be put to bed. The problem is that I did this entirely too early last year (at least the putting to bed part of this!) The weather was oddly warm well into December, and things began growing again. I am hoping that by waiting longer this year, I can avoid that. Really… that is my story and I am sticking to it!

Thing Three:

Next week is, wait for it…. November. Yeah, that is another thing I am trying my hardest to ignore! October has just flown by and the thought of all that November brings: NaBloPoMo, time change, Thanksgiving, and usually more miserable weather. October has been so amazing I am really wishing that there were a couple more weeks of it!

Those are my things, and you can see more things over here on Carole’s!

Three on Thursday, November 9

Three on Thursday, October 19

Today’s post is going to be fast (and furious!) as I am still working through my lists, although I am nearing completion!

Thing 1:

Some semblance of Halloween decorating will be happening here today. This may involve outside lights of some sort or other. Really. I swear!

Thing 2:

We only have 2 more weeks of our local farmers market and this fact makes me just want to cry! On a bright note, my favorite farmer will have fresh Brussels Sprouts on Saturday. I.cannot.wait!

Thing 3:

We have been doing some planning and pondering about outdoor activity as the weather becomes more inclement…(not too soon, PLEASE!!) But, we really LOVE our walks/runs out at Boyce-Mayview and are contemplating what gear might be best for such weather. If you have any ideas or suggestions, I would really welcome them.

Those are my things for the day… what things are looming in your world today!

AND, if you want to see what things are on others minds, you will find them over at Carole’s!

Three on Thursday, November 9

Three on Thursday, October 12

Vacations are a very good thing, but sometimes re-entry is hard. This is one of those sometimes.

Thing 1:

One of the best things about vacation was that I “pre-planned” blog posts. It was great because all I needed to do was plug-in a photo or two and add some details to the post, then we would tune out and head off for the day. One downfall is that I have lots of catch up to do – on comments and on all your blogs! I am working on that catch up!

Thing 2:

Catch up on other things is equally challenging. Grocery shopping, laundry, and yard work are all clamoring for attention. I am prioritizing grocery shopping so happy hour is not dismal tomorrow, then laundry is up next. As for the yard work? I will get to it when it stops raining! Ha!

Thing 3:

I really liked how well the blog pre-planning went and I especially liked some of the impromptu photos I got with my new iPhone! I also took a ton of photos on my Canon, but I have yet to download them to my PC yet…however, I have begun to rough out blog posts for the remaining days this month AND, yes, I am even thinking about how to switch things up for NaBloPoMo. (Because you know November is looming around the corner!!)

Those are my 3 things for today. What about you? What things are pressing in your world today!

Oh, and if you want to see more thing inspiration, you will find a plethora of that over at Carole’s!

Three on Thursday, November 9

Three on Thursday, October 5

This week’s things are all about Michigan!

Thing 1:

So much good beer. I feel like I am in the Microbrewery Capital of the World. (Okay, maybe not, but #5 is not a bad spot to vacation in!) We are making the rounds and will catch up with all we missed on Saturday at the Empire Hops Festival!

P.S. We have almost tried all the beers on this list…really, so much good!

Thing 2:

Okay, all this beer is best accompanied by good food, and we are working on that as well! But, this “smokehouse sampler” was amazing!

Thing 3:

I love when a “fix” works – and adding a repeat to Nekia was just the thing. It is the perfect length now! (AND, Lake Michigan…I mean really!)

Those are my things this week! Want to see what others are sharing this week? Head to Carole’s to check them out!

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